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is vyxal.PA not working for anyone else
resizeCodeBox is not defined
firefox on debian 12
ok works on chrome
what FF version?
looks like it might be caused by some privacy extension or smth blocking cross site requests maybe?
loading something from unpkg failed
works on FF 109 windows 11
109.0 from flatpak
idk. likely just me
+ FF 109 on android
@hyper-neutrino wait unpkg?
we, uh, don't use that I think
@lyxal it's an app installer or whatever for linux
@lyxal lol what
... ok I tried again and it works now???
okay false alarm lol. i'm confused
@hyper-neutrino oh no we do, just not for vylight
vylight used to be delivered via unpkg, but it wasn't updating straight away
so now we just get it direct from github
I had a similar issue before
Works now
Also why are we still using unpkg instead of jsdelivr?
<script defer src="https://unpkg.com/react@18/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script defer src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@18/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
<script defer src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/htm.umd.js"></script>
<script defer src="https://unpkg.com/@popperjs/core@2"></script>
<script defer src="https://unpkg.com/react-popper/dist/index.umd.js"></script>
<script defer src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]"></script>
that's what it's used for
Yes, but jsdelivr is betetr
PR it in :p
5 hours later…
@user okay yes
just had to change O from addVect to addElem because while it does vectorise, it handles a result of a list of strings differently
there's something very subtly wrong with this snippet
wait does scala have postfix *
what the hell does that do
same as python
that's not the problem
oh n and m are backwards
and that wasn't even the only place!
maybe you could rename the variables to have larger differences
like not rename the context variables themselves but the variables for them
maybe contextVarOne and contextVarTwo, at the cost of descriptiveness
sure, but like what?
maybe ogContextVar v3ContextVar :p
or maybe the nato alphabet
contextVarMike and contextVarNovember :P
or contextPrimary and contextSecondary
I actually like the primary/secondary names
because n is supposed to be primary and m is supposed to be secondary semantically anyway
...also come to think of it which order are they supposed to be passed in
primary then secondary if we're going by those names
ah, so you're not opposed to reordering them for clarity
because i assume that m is currently passed first but if it's semantically secondary then passing it second would definitely make more sense
pushed to github
with all 241 tests passing
thanks for the idea
very good idea
#1587 is now ready for review
@user ^
1 hour later…
"Return a shallow copy of this grammar"
damn, i was just about to write my own library for that
"Returns True if the generator has at index"
- Draws lines
- Draw a line
8 hours later…
Lyxal approved on PR #1587 (Vyxal/Vyxal): "An approval for merging when ready. Obviously, don't merge straight away. "
ysthakur commented on PR #1587 (Vyxal/Vyxal): "I'd approve this if I could lol"
@lyxal Which theme is this btw?
Something ocean I think
I don't have my laptop rn but it's an ocean version of a theme with a longer name
I think it comes with vs code
Huh, searching doesn't give any useful results
Anyway, I'm a light mode heathen :P
It was an ocean variant of a theme
I used to use pitch black with some additional beedab shades but new computer so new theme
@user community material theme ocean high contrast
just know that it does italicise some things
Yeah I'm fine with that
Oh that's a bit odd
Why is def not italicized?
Oh well, it's got colors
dang I don't have that userscript that autoreplaces /shrug
found it!
Oh! I also found the paste to upload userscript I used to use that actually works!
hell yeah
@user I've resolved all the conversations on the add-tests PR. Good to merge?
Go ahead!
Lyxal merged PR #1587 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:add-more-v3-tests → Vyxal:version-3): Add more v3 tests
Lyxal deleted branch Vyxal/add-more-v3-tests
haha nice
If you use semver, Vyxal will get to v4.2.0 at some point
we could release it now
there's already a v4 release
Oh yeah, no code
How do you even improve on that? I suppose you could turn the README from Markdown into a txt file
Since MD could be considered code
How do you feel about the Scala Native PR btw? Hold off on it and focus on tests, close it, merge it and maybe get rid of it later?
@user make it a word document
And a .doc instead of .docx for extra cursedness
@user if we're going to do it, we should do it now while there's still a small element base
that way, as we start adding more stuff, it can be tested as needed
because now that there's sufficient tests for everything done, unless there's any other infrastructure changes, we're going full steam ahead on elementing
Before we do that, is it possible we need to make any radical changes to how we do things?
(adding elements, interpreting, parsing, defining helpers, etc.)
Or does it look like it's safe to continue as is?
there was the discussion about whether there should be something like addPartialVect
but that isn't too radical
I think we've covered everything radical
We might want to add === extension method on VAnys to turn somenum == VNum(0) into somenum === 0 and stuff
Although ScalaTest has its own === operator so not sure how that'd work
4 equal signs
Lyxal approved on PR #1588 (Vyxal/Vyxal): "I think the fact that everything has to be JS compatible means that code we write will fit just fine into the requirements of Native. As in, we won't be using anything Java anyway."
@emanresuA now that's just excessive. We're code golfers, not code bowlers
somenum `== (in Vyxal, I mean)` 0
v_= would be a valid operator name
You need an underscore if you've got a mixed identifier
There's also =:=
oh I have the perfect thing
it's a single unicode character
== v
That's gonna result in confusion. Does scala allow arbitrary unicode operators anyway?
Well duh it's gonna result in confusion. That's the whole joke ya dingus!
That's emanresu, not dingus
@emanresuA I don't think so. You can use backticks around them though, but they'll have the lowest precedence

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