Lyxalapproved#1658 (Create "Fun fake fact: lgtm stands for Lyxal golfing trolled me (that's what I decided it stands for ever since lgtm was shut down) "
vyxal-bot[bot] opened issue #32 (ping user every 5 minutes in 3 hours from now to act as a stimulant because coffee doesn't work) in Vyxal/VyxalBot2
GingerIndustries closed issue #32 (ping user every 5 minutes in 3 hours from now to act as a stimulant because coffee doesn't work) in Vyxal/VyxalBot2
@VyxalBot 4 part plan is this: 1) compression corpus, 2) start the list size changing immediately, 3) compare results which leads to step 4) use the shortest word list
short: 5000, long: 69420, avg: 89.5
greatest difference: 163, smallest difference: -3, avg: 15.416666666666666
string shortest than jelly: We're no strangers to love\nYou
string least shortest than jelly: N NE E SE S SW W NW
that means: the short list had 5000 words, the long list had 69420 words, the average compressed string length was 89.5, the string that outgolfed jelly the most was 163 bytes shorter and was the rickroll, the string that outgolfed jelly the least was 3 bytes longer (and I think it's only longer because it has delimiters or something) and compressed strings were 15.416666666666666 bytes shorter than jelly on average
so I guess I'll make that change tomorrow
5000 short words, 69420 long words
This is all on the SSS caddy branch
Apart from the results obviously.
For analysis, lower average compression is better and higher average shorter than jelly is better
I wonder if a longer corpus would give different results
If y'all have any suggestions to add to the corpus, feel free to add them
Make sure you get the jelly length of the string as well when adding it to the corpus
The corpus is a list of (string, jelly length) tuples
To get the jelly length click on the header of this answer
Optimal string compressor
Recently I asked Erik the Outgolfer to add the optimized string compressor to JHT references page, but they said that
sorry, but that compressor doesn't seem to be fully implemented
it says “ugtestslug” is the shortest possible for ugtestslug, while “#ṀȮụḄPƇ» also...
That should be all for knowledge sharing, so I'm off for the night
!!/issue open in Compress tab doesn't allow newlines You can only compress a single line of text. It doesn't let you add newlines (on Firefox, at least)