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@pxeger Oh yes, it'd be totally organic, I just wouldn't disclose my affiliation with Vyxal :P
@pxeger I don't think there'd be much risk of us accidentally DDoSing it, right? That'd only happen if the post got very popular, which is not too likely
Wouldn't any site be at risk of being ddosd if it's shared around?
But you're assuming it becomes super hot on HN and everyone actually tries to go there to try out Vyxal, which is probably not going to happen (unfortunately? fortunately?)
I more mean any site in general
You'd have to ask Aaron
I feel like PA sites would be at a higher risk of that happening because PA might restrict how many people access it? idk tho
@user people ddos PA without HN influence so I'm sure it'd be no different lol
Ah, no worries about that then because we're already at risk for it :P
lyxal has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
That's the PA twitter account
Hrm, what is this new feed? Ah
I figured we might as well have their twitter feed in here given that our site is reliant on them
Because then we can be notified if they're doing site maintenance or whatever
Uh oh, it's going to be doing that for a while.
Mmm yes it doesn't one box
Thank you feeds
Maybe it should be a vyxal bot thing
@hyper-neutrino Add PA twitter feed to Vyxal bot so it can post messages instead of links?
idk how to do that but sure
it's just adding a RSS feed to vyxal bot right?
1 hour later…
well i could try
never done it before
4 hours later…
this is where we're at
and I almost pasted that into the Velay room by accident
btw v2.6pre2 is dropping in a few minutes
Lyxal closed issue #271 (`¨M` always casts `b` to an iterable, Vyxal/Vyxal)
now for flags and CLI
that's the checklist for actual 2.6 release
notice how I scribbled out an item
that's because I can't be bothered to do that and because I want to drop the full version by december
why not keep dictionaries for other languages so they can come up like twice
no no it's gonna happen, just not for 2.6
it'll probably be a 2.6.1 thing
yeah makes sense
> I want to drop the full version by december
december is only a week and a bit away
meaning we have that long to tie up loose ends
Lyxal closed issue #269 (Digraphs to implement, Vyxal/Vyxal)
Lyxal opened PR #272 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:digraph-implementation → Vyxal:fresh-beginnings): Digraph implementation - yeeting 2.6.0pre2 into base.
@user why is there a black linter error when I format my code using black?
@lyxal Yeah, I wasn't planning for that to be part of the rewrite.
@lyxal uh so you played games and the code generated depending on how good you played the games?
@user the black formatting error is probably because it doesn't have the line length 80 flag enabled
> Please don't use HN primarily for promotion. It's ok to post your own stuff occasionally, but the primary use of the site should be for curiosity.
> occasionally
took me a hot second to realize you meant hackernews and not hyper-neutrino
12 hours ago, by hyper-neutrino
people use HN to refer to me sometimes so then when people use HN to refer to hackernews it confuses me
also i constantly forget that hackernews is
something that people submit things to
like it has the word news in the name
and i've also never actually browsed it
3 hours later…
@user I fixed the black check by just changing the workflow to use a custom black check
the sweet, sweet look of 2 successful workflows
I think we could be managing our branches a bit better. It's best to keep branches either: very short-lived (only one feature (e.g. a single digraph or adding a single workflow)), or very long-lived, like master or fresh-beginnings. In the case of a long-lived branch, it should only be added to by merging short-lived branches. (Or for very minor changes like typos and whatnot, it's ok to work directly on the branch)
@lyxal @user @emanresuA @UnrelatedString @PyGamer0 ^
@pxeger that's what digraph-implementation was (is) supposed to be
I figured seeing as how it was for the rewrite, it'd be fine if it was a little longer lived
I thought it was just for implementing some digraphs
If it wasn't, why was it called digraph-implementation then lol
sure, something like all-digraphs would have been more appropriate, but I figured just for the last stretch of the rewrite, it'd be fine
btw I fully agree with the idea of short-lived branches being PR'd into the long-lived branch
btw, the point of this is to avoid massive merges and therefore massive code review tasks
yeah, I kinda realised that when I opened #272
it's a bit late to apply that to the rewrite now (given that it's almost done), but those principles can be applied to bug patches and other feature requests in the future
probably not the best stats to have for a PR ngl
yeah lol
I mean, it's ok for something like merging long-running projects into master (e.g. the rewrite, or if we decided to switch to bytecode compilation)
but you don't want it too much lol
of course and I fully understand what you mean
I suppose I more wanted to just focus on getting this rewrite finished than think about practicalities
looks good
if it helps avoiding what happened with 2.5, I'm totally on board lol
It's also because sites like emkc.org/challenges can't exactly keep up to date with the latest commit, but they can update to new versions
@pxeger i dont think i manage anything here
@PyGamer0 I just pinged everyone who had sent a message recently, sorry lol
(also I just realised I forgot h-n)
HackerNews or Hyper-Neutrino? ;p
the latter lol
of course
@pxeger ofc, I was just making the obvious joke lol
Official Abbreviation Guidelines: Use HN for HackerNews and hn for hyper-neutrino.
huh, looks like I lost the corpus code
I think I had it saved somewhere, when you sent it to me
Let me see
nope, doesn't look like it I'm afraid
I don't think it'd be too hard to make one based on an existing one for a different language (e.g. the Jelly one)
I'll probably base it on the Husk one
I've just realised I'm commenting "complex numbers?" on basically every arithmetic builtin you added in this PR lol
what about them?
