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12:01 AM
me when I Oulcd'ev done something
12:31 AM
@hyper-neutrino are you ready to facilitate the transfer of ownership of the bot?
12:46 AM
@user I can confirm that the macos one works
pro gaming
that wasn't me
hyper stop doing a little trolling
do you have an email address you want me to use
normally I'd ask radvylf about that :p
I can make a temporary one and change it tomorrow once he's online
12:51 AM
do you need to transfer me now
but I'd like to
well just lmk once you have an email
@VyxalBot is are you are is is you are yes?
12:54 AM
@lyxal I am doing the being controlled by a human person
Good bot
!!/run 3 3 +
@lyxal 6
!!/run 6 7 *
Good to have the bot back at long last
12:56 AM
@Ginger 42
and finally
!!/run 6 9 *
@Ginger 54
!!/run 11f⁽+dḞ
@Ginger no u
12:58 AM
@VyxalBot no u
⟨ 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 8 | 13 | 21 | 34 | 55 | 89 | 144 | 233 | 377 | 610 | 987 | 1597 | 2584 | 4181 | 6765 | 10946 | 17711 | 28657 | 46368 | 75025 | 121393 | 196418 | 317811 | 514229 | 832040 | 1346269 | 2178309 | 3524578 | 5702887 | 9227465 | 14930352 | 24157817 | 39088169 | 63245986 | 102334155 | 165580141 | 267914296 | 433494437 | 701408733 | 1134903170 | 1836311903 | 2971215073 | 4807526976 | 7778742049 | 12586269025 | 20365011074 | 32951280099 | 53316291173 | 86267571272 | 139583862445 | 225851433717 | 365435296162 | 591286729879 | 956722026041 | 1548008755920 | 2504730781961
hyper has passed the anti-turing test
@lyxal who's hyper
1:00 AM
hyper deez nuts
Ha gotem
Stupid bot falling for the easiest of traps
1:14 AM
@Steffan \o/ I can test out the Linux one later but it probably works, since I've had sbt vyxalNative/run work before in WSL
@hyper-neutrino Hey, cut me some slack, I'd just come in from the cold, cold rain. My fingers were stiff, the skin on them felt dry and stretched and icky (well, ickier than usual), and my hands were shaking. Normally, my spelling and grammar are absolute prefect: and "absolutely" unpickable
@VyxalBot Hi, perfect
Okay that's a bad pickup line
await self.bot.__aexit__(None, None, None) # DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME
I am a very good programmer
1:33 AM
gentlemen/gamers I have something I think you will all like
user image
!!/run 🍪
1:36 AM
come and click approve on the PR
I am
anyone else want to click the approve button?
too late
it's in the queue
merged :D
Ginger, you should've let others approve it too
Now they cannot be part of the great 🍪
1:38 AM
people can approve after the fact
Oh, interesting
@Ginger Okay, /srs /srs for real now, I have a very good pickup line. Do you want to hear it?
@lyxal I love how you can't scroll while it's outputting
I'm a bit concerned
@user why would you want to? :p
idk, to get to the bottom of it
@Ginger You hear about Pluto? That's messed up
1:41 AM
btw this also works in literate mode
@user huh?
at least it should work in literate mode
@Ginger C'mon son
(it's from Psych)
The character called Gus always uses it as his pickup line
2:26 AM
almost got the bot working!
will finish it up tomorrow
2:37 AM
Beep boop
3:20 AM
CMQ: how many elements per PR?
IMO we should try to group elements with similar functionalities
no particular reason just feels like it'll make reviewing easier and make it more likely that errors will be caught
2 hours later…
5:08 AM
I've started work on making lambdas have multiple branches
It's a little goofy rn but itll work out
now you're probably wondering "why do lambdas need multiple branches?"
well because a map lambda could act like µ in Jelly, refocusing the context variable
and a filter could have each branch as a predicate
instead of having filter-lam <pred1> ctx-n <pred2> and ... end, you could have filter-lam <pred1> | <pred2> end
which is shorter
a sort lambda could be sort by first branch, then by second, then by third and so on
5:32 AM
Also, for literate mode, should it be lamda-<type> or <type>-lambda?
might be marginally harder to parse visually but matches how it's talked about normally better
and lambda still sticks out visually
5:50 AM
What should a multi branch reduce do?
