@emanresuA I did the N challenge that you gave me and I've got a few solutions, this being the shortest and strangest one. Could you (or someone else) golf it down a bit or show me a shorter solution?
> The output of the compilation must be an ELF file, a Windows Portable Executable (.exe), or virtual bytecode for the JVM or .Net's CLR (other types of virtual bytecode are also likely to be OK if asked for). Update: Python's .pyc / .pyo output also counts.
@emanresuA one slight correction: "a multitargeted port of Vyxal designed to be even faster than Vyxal." should be "a multitargeted port of Vyxal designed to be even faster than Jyxal."
Myxal 0.7.1, 46 source bytes + 2 bytes flag = 48 bytes, 2.042 MB compiled
Simple node alias recursion bomb.
~~~~~~~y # A bunch of filter modifiers on the element 'y'
¢a # Alias that to 'a'
aaa¢b # 3 'a's = 'b' and so on...