they should be covered by sympy
I think they need tests at least
if not for actual unit testing but just for documentation to quickly see the behaviour on edge-cases
> TypeError: 'complex' object is not iterable
I'm guessing that's because it sees complex isn't numeric, so it assumes it's an iterable and tries to vectorise
that's coming from the vyxalify function trying to parse the 3j in the test case
so it isn't even getting to the main function lol
huh lol
because vy_type already accounts for complex
but the vyxalify function didn't
there we go it works now that vyxalify knows to just return the value
and ofc I forgot to account for complex in simplify
ah dang
complex number support is gonna be a whole lot harder
elif is_sympy(value):
    return sympy.nsimplify(value.as_real_imag()[0], rational=True)
because imaginaries returned by sympy are realified
and that was because having the imaginary part was screwing up the test case comparison and because you can't exactly have imaginaries as rationals
that's gonna take some major thinking about
more thinking than my tired brain is capable of right now
i'mma go sleep to recharge lol
@lyxal o/
(before I go, thanks for the help and suggestions pxeger, I appreciate it)
don't think too much before bed lol
get some rest!
Ha, I never think :p
Be like me lyxal
@pxeger I second this, reviews on big merged afe useless
Why doesn't vyxal have a builtin to change my sheets? It's really annoying doing it manually
Also yay 2 successful tests
way up at 2? wow!
@pxeger make a challenge to do it and I’m sure some golflang will add it as a builtin :p
@pxeger i meant checks whoops
I mean come on, mathematica has it!
couldn't we have it, even as a digraph?
Wait what
pxeger approved on PR #272 (Vyxal/Vyxal): "Lots of comments, but \almost all minor things that shouldn't prevent merging, so I'm approving"
oh boy lol
Comments are good
@pxeger aww, i was hoping matgematica could do my irl stuff too
Ok, I have had a thought.
(dangerous, I know...)
I'm typing!
Oh whoops, I forget this isn't Discord (or any other chat thing where you see that)
Why do we need separate characters to close function definitions (;), if-statements (]), while loops (}), and for loops ())? If we replace them all with ;, we can free up 3 more one-byters!
I think this was suggested before, and the answer was readability ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
golfiness vs readability is a difficult trade-off
If we do use ; to close everything, I don't think we should use symmetric characters like [, {, and ( to open (because it'd be confusing later when you use ] as a command instead of using it to close [)
@pxeger Java chose to trade both of them off :P
@pxeger IMHO it's kinda silly to make a language which tries to achieve both, because they're both such polar opposites, so I think Vyxal should aim to be the golfiest (first), but without completely disregarding readability
but that would mean we can sacrifice readability (sometimes)
We already do sacrifice readability tbh
so why not sacrifice this one more thing?
I would second this as long as we can come up with decent-looking examples of code written with a new syntax
just indent them properly and it won't look too bad
practical languages don't have a problem with } being used to close all kinds of structures
But they also open everything with {, unlike Vyxal
so just do this
That user makes a lot of sense :P
> It appears to be a necessary evil as long as we make stack a global variable like that
could we make stack an attribute of ctx?
I wanted to do exactly that :|
(or just put global stack somewhere in the function header?)
But errors happened
@pxeger Oh that's much easier to do lol
cgccuser approved on PR #272 (Vyxal/Vyxal): "There are things to be fixed, but I think we can merge now and fix those in a separate (short-lived) branch."
lol, my later replies to pxeger's comments were turned into separate comments
Should've finished all my single comments first and done the review later
@lyxal Regarding this, can we have αΊ‹ not do string multiplication for str-num and instead treat it like any-num?
@user I think they're there as replies as well, but GitHub doesn't load all of my comments initially because there are so many of them, so it thinks yours are orphaned. If you go to Files Changed and open the actual diffs, you can see the proper conversations
3 hours later…
chunkybanana approved on PR #272 (Vyxal/Vyxal): "looks pretty poggers, the minor things can wait"
3 hours later…
Hmm yes the joys of having email and github app notifications on the same phone
!!/run 81 3 β€’
@lyxal 4.0
Unless you mean actual base conversion ofc
Oh lol
I take back my thumbs up, pxeger
@lyxal what do you think about pxeger's proposal to end all structures with ;?
It'd probably have to be a version 3 thing because backwards compatibility
Lyxal merged PR #272 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:digraph-implementation → Vyxal:fresh-beginnings): Digraph implementation - yeeting 2.6.0pre2 into base.
Lyxal deleted branch Vyxal/digraph-implementation
A: GitHub Actions: how to target all branches EXCEPT master?

Electric SheepUpdate: There is a newer filter described in Samy's answer that provides a more succinct way of achieving this. The documentation has been updated with more information now: When you specify a branches or tags filter, the workflow only runs if at least one pattern matches. Any changes to branch...

That's for later reference for me to know how to make workflows for all branches
This new branch is purely for adding flags
there shouldn't be any element changes on this branch
That's for doing the suggestions from the comments on the recent PR
__main__.py shouldn't be changed on this branch
(@pxeger is that an appropriate way of managing branches?)
We could probably just do pr272 right now and then open up cli later but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
note that I want to get 2.6 out by December, meaning that getting the CLI done has a somewhat higher priority than suggestions from pr272
Lyxal opened issue #273 in Vyxal/Vyxal: 2.6 Release Checklist

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