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We had the JS working just fine, you just messed it up
We had all this setLongDict and setShortDict and a dictionary.js file
@lyxal My interpreter already works on modules tohugh so it will work fine
Anyway in Scala, why not just have a Dictionary.scala file that imports the resources and whatever and exposes them, and then in all your files just do Dictionary.longDict and whatever
No need for context and whatever
Or could you have a given Dictionary?
@tybocopperkettle Docker container?
@naffetS Wdym
@naffetS that's good and all but the moment you create a new context that hasn't had the set methods called, the javascript errors
So that's a fundamental design problem with the way the dictionary is passed around
I didn't mess any javascript up, I was trying to fix it.
@naffetS you'd have to make sure it worked with js, jvm and native
And native can be just as temperamental as js
Maybe if the dictionary was a singleton object that would work
Can't believe I'm thinking of using oop practices from a uni course in the real world
imo singletons are a cancer except when they exist to manage resources that you logically can't have multiple handles to, but it also sounds like this is deep enough in js hell that they might be the solution anyways lol
It's not js hell.
It's cross platform hell
If it was just jvm and js, that'd probably be okay. If it was just jvm and native, that'd also probably be okay. But the three altogether? You're pandering to a really weird intersection of limitations
With documentation that isn't as nice as you'd want it to be
@tybocopperkettle Set up a docker container so everyone can use it on any OS.
Oh, yeah that might be smart
Except I don't understand docker
@lyxal That's what I was saying
@tybocopperkettle I can try set it up if you want
I don't fully know it though, I've not used it that much
@naffetS are you also saying that the dictionary contents would be passed to the singleton before execution? Because I think that's also what you're saying then.
@Ginger I am inventing a digital currency based around respect.
Ooh a dhmis reference
!!/status goofy
Bot status: Online🤓🤓
Uptime: 1 day, 12:47:06.229565🤓🤓🤓
Running since: 2023-03-12T12:38:14.094103🤓🤓🤓
Errors since startup: 0🤓🤓
@lyxal Correct
@naffetS okay then, I'll look into that a bit later
!!/status tingly
Bot (U ﹏ U) status: ***pounces on you*** Onwinye
Uptime: *:・゚✧(ꈍᴗꈍ)✧・゚:* 1 (uwu) day, 12:48:28.425750
Wunnying ***whispers to self*** since: 2023-03-12T12:38:14.094103
Ewwows since ***blushes*** stawtup: 0 ***glomps and huggles***
> ***glomps and huggles***
@VyxalBot get that stuff out of here :p
heheh that'll teach it not to nuzzle people
I'm real tempted to kick you in retaliation
ooh, feature: if Vyxal Bot gets kicked OLIMAR will come in and kick whoever kicked it d:
@Ginger very easy to circumnavigate
!!/status tingly
Bot status: Onwinye
Uptime: 1 day, owo 1-1-1-13:00:28.773956
Wunnying s-s-s-since: (・\`ω\´・) 2-2-2023-03-12T12:38:14.094103
Ewwows s-s-s-since (◡ ω ◡) ***sees bulge*** stawtup: 0 ***cries***
!!/status goofy
Bot status: Online🤓🤓🤓
Uptime: 1 day, 13:01:08.313224🤓
Running since: 2023-03-12T12:38:14.094103🤓🤓
Errors since startup: 0🤓🤓🤓
!!/status tingly
B-b-bot s-s-s-status: Onwinye
Uptime: 1 d-d-d-day, 1-1-13:01:14.514915
Wunnying ***sees bulge*** s-s-s-since: 2023-03-12T12:38:14.094103
Ewwows s-s-since s-s-s-stawtup: 0
!!/status tingly
Bot uwU s-s-status: Onwinye
Uptime: 1-1-1-1 day, 1-1-13:05:39.589235
Wunnying s-s-s-since: ***licks lips*** 2-2-2-2023-03-12T12:38:14.094103
Ewwows ***screams*** since stawtup: 0
Huh the bot is hungry and then it got scared
!!/status cookie
Sorry naffetS, I'm afraid I can't do that.
@naffetS It was user's fault!
3 hours later…
@naffetS You're welcome to make a branch and experiment
6 hours later…
Can't believe we've been grouped with flogscript and cjam
The horror! :p
Also that implies we've been mentioned in a sideshow in front of people
We've been mentioned there
ah yes, noulith, my favorite golflang
apparently stasoid did add it to The Polyglot last christmas but betaveros hasn't even used it here lol
1 hour later…
!!/issue open in VyxalBot2 No !!/status cookie this must be fixed at once
Sorry Ginger, I'm afraid I can't do that.
screw you
very funny
Lyxal created branch v3-dictionary-singleton-object in Vyxal/Vyxal
Lyxal opened pull request #1671 (Make the dictionary not error in JS on a fresh context) in Vyxal/Vyxal
Lyxal deleted branch v3-dictionaries-object in Vyxal/Vyxal
Lyxal deleted branch dictionary-object in Vyxal/Vyxal
bad bot
!!/status tingly
Bot status: Online🤓🤓
Uptime: 1 day, 23:14:06.358734🤓🤓
Running since: 2023-03-12T12:38:14.094103🤓🤓🤓
Errors since startup: 0🤓
@Ginger bot doing strange things. It's giving the wrong output for status
@lyxal now listen here you little sh*t
Imagine not having edit detection
Lyxal closed issue #1659 (SSS doesn't decompress newlines properly) in Vyxal/Vyxal
Lyxal closed issue #1657 (Allow underscores in numeric literals for clarity) in Vyxal/Vyxal
Lyxal closed issue #1636 (Make map lambdas retain variables between branches) in Vyxal/Vyxal
those 3 are just issues that have been implemented, but just never autoclosed for some reason
also, fun fact: Vyxal technically counts as a tacit programming language
because stack!
... what.
!!/status sleepy
Bot status: Online
Uptime: 2 days, 1:53:19.365457
Running since: 2023-03-12T12:38:14.094103
Errors since startup: 0 *yawn*
ah, nvm
welp vyxal code gone
I'll start again tomorrow, I'm extremely demotivated now.
1 hour later…
Steffan153 approved #1671 (Make the dictionary not error in JS on a fresh context)
4 hours later…
Well, here we are again.
@Ginger I am doing moderation of this chat room so you guys don't get out of hand ;) jk we're cool tho right? please don't ban me pls T_T !!1!1!!one.
bogos binted
So... I was messing around with a bug in Cyxal, and the lexer segfaults when attempting to deal with a token more than five characters long
How on earth have you managed that
It's (probably) in the version on github
This occurs for any token
@emanresuA Ohhh
Ok what the hell
@emanresuA Simple solution: split tokens into chunks of 4 :p
When it appends the sixth character to a string it seems to replace the previous five???
And then the segfault appears to be caused by out-of-bounds indexing
Probably unrelated issue, but in the test_lexer_input function (which btw is in main.c for some reason), if you give is < 5 chars at print it out to check, it removed the trailing newline like it should; if you give it exactly 5 chars it seems to not remove the trailing newline; and if you give it > 5 chars, it segfaults
That's related
I realised that after I sent that message lol
What's even weirder is that if I make append_str allocate one more wchar_t of memory the segfault occurs a byte earlier
Ok now I'm really confused
So uhh you stilll get a segfault even if you manually pass in 6 chars to the tokeniser
If I try to replicate it calling append_str on a 5char string and a 1char string it works, which leads me to think memory's being misallocated somewhere...
Either that or a missing null terminator
@LanguageDesign would you ever be willing to port vyxal to CGR if i ever get it in a useful state?
just asking /shrug
What's CGR?
common golfing runtime
talked abt it a few times
@user's idea


