so it's WAY too slow to add all the languages that are worth adding, but once that is mostly dealt with it'll just keep adding languages whether multiple people care or not
@Seggan the way the chameleon challenges are going and the fact that hard coding solutions were deleted by the owner in the first week, utf-8 everything seems to be a natural conclusion
And obviously languages like Fig can still be added
It's just that they won't have their full potential realised
@UnrelatedString the way I see it, being the first golfing language on there would cement that language as being the OG OP language that everyone uses. In the short term, it's a bad idea to invest, but long term, it could be beneficial
but yeah maybe part of this is just subconscious bias against non-fluent english and the tokyo ghoul pfp but i just don't have the feeling that this can turn out well
oh yeah reminds me the guy's github has a link to that "codingame" thing i remember we've had some weird experiences with people who came here from there
Lyxal opened PR #1311 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:fix-a-little-issue-with-split-and-keep-delimiter → Vyxal:main): Make `vy_eval` account for fractions and make split and keep delimiter
And what "more"? Steffan made it work for everything I know of
Cursed idea for when we run out of digraphs: Bring back a single-byte infinite list of positive integers and pass it into stuff like L for extra "digraph" overloads
> I see all the same that there is a real enthusiasm around several languages. So I'm going to make sure that as many people as possible are happy this month.
Basically this means that the addition of vyxal is likely
Because getting in at least the top two is easy for us due to our sheer size