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also, found a bug with divides?
seems to error
instead of returning [1, 1] as would be expected
It's not implemented
for list, num
that would explain it :p
that'll need to be fixed before the pre-release
plus the bot'll need to be back to announce the release
@lyxαl Yeah
I can do it tomorrow, could you open an issue tho? To boost the GitHub stats :P
" [v3] unrecognised elements cause the literate mode sbcsifier to yeet itself"
7 hours later…
@user the grade up function doesn't work
[info] - Inputs: #[5,3,1,2,4#] *** FAILED ***
[info]   Expected VList(2, 3, 1, 4, 0), but got 1 (in Checkpoint) at YamlTests.scala:90 (YamlTests.scala:116)
[info] - Inputs: #["t","h","o","n","n","u"#] *** FAILED ***
[info]   Expected VList(1, 3, 4, 2, 0, 5), but got 1 (in Checkpoint) at YamlTests.scala:90 (YamlTests.scala:116)
[info] - Inputs: #[#] *** FAILED ***
[info]   Expected VList(), but got 0 (in Checkpoint) at YamlTests.scala:90 (YamlTests.scala:116)
[info] - Inputs: #[1,1,1#] *** FAILED ***
YAML File:
  - {in: [[5, 3, 1, 2, 4]], out: [2, 3, 1, 4, 0]}
  - {in: [["t", "h", "o", "n", "n", "u"]], out: [1, 3, 4, 2, 0, 5]}
  - {in: [[]], out: []}
  - {in: [[1, 1, 1]], out: [0, 1, 2]}
the num/str overloads don't work either
they all return 0 or 1
@lyxαl @user should I just push it so you can see?
That would be good
I miss Vyxal Bot :(
That's um particularly goofy if it doesn't pass tests
And I wouldn't know why the goofy is happening
It looks like it's using another element instead of Ḍ
But I have definitely put Ḍ in the YAML file and in the Elements file
where did the tests check go?
there used to be 7 checks on each commit
I don't know where it went
now there's 4
what if I use Ḥ instead of Ḍ?
that passes
Okay so uh @TheThonnu where'd you see that D downdot is grade up?
I made it grade up
You goofy
2 days ago, by The Thonnu
ẠḄḌḤỊḶṂṆỌṚṢṬ haven't been implemented yet, right?
You get what things do from info.txt
> Ḍ = Decision problem structure
Can't say I didn't ask you
B downdot isn't even in the code page
And A downdot should have been assign list item
I need to update codepage.txt
btw what does "decision problem structure" actually mean?
Is there a thing in a list that matches a predicate
oh ok
Feb 15 at 13:11, by lyxal
Feb 20, 2022 at 7:19, by lyxal
uhh so we roll back all the PRs?
Shift things around so they match the things they should be
should I do that?
cool, I'll start later
You might need to make things that are temporarily not fully implemented but that'll be fine
One of the things I want for version 3 is flexibility and the ability for things to be changed without worrying about previous versions. So this is a good test of that
anyway o/ for now
I might even get around to it myself if you haven't by the time I get around to it
(i realise that I let it slip too - we all missed it lol)
A little cleaning up is needed. Maybe that should be a separate PR. Make the D downdot PR into the cleaning pr I think
Yeah that was what I was thinking
I edited the PR
Don't rename the branch because that closes the PR apparently
Might as well leave it in the one place
@lyxαl how do I check if a is a string or list
Can I do String | VList?
Also can I use Any?
actually nvm I don't need that
hey @lyxαl @user can you implement :: in VList?
I'll just push what I have
actually nvm I fixed it myself
sry for the pings
So I've implemented Grade Up and Character Multiply/Surround
(This time in the right places lol)
the generate docs action failed twice
now 3 times
Error: Invalid status code: 1
    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/home/runner/work/_actions/stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action/v4/index.js:17:19)
    at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:513:28)
    at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1100:16)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:304:5) {
  code: 1
Error: Invalid status code: 1
    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/home/runner/work/_actions/stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action/v4/index.js:17:19)
    at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:513:28)
@TheThonnu yes
@TheThonnu (cc @user)
@TheThonnu no need to apologise for pinging us :p
Asking questions is good
It gives everyone a chance to learn :p
Should I do tests as well?
