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posted on November 28, 2021 by rss.app

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lyxal has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
2 hours ago, by Vyxal Bot
Lyxal opened PR #277 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:finishing-touches → Vyxal:fresh-beginnings): Finishing touches
@AaronMiller @AaroneousMiller @Allxy @Ausername @Fmbalbuena @Milk @PyGamer0 @Wansen @emanresuA @hyper-neutrino @math @pxeger @user ^
Because yes
@VyxalBot lol wut
Wtf are the comments on that PR lol
@user Just another PR on the Vyxal language team :)
@user Aaron started it
@AaroneousMiller is lyxal your mom?
@VyxalBot aaron miller you’re by cookie aren’t you
1 hour later…
I should probably start considering what to place in the readme once the rewrite is done
Also the release notes for 2.6.0
Actually I could just modify what.md with installation/usage instructions
That's a good idea for the readme
2 hours later…
Lyxal deleted branch Vyxal/master
Lyxal created branch Vyxal/old
smh I renamed it
pxeger deleted branch Vyxal/cd
@pxeger thank you for doing the auto-integration. I greatly appreciate it :D
pxeger requested changes on PR #277 (Vyxal/Vyxal): "basically I approve, but I want to know why we're removing apostrophes where they ought to be, and why we're using an ugly CSS code style"
@lyxal you're welcome :)
Well, you've got 4 (3?) users' approvals, so feel free to merge :P
I will when I have the time to also make the release and write something overly reflective for the release notes
3 hours later…
Lyxal merged PR #277 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:finishing-touches → Vyxal:fresh-beginnings): Finishing touches
Lyxal deleted branch Vyxal/finishing-touches
Lyxal deleted branch Vyxal/fresh-beginnings
Lyxal created branch Vyxal/main
Lyxal created branch Vyxal/production
holy shit that actually worked?!
and just as "His Theme" from undertale starts playing too!
v2.6.0 is dropping in a little while btw
I'm writing the release notes now
the G E O R G E thing is broken though btw
yeah that's to be expected
it's domain specific
I'll probably have to remove that
I'll do that when I'm updating the readme for main because I'll be temporarily disabling branch protection for the purpose of just copy-pasting existing stuff
the only question is whether the auto-updating will work
I didn't actually load it
it pulled itself when I made the production branch
I loaded it
it can't update itself without being manually loaded once first
but I mean I copy-pasted the flask app from fresh-beginnings (when it was still called that) into PA
and that was just before I made production branch
unless you loaded it in that time, it's done it itself
(by loaded it, I mean add all the templates, backend stuff, etc)
@lyxal I don't think the workflow can have triggered just when you created the branch, though
well did you add all the other files?
because there were no other files when I last modified it
I did rm -rf mysite; git clone -b production --filter tree:0 [email protected]:Vyxal/Vyxal.git mysite
gee frick writing this release note is harder than I thought
mostly because the editor is lagging lol
and there it is
it's finished
@AaronMiller @AaroneousMiller @Allxy @Ausername @Fmbalbuena @Milk @PyGamer0 @Wansen @emanresuA @hyper-neutrino @math @pxeger @user ^
!!/don't ping me
@Fmbalbuena I have taken you off the ping list.
@Fmbalbuena o/
Lyxal created branch Vyxal/new-readme
Lyxal opened PR #280 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:new-readme → Vyxal:main): Update README.md
Lyxal merged PR #280 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:new-readme → Vyxal:main): Update README.md
Lyxal deleted branch Vyxal/new-readme
!!/really stop
Lyxal opened PR #281 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:main → Vyxal:production): Remove GEROGE from the site because it's no longer relevant for the new domain.
@lyxal i have a protip for fixing bugs
Lyxal merged PR #281 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:main → Vyxal:production): Remove GEROGE from the site because it's no longer relevant for the new domain.
@VyxalBot run `Hello, World!
@Fmbalbuena Hello, World!
@VyxalBot GEROGE
@pxeger is that a trivial fix?
(as in, should I just disable branch protection temporarily?)
@lyxal already fixed (GitHub Actions has an old version of curl ;/)
@lyxal there is no branch protection on production yet
I meant on main
@pxeger (which is kinda a bad idea; I was gonna add it but then changed my mind because I thought GitHub Environments would mean it wasn't necessary, but evidently I don't understand how it works)
@lyxal oh, I've fixed it on prod and we'll have to merge that into main
yeah that shouldn't need 2 reviews
I'll disable branch protection to merge it
don't do that yet though
because it's not properly fixed lol
oh okay
(*silently re-enables it because I already disabled it*)
hey wait does the fact that I mentioned users on github with @ mean that it'll email them notifying them?
because if so, dang.
because I didn't mean to email notify people lol
*Laughs in never checks that email account*
@pxeger Can we call it prod because glf?
it's not worth changing at this point
besides, "production" is more readable
which is kinda the whole point of vyxal
"more readable"
at least it's still gluten free
did I just successfully fix a merge conflict first try? yes, yes I did.
Lyxal closed issue #248 (`K` flag only explicitly outputs numbers as characters, Vyxal/Vyxal)
Lyxal closed issue #255 (The `K` flag doesn't work on lists of strings, Vyxal/Vyxal)
Lyxal closed issue #256 (The `K` flag doesn't work for certain explicit inputs, Vyxal/Vyxal)
can't have issues with the K flag if there is no K flag
also @hyper-neutrino vyxal bot should probably be updated to use vyxal.pythonanywhere.com instead of the old site
before I go to sleep for the night: TODO: - use black to format the flask app - make the linter ignore test_elements.py - update room description
2021-11-28 13:17:53,498: Error running WSGI application
2021-11-28 13:17:53,503: subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']' returned non-zero exit status 128.
