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@user NO.
@hyper-neutrino well just like how I'd RO TNB, it's fine to have off-topic here in small doses, so long as serious on topic isn't being disrupted
There doesn't seem much point for a room like this to have a branch off room
Because there's barely enough "off-topic" to even move
Yeah, although we do kinda rule Trash
Vyxal bot is afaik the #1 user in trash
Only because of github messages
Yep lol
Which are technically on topic lol
Anyhow I would say move to other rooms as you see fit
Y'all are room owners for a reason lol
I unironically trust y'all to make sound decisions about things like this
And self deprecate all you want about the above message - that won't change my belief that this project is just as much yours as it is mine
^ has always been my intention
That ownership isn't just me. That it's all of you
That everyone is equally important and in-control of Vyxal and its subsidiaries
So RO this room as you would your own
And enjoy being part of such a large and awesome team
Because y'all are a bunch of epic gamers
@lyxal i appreciate the sentiment but i unironically cannot think of anything i've contributed to the vyxal code base besides one utility function and I don't even know if it still exists
@hyper-neutrino that doesn't matter. There's more than one way to contribute
i think he's just talking about the community in general
Code isn't the only thing vyxal is built on
because i have done literally nothing except maybe give some feedback on builtins
i mean, yeah, esp vyxapedia (does anyone even use that?) and the bot, but i'm just saying like
It's built on community interactions and collaboration
that's true
Vyxal is you. And me. And all of us!
@hyper-neutrino vyxapedia launched me off the ground
@emanresuA This feels like it's from some TV show but I can't place it
@Seggan oh, damn, nice
i might put more effort into it in that case if it's actually helpful
2 hours later…
it's a little outdated now
!!/repo list
- Vyxal: https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal
- Vylight: https://github.com/Vyxal/Vylight
- Vyxal-Events: https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal-Events
- VyxalBotSE: https://github.com/Vyxal/VyxalBotSE
- Sandbox: https://github.com/Vyxal/Sandbox
- vyxapedia: https://github.com/Vyxal/vyxapedia
- VyxalS: https://github.com/Vyxal/VyxalS
- Jyxal: https://github.com/Vyxal/Jyxal
- Philosophy: https://github.com/Vyxal/Philosophy
- Symvy: https://github.com/Vyxal/Symvy
- .github: https://github.com/Vyxal/.github
- SE-Bot: https://github.com/Vyxal/SE-Bot
4 hours later…
@hyper-neutrino I used your flask Web app set up for the vyxal online interpreter so that's something you've contributed
oh right lol, pog
i'd comment on it being terrible code but if it's worked without issues for you this whole time i guess i can consider it to work lmao :P
3 hours later…
@hyper-neutrino i copied some of it for a website I’m making and it works great
chunkybanana opened issue #922 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Modifiers in compressed strings are somehow misparsed
I love it when I screw up the parsing
Real fuj
Lyxal opened PR #923 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:catch-all-literals-in-parsing → Vyxal:main): Make parser account for _all_ literals
[Discord Relay]
Seggan#8111: *uses antlr*
Lyxal opened PR #924 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:make-to-base-work-with-negative-numbers → Vyxal:main): Make τ work with negative bases
Lyxal opened PR #925 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:add-documentation-for-string-overload-of-ṅ → Vyxal:main): Add the string overload of ṅ to the YAML
@VyxalBot tbh we could use ANTLR for Python Vyxal too so there's only one file that you need to use for all the implementations of Vyxal
That way, when there's a syntax change, you don't need to manually update every parser
if only there was a branch that did that
stares at old antlr branch
ye i never got the time to work on it more
Lyxal opened PR #926 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:make-Ȧ-return-a-lazylist-instead-of-generator → Vyxal:main): Change `Ȧ` to return a LazyList
With 26 people, you'd think they'd be able to fill that extra slot
but no
they just have to constantly leave it blank
can't fill it in can we?
i am amazed at how much easier coding a compiler with a transformed ast is
i no longer have to worry about the specifics
mostly because certain elements/structures are transformed into a sequence oof other structures
i.e. a map lambda is turned into a normal lambda + the map element
it's almost as if that's how vyxal does it
& is turned into load register, do stuff, store register
and the compiler doesnt even have to worry itself about it
its the transformers job
@lyxal wait am i that not creative
at least that's how it does the lambdas
class LambdaMapDyadic(LambdaOp):
    def __init__(self, body: list[Structure]):
        super().__init__(body, after="M", arity=2)

class LambdaMapTriadic(LambdaOp):
    def __init__(self, body: list[Structure]):
        super().__init__(body, after="M", arity=3)

class LambdaMap(LambdaOp):
    def __init__(self, body: list[Structure]):
        super().__init__(body, after="M")