Fold by cycling through the branches?
scan in alternating directions then reduce on the last branch?
i can't say when that would actually be useful but it feels vaguely like it could be
How so?
good question :P
i think i'm mostly thinking of multi-directional scans in terms of the output also being a scan but that would really only useful for languages like jelly that don't have run grouping bultins and the like
5:58 AM
@lyxal One branch should map, the other should then reduce based on that
I often find myself needing to do something like foo.map(...).reduce(...) in praclangs
Multidimensional scans might be useful too
@lyxal Do you want to ask in TNB? Others might have good ideas
@user but what if 3 branches?
come to think of it a normal scan could be used as a map as well
not much more useful in the >2 branch case but still slightly so
@user asked
1 hour later…
7:19 AM
@lyxal YES
3 hours later…
9:55 AM
I feel like maybe I shouldn't be allowed to close the code tab on the new website without a way to bring it back :p
2 hours later…
12:02 PM
Ah yes
12:21 PM
so funny story I was getting confused why #[5|1|3|4|6#] ƛ3+} "H" wasn't printing the H I push at the end
(v3 this is)
and then I remembered
trailing nilads get moved to the front
you know what I said when I woke up this morning? "oh boy I can't wait to write my own sort by function"
"can't wait to think of how to make this shit work with more than one branch"
@lyxal wait why?
12:36 PM
redundancy elimination
plus you can do things like 2+2
I'm confused, what would that output?
it moves the 2 to the front
oh, that makes sense
I kinda want to try out v3, but I'm low on storage space.
... I forgot that exists lmao
Also, we need a good first question to advertise v3 once a stable version is released.
12:54 PM
CMQ: What should multiple branches in a sort-lambda do?
because I think what I thought was a good idea is not a good idea at all
in fact, I think the idea I originally had isn't how sorting functions work at all
8 hours ago, by lyxal
a sort lambda could be sort by first branch, then by second, then by third and so on
I feel like that doesn't work
1:13 PM
Maybe a branch in a lambda should move from whatever lambda type you're in to some other one in a predetermined order. For example if the order was sort -> map -> filter -> filter then sort-lambda f | g | h ; would be .sortby(f).map(g).filter(h).
The specific order could be something different but this saves a byte every time it's used
would the order cycle around?
also, I noticed you weren't in italics yet
so I fixed that for you :p
I could cycle around
is there a way to get a lot of vyxal solutions in a text file or something?
there's a SEDE query in issue #14 (I think) on github
it returns a list of every vyxal solution
two of my favourite elements
modifiers, actually
I just love the squiggly
1:27 PM
me when the squiggly
@lyxal does this qualify, I'm not sure why it times out for 10. — mathcat 2 mins ago
I wonder
I wonder why it times out for 10
... did I just outgolf you?
I wonder why trying every number up to and past 123456789 times out
1:28 PM
@mathcat if the output for the 4 case is the same then yes lol
I'm too tired to actually verify but I think it's valid
This is like the second time I've ever outgolfed somebody.
I've edited it in
Thanks :p
np, but do I get bragging rights?
Well no
Not really
You outgolfed me, so has everyone else :p
apparently I'm not the best at doing the actual golfing
If outgolfing people gave you site badges, outgolfing me would be a bronze badge, and there'd be a whole lot of other people with it too :p
sorry @mathcat
I can't stop myself
1:45 PM
... wow
1 hour later…
2:54 PM
@mathcat Edit: outgolfed thunno (sadge thunno got ninja'd again lol) in pip
3:11 PM
has anyone used vyx3 yet in an answer
alright, first bot test imminent
huh, looks like it almost worked
lmao I typed issue instead of issues in the event handler
3:37 PM
in Sandbox, 10 secs ago, by Unit Tester
GingerIndustries opened issue #49 in Vyxal/Sandbox)
IT'S TIME TO BE A [Big Shot]
currently, all it can do is report issues
but I'm adding more stuff at this very moment
IT'S TIME TO BE A [Big Shot]
GingerIndustries opened issue #51 (test test test) in Vyxal/Sandbox
GingerIndustries closed issue #51 (test test test) in Vyxal/Sandbox
GingerIndustries reopened issue #51 (test test test) in Vyxal/Sandbox
3:53 PM
ok, good
THIS IS JUST [[Victory Smoke]]!