2021-11-28 13:17:53,503:   File "/var/www/vyxal_pythonanywhere_com_wsgi.py", line 16, in <module>
2021-11-28 13:17:53,503:     from flask_app import app as application  # noqa
2021-11-28 13:17:53,503:
2021-11-28 13:17:53,504:   File "/home/Vyxal/mysite/flask_app.py", line 34, in <module>
2021-11-28 13:17:53,504:     VERSION = subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"]).decode().strip()
yes I am working on it
okay cool
with that I think I'll head off for the morning (because it's midnight lol)
ok lol
thanks again to everyone for making the rewrite possible
@lyxal o/
17 messages moved to ­Trash
woah, that was close
I just added a protection rule so that definitely can't happen
pxeger opened PR #285 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:black_on_flask_app → Vyxal:main): run black on flask_app.py
@lyxal Can we not just forward everything from lyxalpa to vyxalpa?
pxeger opened PR #286 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:linter_ignore_test_elements_py → Vyxal:main): Exclude tests/test_elements.py from Black lint
room topic changed to Vyxal: For discussion about Vyxal. Repo: github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal | Org: github.com/Vyxal | Interpreter: vyxal.pythonanywhere.com | Type !!/info for more info [actually-12-now] [chat-bot] [code-golf] [dank-memes] [discord] [epic-gamers] [joe] [never-gonna-give-you-up] [powered-by-copilot] [rickroll] [short-programs] [too-many-tags] [unicode] [vyxal] [vyxal-bot] [we-currently-have-11]
Hey, I listen to flake8 sometimes!
It's just that there's so many frickin' suggestions from no one ever ilstening to it that it's hard to find the important ones
cgccuser approved on PR #286 (Vyxal/Vyxal): "Looks good to me. Setting the line length in pyproject.toml will also save us from typing out `--line-length=80` each time. Thanks!"
cgccuser merged PR #286 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:linter_ignore_test_elements_py → Vyxal:main): Exclude tests/test_elements.py from Black lint
cgccuser deleted branch Vyxal/linter_ignore_test_elements_py
@pxeger The size of the code box there is too small
(big image, click on it to see the scrollbar at the right)
@user nothing to do with me mate, Lyxal's the one who implemented the core of the new web app
Perhaps it's this thing
Where does the 4 come from? Looks kinda magical/sus
@user I added the 4 at some point because it made the scrollbar go away
It's not going away for me :(
It came back :/
It was a long while ago, so I’m not surprised it’s not working for the new interpreter
@lyxal y no K flag tho?
K flag bad
Keg bad
The K flag is really useful tho for some alphabet-based challenges and such
@lyxal is that as trivial of a fix as I think it is?
as in should I just replace the l with a v in like one place and be done with it
@hyper-neutrino I have made a PR already
If we’re marking new Vyxal answers as Vyxal 2.6, should the code golf submission button on the interpreter reflect that?
Do we have to mark them as such?
I figured just saying Vyxal would be enough
they're not too backwards-incompatible
I just noticed there were some answers marked like that
@lyxal actually, I just saw what you were referring to, but I never got a notification lol so maybe it wasn't a problem
!!/run kH
@hyper-neutrino Hello, World!
thanks pxeger
!!/run `I`I
wrong prefix
this ain't minecraft
@AaroneousMiller `I`I
@hyper-neutrino minecraft got the /command syntax from IRC, actually
smh kids these days don't know anything about IRC
Ok boomer
@pxeger Well ofc I’m like 6 and a half years old or smth
What's that in human years?
Why doesn't Vyxal have a builtin to convert between plat years and human years?
@user around 16-37
​!!/issue /s
@pxeger it’s a very complex conversion, it might be hard to implement
that's exactly why it should be builtin, so users don't have to write it themselves!
@AaroneousMiller Really? I expected it to be more like 5 given the way you act
ooh, savage
@user lol I act my age in plate years, not human years
Reject modernity, return to plat
Why not return to modern plat?
AMiller42 opened issue #287 in Vyxal/Vyxal: `h` flag not implemented
AMiller42 opened issue #288 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Flags that affect the entire stack discard ToS
AMiller42 opened issue #289 in Vyxal/Vyxal: `?` cycles through the first two inputs
AMiller42 opened issue #290 in Vyxal/Vyxal: `c` flag outputs to the wrong box
AMiller42 opened issue #291 in Vyxal/Vyxal: No way to display a decimal
AMiller42 opened issue #292 in Vyxal/Vyxal: Empty variable names error
AMiller42 opened issue #293 in Vyxal/Vyxal: `a` flag casts inputs to strings
!!/run `Hello, world!`A
@emanresuA ⟨ 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 ⟩
@pxeger I made it oroiginally, but copied all the code from main
And lyxal did a things
oh, ok
well I still don't know how to fix it lol
3 hours later…
@AaroneousMiller use 2.4 if you want that
I agree with pxeger that it's too weird
@VyxalBot dang
Should be len(ctx.inputs[0][0])
wait what tf
chris pressey reacted on our 2.6 release
holy crap
Lyxal opened PR #294 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:stack-flags-fix → Vyxal:main): Stack flags fix
@Niko What stuff do you want to learn?
@Fmbalbuena i don’t actually very sure, but I like playing around with it
we need vyxal part in it, python isn’t enough
@Niko Do you like solving problems?
Lyxal merged PR #294 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:stack-flags-fix → Vyxal:main): Stack flags fix
Lyxal deleted branch Vyxal/stack-flags-fix

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