class LambdaMapEager(LambdaOp):
    def __init__(self, body: list[Structure]):
        super().__init__(body, after="e")
and i thought i had original ideas lol
nah we're just as lazy as each other
I only did it like that because I couldn't be bothered to create all the different structures and handle them separately.
lol jyxal still does
you might be interested in reading the contents of my black book of vyxal
It's a notebook I used for initial planning
and has a whole bunch of thoughts/insights into stuff you could use
let me find the link
sure, if you dont mind
@Seggan Great minds think alike :P
@user so true
@lyxal ty
wait they seem to be identical
just a second
That should be part 2
and it looks like I need to scan a part 3 tomorrow
because it seems that I scanned it all before I fully filled the book
Just do note that it's planning from version 1 and earlier
So some of the characters/elements may no longer exist
Also forgive the messy handwriting in parts
eh, as long as im not breaking any copyright laws im fine ;)
I'm reading through the physical book by phone torch light and oh boy did I do some weird stuff with the planning
You'll notice the word GFL in several places
That stands for "Getting a Feel of the Language"
@lyxal tbh my handwriting is only intelligible to me unless i try to make it clean so youre good
@Seggan well the best way to think of elements is to test on existing challenges
You'll also notice my many failed attempts at getting v to work
That and lazylists (which were called generators at the time)
Basically, treat it as what not to do when implementing an esolang
99% of it I now consider bad
@lyxal ive implemented it as simply a map lambda lol
See I did that too originally
But that starts to fail once you introduce dyadic vectorisation
Or even triadic
im thinking detect the arity of the element and set that to the lambdas arity
Also thought of something like that
then map/filter could steal as many args as it needs
still havent gotten to that page
That's probably in the third part I need to do when it's not dark outside
Because it's dark outside meaning I can't scan it right now
Hmm yes I forgot they don't have elctricity in Australia
i had an idea: what if a lambdas default arity is not 1, but the arity of the first element
@user no dumbnut I mean it's midnight
not pertaining to v, just in general
@Seggan Problem is, the lambda may start with a dyad but have a triad after it, meaning it actually wants 5 inputs
Could be a good idea, but it would have to be toggled with a flag
I would really like to have both the number of inputted and outputted elements recorded
@user but with the current way, it still wants 5 input but gets 1
So for , it'd be [1, 0]
@Seggan True, going off of the first element would be better than the way it currently is
We could analyze the entire program before running it
Unless there are elements that take a variable number of inputs?
There's a few that vary based on types
R for example
jyxal's map set/get is either dyadic or triadic depending on the inputs
I guess those and conditional thingies would mess with that idea
Yeah nvm
Just thinking about how Factor has stack effects
hmm reading though the notes seems you had the idea lambdas would operate on the global stack?
I don't think so
What date?
Or heading?
Maybe I did and I don't remember
2nd page
the input would be pushed to the stack and the lambda operates on the stack
quite interesting actually
Uh about that
that stack inside the lambda?
It's local
It masks the global stack
Python lets you do that
The stack = stack.pop() takes from the parameter stack and assigns it to a local variable stack
Not my best code ngl but it worked at the time
Context is a much better way to do things
That was before 2.6
And it's one of the reasons we don't talk about 2.5.x
No one mentions any of the 2.5 releases purely because it was all horrible and yuck and not fun
Because it was a failed code clean up with the intention of moving away from global variables
Also it intended to move everything out of one file
But it got too stressful putting out fires here and there so we just rewrote everything
woo only 4 more methods to implement and the JVM compiler will be complete
(theres still lots of missing elements tho)
alas, ive got chores rn
@lyxal o/
6 messages rickrolled to ­Trash
3 messages tossed into ­the garbage
2 hours later…
going though my old Jyxal compiler code, it seems that the way i coded if statements was that x and X will skip to the end of the if block
4 messages moved to ­Trash
Seggan opened PR #1 (Vyxal/Myxal) (Vyxal:abstract-compiler → Vyxal:main): Start on compiler interface
2 hours later…
Jeez, 41 changed files
SamMatzko opened issue #3 in Vyxal/vyxapedia: Clicking the Dictionary Compress link on the Beginner's page gets 404
ah yes, using convoluted names just to link native functions: JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_io_github_seggan_myxal_compiler_native_LlvmCompiler_visitString(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring str);
still trying to find the llvm header files
1 hour later…
if i want to contribute leements to jyxal, do i do it on jyxal or myxal?
myxal replacing jyxal?
Pretty much
Just contribute on Myxal
cgccuser opened PR #4 (Vyxal/vyxapedia) (Vyxal:cgccuser-patch-1 → Vyxal:main): Add description of `øD` to elements.json
@Steffan yes
myxal == jyxal
Jyxal 6, to be specific :P
I was going to screenshot Canvas but apparently we're at Myxal 8 already
nah myxal 6 is next
are yall literally just updating the version when i push a new commit

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