I know I kinda touched on this lately, but I wanted to take (yet another) moment to explicitly state how grateful I am to have the privilege of working alongside y'all on this crazy rollercoaster of a project we call Vyxal.
Knowing there's a community of people willing to contribute to what started as such a small project and that people have stuck around through some of the hardest times (like the flag troubles, the 2.6 rewrite and the recent sympy shenanigans) is amazing and encouraging that people can come together to share a common passion and goal.
@Seggan - The fact that you just came in and started optimising the frick outta vyxal, making it fast af is one of the coolest things I've seen. Idk if I've said this before, but the very fact that someone was inspired enough to go completely through the python source and rewrite it in a completely new way is a very pleasant surprise. So thank you, for being our speedy guy - and keep up the good work!
@Steffan - The way you've just dove head-first into language contributions and general language design is astonishing...my expectations were that new users would want to wait a while (e.g. a few months) before digging into the mess that is the source code. But you went and smashed those expectations out of the park, and I really really appreciate that. You're only a few months into the Vyxal journey and you're already one of the best contributors we have!
@user - Don't think we don't notice your tireless efforts to get the foundations for version 3 ready. Even if you haven't been working on it much lately, you've still made significant headway in setting up the lexer, parser and element fundamentals.
It's those who work quietly, patiently and dutifully in the background that makes the best workers. And don't say that I'm flattering too much and don't engage in self-deprecation...you're a valuable and much-appreciated resource in the vyxal community!
@emanresuA - Where the hell do I begin when writing a thank-you message? There are so many things that SE chat probably wouldn't let me send them in a single message (even if I used the fixed-font mode!) Having someone like you to act as what I consider to be the second-in-command is something I'll always be grateful for.
I consider myself lucky to have you as someone who is fully committed to forwarding the cause of Vyxal - you act as a counter-balance to my most stupid ideas and innovator to my ideas that aren't totally bad. Plus, you also help bring lightness and humour to the room when things get a tad bit corporate or serious!
@pygamer0 - As I said in the version 2.6 release notes, I know you may not contribute much code-wise, but you sure do contribute to the general morale of this organisation and chat room! You created what has become the most infam🍪us in-j🍪ke in c🍪de g🍪lf hist🍪ry, plus you go along with whatever nonsense we decide to carry on with.
Also, I can see that you're always eager and willing to learn new esolang implementation techniques, new programming concepts and other paradigms of code golfing, and that's a very important quality to have - without the motivation to constantly grow in knowledge and wisdom, you won't get far in life. So even if it seems a tad bit abstract, thank you for being you!
And of course, thank you to @Razetime @hyper-neutrino @unrelatedstring and others who have stuck around since the origins of Vyxal and have supported the project in ways such as providing language design feedback, extremely useful beep boops and marketing advice and strategy. Without y'all epic gamers, there'd be no Vyxal like there is today, and the site wouldn't be as fun as it is.
That's all for now. Keep on gaming, y'all.