₁ ⍝ Push 100 to the stack
ƛ ⍝ To each item n in the range [1, 100]:
35f ⍝ Push the digits of 35
Ḋ ⍝ And push whether n is divisible by each
kFḢ ⍝ ["Fizz", "Buzz"]
ḍ ⍝ Dot product of the two (a shortcut for ×∑)
Ṁ ⍝ Dyadic maximum
@emanresuA And it mostly is, except for a few things I always wanted to fix
I never finished my key changes list for the codepage, so here it is in its entirety:
- Uppercase dotted letters now come before lowercase dotted letters - `₉` is now included in the subscript numbers range. - There's a full range of superscript numbers too. - Bitshifting stuff is now monospaced. - A lot of the non-monospaced characters have been swapped out. - More greek letters! - A fifth lambda type can now be used. - The global array commands are no longer fractions. - Downdot letters exist. Now you can updot _and_ downdot. - There's now a different srting type for dictionary compression.