@lyxαl :+1:
@TheThonnu if you want to
I implemented everything I need to
@lyxαl cool
@TheThonnu 👍
I'll do the code page once I've thought about it for a bit
Because I first need to find what I changed between implementation and original plan
also the num, num overload of surround wasn't in info.txt
If an overload is missing that means it hasn't been decided yet
Flexibility :p
If you want. It just means it won't error if you try num num
Maybe it shouldn't be there so as to remember it hasn't been thought through
Not everything has to have all overloads decided at launch
what's an error? In Thunno 2 we only have warnings and that's optional (w flag) :P
An error is when scala yells at you for being goofy and not having a corresponding pattern match at runtime :p
@TheThonnu that's a warning? Cringe :p
Yeah but there are actual Python errors in Vyxal
I should know, I've found like 10 of them
Those are features to assist with error quines :p
good excuse
all tests passed
Still don't know where the test workflow went
@lyxαl the codepage in Lexer.scala is correct, right?
But I might make a few changes to it
So I'll be doing that when I get the chance to
@user you goofy
You managed to disable the tests on normal commits
Too many ignored paths you bingus
Oh whoops
I was trying to help out github by not making their servers do unnecessary work
But screw it let's just make the tests run every commit
As i see you're already done
They owe us anyway
For copilot?
That's right :p
We gave them valuable data, so it's only fair they give us server time :p
@TheThonnu you can but I'd rather you didn't
It creates confusion with the List :: (which isn't a big deal) and more importantly you can just do VList.from(a+:b)
@lyxαl mmm yes how dare they take all our perfectly idiomatic and perfectly working code with elegant algorithms
But /srs yeah kind of a jerk move
doesn't have to be perfectly working, just has to be representative of how people write code :p
@TheThonnu you can
@lyxαl and not working is a great representation of how people write code :p
Honestly does there exist any big tool out there that actually works perfectl?
@TheThonnu ooh we should add warnings
@user no
I guess we already have scribe but that shows up in the console
all systems have something wrong once they become big :p
that's like the one thing I learned from that one systems course I did last semester :p
also about warnings I mean maybe depends on what would be warnable
A useful thing to learn
@lyxαl like when im v2 you run an element that doesn't exist and it just pushes 0 to the stack. It could have an accompanying warning. But v3 just errors and i don't know if you were planning on changing that
I would have assumed that was just laziness
it just doesn't compile to anything :p
Oh lol
You call it "clever error handling", I call it "eh just strip invalid characters lol"
well not strip, but just ignore
Resilient and robust
When I was making Thunno 2 I was thinking about making invalid characters push that character as a string
But then I decided not to bother as the number of times we have characters from outside the codepage is so few
huh so turns out info.txt is missing 2 characters
no clue which ones
B downdot
something else too
yeah I'm finding it
What if Vyxal was compiled to C instead?
it was backslash
backslash is there
\ = scanl / Reject by Element
It's Ḅ and Π
do you think we should make unique prime factors?
And case of for the string overload?
(since we've already implemented the helper functions)
I don't got any ideas for that
leave it empty for now
you can change it later
I've already done it
server's back up
restarting bot...
ruh roh, sechat's erroring
@Ginger Restart programme.
oh dear
it's an issue with the login flow
Well, here we are again.
clearing cookies fixed it
Ah'll be bahk.
Well, here we are again.
@lyxαl bot is back
GingerIndustries pushed a commit to VyxalBot2/main in Vyxal/VyxalBot2: Poetry updates
which also happened to close two security issues
Ah'll be bahk.
Well, here we are again.
@Ginger very nice
@lyxαl Failed to create issue: Webhook validation failed: Validation Failed: 'No commits between production and main'
@Ginger I am lighting the server on fire.