IT'S TIME TO BE A [Big Shot]
GingerIndustries assigned GingerIndustries to issue #51 (test test test) in Vyxal/Sandbox
THIS IS [Victory Smoke]!!
4:07 PM
ok, PRs should work now
you should probably do this in sandbox lol
IT'S TIME TO BE A [Big Shot]
THIS IS [Victory Smoke]!!
what are those status messages anyway, startup and shutdown?
4:08 PM
2 hours later…
6:27 PM
@hyper-neutrino remind me what events the old bot reported?
...you made a webhook for every single different event???
the new bot just uses a single webhook for everything
6:59 PM
@user Scala has been added to weekgolf if you want to play with it lol
7:35 PM
@VyxalBot status
Nvm I guess it's not evne in the room
@Steffan it's in the sandbox, I'm doing some testing rn
7:51 PM
@Steffan \o/
Time for me to find put how good a golfer i really am
Since i have no competition on cgcc
*had ig
1 hour later…
9:17 PM
and here
IT'S TIME TO BE A [Big Shot]
there it is
so, the bot is now working! (kinda)
it has no commands besides !!/die, but it does report events happening in the repos
I'll add the commands and such later
and with that I finally have the privilege of clearing the pinned message about it not working
that's been a long time coming :p
(cc @lyxal)
wait, does !!/die make the bot auto-restart?
let's find out
IT'S TIME TO BE A [Big Shot]
it sure does
so !!/die can be used to restart the bot in the event it shids its pants, which I'm 99% sure it will at some point
it will notify me if any errors happen tho
room topic changed to Vyxal: For discussion about Vyxal. Repo: github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal | Org: github.com/Vyxal | Interpreter: vyxal.pythonanywhere.com | Discord: discord.gg/N9AfEF9zz5 | Type !!/info for more info [actually-12-now] [chat-bot] [code-golf] [dank-memes] [discord] [epic-gamers] [joe] [never-gonna-give-you-up] [powered-by-copilot] [rickroll] [short-programs] [too-many-tags] [unicode] [vyxal] [vyxal-bot-2] [we-currently-have-11]
GingerIndustries opened pull request #1 (Get the bot (fully) functional) in Vyxal/VyxalBot2
GingerIndustries opened issue #2 (The bot reports events in private repos) in Vyxal/VyxalBot2
GingerIndustries assigned GingerIndustries to issue #2 (The bot reports events in private repos) in Vyxal/VyxalBot2
9:31 PM
Can you make a release of crosshatch or something to test
why? I already tested releasing
which reminds me: the bot will automatically pin release messages for repositories configured as "important", which is currently just Vyxal and Crosshatch; should any other ones be important?
GingerIndustries created branch fix-readme in Vyxal/Crosshatch
GingerIndustries opened issue #3 (New branches aren't linked to) in Vyxal/VyxalBot2
9:49 PM
@Ginger Oh, didn't see that
wait, why'd the bot just leave
fricknuts one sec
@VyxalBot Link's off
It should link to the API, it should link to the page for humans
IT'S TIME TO BE A [Big Shot]
9:52 PM
there we go
so the bot's websocket just randomly disconnected
9:54 PM
did yall not see the part where I said the only working command is !!/die? :b
IT'S TIME TO BE A [Big Shot]
I was doing some debugging when you killed it lyxal
9:54 PM
oops lol
found the bug
guess what: it's a problem with sechat
one second plz
9:58 PM
IT'S TIME TO BE A [Big Shot]
Lyxal created tag Jd in Vyxal/Sandbox
ok, if the bot leaves without saying anything that's a bug and yall should ping me
Not just a tag
A release
bot may have missed the release
one sec
It's not supposed to show that
10:00 PM
@lyxal was it a prerelease? the bot doesn't show those
@lyxal I know
@Ginger it should show them
Otherwise our v3 betas won't be posted lol
Still supposed to be private
1 min ago, by Ginger
@lyxal I know
10:03 PM
It doesn't report when repos are made private?
