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@user What we actually need to do is take all builtins that can output infinite lists and make them mark the output as infinite if the input is
!!/issue is bugged When is given a string list it joins the strings together bug
@allxy you are not a privileged user; ask someone to grant you permissions if you believe you should have them (user id: 538692)
Seriously :(
uh I don't know how to check if I can even grant permissions
!!/am i privileged
@lyxal you are a privileged user
!!/promote 538692
@lyxal you are not an admin!
well dang
@allxy nothing I can do
@hyper-neutrino we are once again asking for your adminship support
!!/issue ẇ is bugged When ẇ is given a string list it joins the strings together bug
!!/promote 538692
@hyper-neutrino promoted user #538692
Thanks :)
What's the zipmap modifier again? I forget...
wdym by zipmap modifier
there's a few things that can mean
do you mean Z to zipmap with a function? do you mean one of ↑↓?
or do you mean something else?
Didn't we recently add a digraph modifer that applied a functiion over pairs of elements?
do you mean that?
and then you saw the 11 test case
there's a reason mine is 25 bytes
Time to use regex
also, 105 fails horribly on yours too
I'm an idiot again
You can just wordify each number
@lyxal 14 bytes
by the looks of that, no.
wtf why is it doing that...
It's wordifying the tens place
Oh I'm an idot again
Take 5
‛∞$vẎ btw
I wasnt' joking about regex
Do we seriously not have a "single regex match" builtin???
Also, it'd be cool if the online interpreter had the ability to run test suites
Cursed tip: If you ever need a vectorising form of o, use Ǒ
I give up... for now.
7 hours later…
Lyxal opened PR #837 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:change-the-functionality-of-ẇ → Vyxal:main): Change the functionality of ẇ
@VyxalBot @emanresuA is this what you meant?
5 hours later…
could we have a single-element map modifier like we have a single-element filter?
2 hours later…
Wdym? v
@lyxal Ye
@emanresuA oops, forgot lol
2 hours later…
i just found that apparently "telecharger" is in the vyxal dictionary
2 hours later…

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