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Safari on mac is fine
Do any other mobile browsers do it?
on chrome on android
Fine on ddg
Fine on chrome on Android
What version of Android? What type of device?
Android 10, realme 7 pro
I.e a phone released last year
It happens for me on an LG Stylo 3, running Android 7
i.e. a phone released ~5-6 years ago
What a nerd using an outdated phone :p
(that's sarcasm idc what phone you use)
Maybe code mirror breaks on older versions of Android
the phone was free and all I use it for is calling, texting, and ordering pizza, so I don’t need anything fancy
@AaroneousMiller what version of ios?
iOS 14.8.1, 7th gen iPad
Let me update to iOS 15 real quick and see what happens
its supposed to auto update but it didn’t for some reason
@AaroneousMiller No repro
(ios 14.6 on iphone se)
It’s still preparing the update
its taking a really long time for some reason
Maybe your internet doesn't like the styling/css/codemirror provider
I considered that, but it looks normal on a windows laptop, so idk
Does gitcdn.xyz load fine on the ipad
It does not
it also doesn’t work on the Android phone
or the laptop
Something must be blocking it then
Oh, the page just loaded lol
idk what’s going on with this, but if it’s only affecting me I guess it’s nothing to worry about
I'll look into more when I get home
Ok my iPad suddenly decided that it didn’t like the white boxes and now they’re black again
Same with my phone
Dang it hyper
Being the odd one out
AMiller42 opened PR #306 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:first-truthy-patch → Vyxal:main): Fix the “first truthy int” overload
I doubt that’s gonna light vyxal on fire, so imma just go ahead and merge it
vyxal-cookie merged PR #306 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:first-truthy-patch → Vyxal:main): Fix the “first truthy int” overload
vyxal-cookie deleted branch Vyxal/first-truthy-patch
And that settles it
We figured out who vyxal cookie is
in my defense, i never said i wasn’t vyxal-cookie
I updated main, but the site didn’t auto update
@lyxal is auto integration bork, or am i just dumb?
after what just happened, I’m leaning towards the latter
The latter
It only updates when production is changed
So what you do is pr main into prod
Because that's how the workflows now work
is there a policy as far as when we do such updates?
Make sure to date the prod update
14 hours ago, by Vyxal Bot
pxeger opened PR #303 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:main → Vyxal:production): Update production (30/11/21)
Like ^
Aren’t PRs and commits and such automatically dated by GitHub?
Not explicitly like pxeger suggests
Aight, will do
Oh, i guess the one pxeger opened is still open, so i guess it’ll be fixed on the site whenever that gets merged
Stupid autocorrect
Lyxal merged PR #303 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:main → Vyxal:production): Update production (30/11/21)
a-stone-arachnid opened PR #307 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:a-stone-arachnid-patch-1 → Vyxal:main): Corrected documentation for `E`
hyper-neutrino merged PR #307 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:a-stone-arachnid-patch-1 → Vyxal:main): Corrected documentation for `E`
hyper-neutrino deleted branch Vyxal/a-stone-arachnid-patch-1
!!/ping me
@astonearachnid I have put you on the ping list.
Lyxal created branch Vyxal/fix-the-repl
@AaroneousMiller what program were you running?
Hopefully we don't ddos the interpreter as soon as AoC starts
I think I'll be using it offline
meaning I probably should get my file structure ready
1 hour later…
oh hey vy bot is offline
as in, not responding here
I can commit 14 before anyone notices
in The Nineteenth Byte, Aug 29 at 0:40, by emanresu A
14ing is Japt flag abuse
15 then
in The Nineteenth Byte, Aug 29 at 0:40, by emanresu A
15ing is Zsh flag abuse
in The Nineteenth Byte, Aug 29 at 0:40, by emanresu A
Ok, I'm saying 13ing is Vyxal flag abuse.
wait vyxal bot is offline?
what's organisation owner abuse?
@hyper-neutrino I am doing great.
@lyxal No idea. 16?
great now everyone will know that I'm merging into main by disabling branch protection /s
Wait no
in The Nineteenth Byte, May 6 at 14:24, by caird coinheringaahing
Managed to get 16 through some register abuse :P
Btw we need webserver compatibility
haha I merged two PRs and no one is any the wiser
me who gets emails:
@VyxalBot u good bro?
@lyxal I am doing wonderfully.
then why u not reporting the stuff I do
idk ice cream machine brok
rebooted it
should work now
btw I closed #304 in a PR before aoc started
@lyxal `a`,
@AaroneousMiller what's the full traceback?
1 hour later…
@hyper-neutrino the bot is still borked
unless you disabled messages when branches are created, it's still not reporting github activity
!!/run 1 1+
@lyxal 2
yet it does the programming running
idk just rebooted both sides so if it still doesn't work then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i don't really have much time to look at it for another month or so
3 hours later…
@VyxalBot exposéd!
@AaroneousMiller exposed lmao
Caught in 4k
in The Nineteenth Byte, 11 hours ago, by lyxal
AICMC: If integers are divisible by 5 and 7, print 'Spiders'. Else if they're divisible by 3 only, display "Leg", else simply return "No".
CMC: ^
^ the real answer
Because you can interpret the CMC as talking about all integers and not some inputted integer
well regardless, ° now actually does the complex
1°1 = 1+1j
° = j
.°. = 0.5+0.5j
Lyxal opened PR #310 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:decimals-and-complex-numbers → Vyxal:main): Decimals and complex numbers
 aaron@********:~/code/Vyxal$ python -m vyxal ../vytest
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/runpy.py", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
    return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/runpy.py", line 86, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "/mnt/c/Users/aamiller/OneDrive/Code/Vyxal/vyxal/__main__.py", line 1, in <module>
    import vyxal.main
  File "/mnt/c/Users/aamiller/OneDrive/Code/Vyxal/vyxal/main.py", line 14, in <module>
    from vyxal.elements import *
@lyxal ^
you have weird af type annotation checks
ah no I see the issue
you're running python 3.8
vyxal uses 3.9
i have 3.9, but apparently my computer decided that if i just do python, i must be talking about 3.8
> File "/usr/lib/python3.8/runpy.py"
looks like it to me
i guess i can just go change a couple softlinks and ill be fine
well, it took a while, and lots of pain, and pip was being a little piece of crap, but I finally got the offline interpreter working \o/
@lyxal :D i am on the list sonehow lol
^ intended?
maybe not
@AaroneousMiller is vyxal flammable?