!!/status boring
Bot status: Online
Uptime: 0:02:22.224586
Running since: 2023-08-22T12:48:30.438311
Errors since startup: 0
It's good to have the bot back
My phone really needs to stop trying to correct bot to boy in the autosuggest
the b o y
: make the bot randomly replace "bot" with "boy" in its messages
@lyxαl remind me, did we ever decide if the bot should report failed workflow runs?
also, would it be a good idea to have it report security vulns?
@VyxalBot yay
@TheThonnu I am solving a rubix cube. This one's taking forever.
@Ginger that's an interesting question. I would possibly lean towards no because it'll always be fixed before a PR is merged
@Ginger not publicly :p
Lyxal approved #1886 (Version 3 clean up) in Vyxal/Vyxal
@VyxalBot @lyxαl you could take the length if it's a string/list
the point was more how do you cast something that isn't a vnum at all to a vnum? :p
yeah, and I'm saying don't do that - just take the length
nayakrujul pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-add-d-downdot in Vyxal/Vyxal: Update Elements.scala
today I'm going to try to create a hosting system for the bot
(and my other bots)
(and potentially other software)
!!/status tingly
Bot status: O-o-onwinye
Uptime: 0:19:48.707112
Wunnying OwO ***looks at you*** since: 2023-08-22T12:48:30.438311
Ewwows since (U ᵕ U❁) stawtup: ***screeches*** 0-0-0
it'd basically be a small wrapper around the bot that can automatically handle things like pulling from GitHub or updating Poetry libs
@Ginger could be interesting. Do you know what kind(s) of vuln's could be reported?
and is the repo even configured for reporting? :p
@TheThonnu greetings
@Ginger can we add GOOD MORNING, MOTHERF**KERS to !!/hello?
@lyxαl I know Vyxal Bot is configured for it
@TheThonnu no
(with a small, let's say 1%, probability)
why not?
people might flag it
and get the bot kicked/suspended
and every option has equal probability
we've already got that as an option when it restarts
so it wouldn't be an easter egg anymore
@Ginger doesn't have to be like that
@Ginger not that it seems to break the bot :p
That's easily changed
there's no point in changing it
it's supposed to be an easter egg, adding it to !!/hello defeats the point
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-add-d-downdot in Vyxal/Vyxal: Two different attributes
what about adding something to when it leaves?
Instead of Ah'll be back?
such as?
adios, nerds
maybe ight imma head out
ooh it could even post a link to a gif and have it onebox
I can do that
@lyxαl what's the difference between .length and .size
one only works on strings, the other only on lists
.length works on strings
.size works on lists as well
They look identical
it seems to be because (String | VList) is a union type
which doesn't have any specialised methods
A: Scala - What is the difference between size and length of a Seq?

PeterNothing. In the Seq doc, at the size method it is clearly stated: "The size of this sequence, equivalent to length.".

So apparently they're the same on Seq
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-add-d-downdot in Vyxal/Vyxal: Update Elements.scala
that's better
ysthakur approved #1886 (Version 3 clean up) in Vyxal/Vyxal
ysthakur merged pull request #1886 (Version 3 clean up) in Vyxal/Vyxal
ysthakur pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Version 3 clean up (#1886)
ysthakur deleted branch v3-add-d-downdot in Vyxal/Vyxal
@lyxαl are you going to make pre-release #3 now?