4 hours ago, 52 minutes total – 80 messages, 6 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 7 secs ago by Seggan

will scala libraries work in CGR?
but we can fix that
think of CGR as JVM for golflangs
how would it work exactly? Could we keep all the scala we have, or would it need to be a new codebase?
It would be a huge change
We would have to go back to transpilation rather than interpreter
but do we keep the scala we have or do we use a whole new language?
Which is One reason why I was suggesting a library - better for us
@lyxal we can use any language we want including Scala
well that's good
I like the enhanced pattern matching + implicits
Yeah that’s an advantage of the vm way
Making a library would restrict users to one platform
@lyxal also, while rusty, scala kotlin interop exists so ull be able to use the plugin system out of the box
and so would CGR be faster than native?
so you can add your fancy fractions or whatnot urself
@lyxal prob not
@user if u havent seen the invite was sent and theres a pr waiting for u
so CGR is like JVM bytecode?
I did sorry not at laptop tet
@lyxal it’s possible chr’s implementations are done more smartly than vyxals in which case it might be better
@lyxal ye
@user hey wait that means creating a transpiled context object right?
or is the context object also turned into cgr?
Cgr will take care of the variables tho
are the programs themselves transpiled?
or is the codebase transpiled?
codebase can be in any lang
Seggan claims yhere can be plugins so we can do eval
as long as msgpack exists for it
@user eval will be implemented directly in there
I’m still concerned about eval for non jvm langs
@Seggan how
How will cgr know how to parse vyxal
eval will simply call the compiler it was given and run the resulting code
And transpile and execute it
so remember how i told you you can pass the compiler as an arg to cgr?
@Seggan yeah but for that you need to be able to communicate with the compiler
that would directly compile and run at the same time
@user iostream go brr
the only problem with transpilation I have is that it doesn't allow for as much freedom as interpreting does. And yes, I know v2 is transpiled, but that's because at the time I made it, I didn't know how to do interpreters.
If i made a golfing library in kotlin would you use it seggan
there's been times working on v2 where things would be so much nicer if it was interpreted
also, would a debugger be able to be made with cgr?
I thought the whole point was that interpreted allowed for a debugger
Interpreted may be slightly more inefficient for long running programs depending on implementation but so much easier to make
@lyxal possible but slightly complicated
Cjquines made vdb for v2 remember
that's the same answer you could give for v2
@user ya
for cgr? yes
I will get on it
Actually how about in the same org
make sure its both jvm and js tho
@user was just gonna suggest that
how about you stick it right into cgr itself?
im working on bigcomplex rn
@Seggan can features be present in one platform supported by cgr and not another?
(because ive had experience with programming complex numbers)
@lyxal huh?
@Seggan yeah I’ll do that i don’t want to be the sole maintainer
@user src/commonMain/kotlin/io/github/cgr/api
@Seggan so like symbolic algebra is most likely going to be a JVM exclusive thing because symja doesn't have js/native support.
Can I make that same separation with cgr?
as in detect what platform?
@lyxal pretty sure you will be able to do that
@Seggan straight up not include a library on a platform
Also, how does the js version of cgr work? Do I need to call it using js?
or scala/js
Oh and say I want to make a stdlib and imports system
Will cgr support that?

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