14 hours ago, 1 hour 19 minutes total – 41 messages, 3 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 23 secs ago by Aaroneous Miller

@PyGamer0 Anything's flammable if you try hard enough
@AaroneousMiller when are you planning to change your name back to Aaron Miller?
I don't usually use the l command, but when I do, it feels amazing.
pxeger requested changes on PR #310 (Vyxal/Vyxal): "- Why was `tests/test_transpiler.py` deleted?"
@AaroneousMiller ikr i have to keep using python 3.9 -m
@rues Yeah I just deleted /usr/bin/python and did ln -s /usr/bin/python3.9 /usr/bin/python to change the softlink to point to python3.9
Ah i should try that
3 hours later…
!!/lol u good my epic gamer?
@AaroneousMiller I am doing wonderfully.
!!/u sure bout that?
@hyper-neutrino Does the bot report individual commits, or just PR merges and such?
It didn't report my commit
no we decided to stop reporting those cuz of clutter
so its not brok then
just making sure
well it could still be brok
just not for this reason :p
1 hour later…
AMiller42 opened issue #311 in Vyxal/Vyxal: `ḟ` doesn't overload for functions
TIL the search box for the on-screen keyboard uses regex, instead of searching for a literal string
@VyxalBot u good my dude?
@AaroneousMiller I am doing spectacularly.
good bot
@VyxalBot hug
@AaroneousMiller (つ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)つ
AMiller42 opened issue #312 in Vyxal/Vyxal: `I` doesn't work properly on lists
2 hours later…
@VyxalBot that's a lazy list problem D:
And I thought there weren't any more issues with those :p
@VyxalBot That sounds like a weird but probably not too hard to fix bug
It's lazylists
It's gonna be somewhat pain
The great thing about lazylist bugs is that they can be fixed lazily /s
If only :p

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