No because it's almost bed time
fair enough
GingerIndustries pushed a commit to VyxalBot2/move-autotag-into-config in Vyxal/VyxalBot2: Move chat settings into config subdict
GingerIndustries pushed a commit to VyxalBot2/move-autotag-into-config in Vyxal/VyxalBot2: Move autotag data into config file
GingerIndustries created branch move-autotag-into-config in Vyxal/VyxalBot2
GingerIndustries opened pull request #102 (Move autotag into config) in Vyxal/VyxalBot2
Lyxal requested changes on #102 (Move autotag into config) in Vyxal/VyxalBot2: "What if people who can't access the config file need to change the tag map? "
o/ for the nfibt
GingerIndustries pushed a commit to VyxalBot2/don't-ping-hyperping-initiator in Vyxal/VyxalBot2: Make bot not ping hyperping initiator
GingerIndustries created branch don't-ping-hyperping-initiator in Vyxal/VyxalBot2
GingerIndustries opened pull request #103 (Make bot not ping hyperping initiator) in Vyxal/VyxalBot2
nayakrujul approved #103 (Make bot not ping hyperping initiator) in Vyxal/VyxalBot2
nayakrujul merged pull request #103 (Make bot not ping hyperping initiator) in Vyxal/VyxalBot2
nayakrujul pushed a commit to VyxalBot2/main in Vyxal/VyxalBot2: Merge pull request #103 from Vyxal/don't-ping-hyperping-initiator
nayakrujul closed issue #57 (Bot pings hyperping author) in Vyxal/VyxalBot2
@lyxαl \o/ \o o/ \o/
nayakrujul deleted branch don't-ping-hyperping-initiator in Vyxal/VyxalBot2

lyxal being goofy

4 mins ago, 10 seconds total – 4 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked 38 secs ago by The Thonnu

GingerIndustries pushed a commit to VyxalBot2/move-autotag-into-config in Vyxal/VyxalBot2: Split private and public config files
GingerIndustries pushed a commit to VyxalBot2/move-autotag-into-config in Vyxal/VyxalBot2: Make autotag repo-specific
fun fact: I very nearly pushed private.json instead of config.json there
which would have been suboptimal
Ah'll be bahk.
Well, here we are again.
Ah'll be bahk.
Well, here we are again.
there we go
just doing a little messing around with my deployment system
1 hour later…
Ah'll be bahk.
Well, here we are again.
@lyxαl it looks like you've put head extract in twice in info.txt
Don't know if you meant to have two, but with different orders
But you only have one for tail extract
Not-Thonnu pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-add-reverse in Vyxal/Vyxal: Add reverse
Not-Thonnu created branch v3-add-reverse in Vyxal/Vyxal
nayakrujul opened pull request #1889 (Add reverse) in Vyxal/Vyxal
github-actions[bot] pushed a commit to Vyxal/v3-add-reverse in Vyxal/Vyxal: Scalafix changes
6 hours later…
ysthakur created branch 1887-v3-unrecognised-elements-cause-the-literate-mode-sbcsifier-to-yeet-itself in Vyxal/Vyxal
Oh hey the bot's back
!!/status boring
Bot status: Online
Uptime: 6:21:10.218948
Running since: 2023-08-22T16:06:49.985326
Errors since startup: 0
ysthakur pushed a commit to Vyxal/1887-v3-unrecognised-elements-cause-the-literate-mode-sbcsifier-to-yeet-itself in Vyxal/Vyxal: Don't throw error on unknown keywords in sbcsifySingle
ysthakur opened pull request #1890 ([v3] Don't error unrecognized literate keywords when sbcsifying) in Vyxal/Vyxal
ysthakur assigned ysthakur to pull request #1890 ([v3] Don't error unrecognized literate keywords when sbcsifying) in Vyxal/Vyxal
Lyxal approved #1890 ([v3] Don't error on unrecognized literate keywords when sbcsifying) in Vyxal/Vyxal
Lyxal approved #1889 (Add reverse) in Vyxal/Vyxal
Lyxal merged pull request #1889 (Add reverse) in Vyxal/Vyxal
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Add reverse
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Scalafix changes
Lyxal pushed a commit to Vyxal/version-3 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Merge pull request #1889 from Vyxal/v3-add-reverse
Lyxal deleted branch v3-add-reverse in Vyxal/Vyxal
@TheThonnu intentional
From experience, I've sometimes wanted the rest of the list, the start of the list
But not the other way around for tail extract

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