not yet
@VyxalBot help
@VyxalBot die
not a thing yet either
look, this is an MVP
GingerIndustries created branch fix-private-repos in Vyxal/VyxalBot2
GingerIndustries opened pull request #4 (Fixed it!) in Vyxal/VyxalBot2
@lyxal can we get some reviews
strange, it should've posted that
10:08 PM
@VyxalBot that's not a link to the pr
That's just some json
lmao, I also need to fix that
one sec
Lyxal approved #4 (Fixed it!): "Yes very good lgtm"
ok, I also included a fix for the link issue
@lyxal comments do not show up
GingerIndustries merged pull request #4 (Fixed it!) in Vyxal/VyxalBot2
Lyxal created branch Big-chungus in Vyxal/Sandbox
GingerIndustries deleted branch fix-private-repos in Vyxal/VyxalBot2
IT'S TIME TO BE A [Big Shot]
ok, that should do that
I hope
10:11 PM
Lyxal created branch big-big-chungus-big-chungus-big-chungus-big-big-chungus-big-chungus-big-chungus-big-big-chungus-big-chungus-big-chungus-big-big-chungus-big-chungus-big-chungus-big-big-chungus-big-chungus-big-chungus-big-big-chungus-big-chungus-big-chungus in Vyxal/Sandbox
Lyxal created branch Jdjdjdbeidve9brofbruwovrocrjecrkveidiebixbefib3ifbeidbdueb83beiehdkbslsvksbkwbslbekdbekdbekdbekdbekdbekdbejdbeibridb3id-fi-ridbri4bidbrisbwiwbidbeidbridbribkrj in Vyxal/Sandbox
Huh, that's not as long as I thought it'd be
what are you trying to do exactly
Make a branch with a name long enough that the bot doesn't send the message because of chat limitations :p
If you manage to do that I'm pretty sure that the bot will just yell about there being an error
either that or die silently
@Ginger An error occured while processing event 1da6dde0-abec-11ed-9254-a6344789658c!
There we go
10:17 PM
shit, private repo no work
@Ginger An error occured while processing event 32d5fe30-abec-11ed-83fa-3bccbb9a22ef!
but it didn't die!
and that's the important part
@Ginger An error occured while processing event 43dfded0-abec-11ed-985e-757b0f2f802f!
@lyxal you can stop now
I feel like deleted repo links shouldn't be links
GingerIndustries opened pull request #24 (README more closely next time) in Vyxal/Crosshatch
@lyxal can do
actually no
IT'S TIME TO BE A [Big Shot]
@Ginger Old bot made the links not links
10:20 PM
nvm, private stuff does work
I just forgor 💀 to pull changes d:
@lyxal yeah, old bot was also a pile of jank
I'm not special-casing my formatRepo function to not-link deleted repos
Oh hey now that you're the new bot owner, there's one thing you should know about
Jul 26, 2022 at 1:35, by emanresu A
Idea: !!/mom or !!/dad pings hyper
This command will be implemented, and it will refer to you
oh boy
@lyxal uh, one small problem; I don't think there's a gender-neutral version of that command
!!/parent doesn't really have the same ring to it :p
@Ginger that's part of the funny :p
Like calling hyper moooooom despite the fact that's really not accurate
sure, I guess
It's like how Candice would yell something like "mom phineas and ferb broke the bot again!"
and also, the command is extendible with regex too :p
10:27 PM
[Mooooooom1!1!1!1!!!1!1]!? LYXAL!? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?
Oh huh didn't expect that
11:00 PM
23 messages moved to ­Trash
11:59 PM
@Ginger hey so what changed in the description? I don't remember what it was before, and there's no diff checker in SE chat :p

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