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@wasif check your email again
Absolute gamers
Gamer time
Unrelatedly, I have trillions of cookies.
nice can login now
Where do be this button
Also nice, you set up git hooks
@Ausername Web tab
Did you even know there's a force https button?
bye for now
wi come back later
Is it just the reload button?
@hyper-neutrino there is?
Wrong reply?
@hyper-neutrino yeah wrong reply
Can I push the https button?
Er suee
Just scroll down
I've never seen it before
huh the webring runs even in http
so i guess it checks the ip and not the cert or smth
@Ausername if I'dv'e seen it I'dv'e already pressed it
Uh anyhow, just a few house keeping rules: do not delete the site. do not muck around with the .git folder unless you're modifying it intentionally. do not delete the mysite folder
Other than that, eh
The rest is free reign
So I can make the site background pink?
This is going to be fun
Expect an instant roll back though
Except when you're asleep...
@Ausername you could have done so anyway before
@lyxal Oh true
The only change really is that you can reload the site on changes
It's still controlled by the repo lol
Expect a surprise on April Fools next year
I'm kinda with Bubbler on that one
However, that is something that should be openly discussed here
Democracy Question: How should function submissions work? (@Ausername @Underslash @AaronMiller @hyper-neutrino @Razetime @UnrelatedString @wasif @user @math @pxeger)
good job
@lyxal You forgot wasif
Yeah I really need to have the democracy ping copy-paste ready
@lyxal whatever syntax you require to push a function to stack and make it callable should be the standard
I also agree with bubbler; auto-close is fine if you have a full program since you can just run it as-is but without the ; it isn't really a complete function (and since vyxal doesn't really have functions but just callable objects, it needs to be the full code to push the function to the stack and allow the rest of the code before+after it)
the shortest method to do so is λ...; I think for a variadic function
I'll have a look at the standard for 05AB1E
if it's a function that's required to take a fixed number of args then it must use that syntax
05AB1E doesn't have functions
slaps face
That seems kinda silly
or at least first class ones from what I remember
05AB1E just takes strings and evals them as 05AB1E
Ok I'll edit the answe
what happens when you stringify a function
05AB1E only has transformer lambdas (or whatever it calls operators)
Dah frick I forgot to ping @AviFS
we should get a ping bot here
unless the lambda is autocalled in the thing maybe
Very good job mobile se chat sending my edit as a new message
REEEEEDWOOOOOOOOOOOLF!!!!1111!111!!11!!11! you mean
Yeah that
petition to make ^^ superping redwolf everywhere
@Razetime new flag idea?
Regex for that
@lyxal absolutely
> Your program shouldn't run for more than 1 second on a reasonable computer. (This avoids someone waits till Friday and outputs 0)
That could actually be an interesting challenge...
Where's that from?
@lyxal [Drag this to your bookmarks](javascript:(_=>{document.getElementById("input").value = "@Ausername @Underslash @AaronMiller @hyper-neutrino @Razetime @UnrelatedString @wasif @user @math @pxeger @AviFS"})(document))
well played
just create a new bookmark with javascript:(_=>{document.getElementById("input").value = "@Wasif @Ausername @Underslash @AaronMiller @hyper-neutrino @Razetime @UnrelatedString @wasif @user @math @pxeger @AviFS"})(document)
very nicely done
as the URL
[Drag this to your bookmarks](<javascript:(_=>{document.getElementById("input").value = "@Ausername @Underslash @AaronMiller @hyper-neutrino @Razetime @UnrelatedString @wasif @user @math @pxeger @AviFS"})(document)>)
stop spam pinging.
Nope url force is broken
I was trying to get url force
hard luck
just create a bookmark for this site, edit it and paste that code
should work fine
and you can edit it to reflect username changes
or get chat commands userscript and add that as an entry
that exists?
Laughs in mobile browser
back here again
@lyxal function submissions??
how they are supposed to work
@Razetime you double pinged me
@wasif like how you can submit a lambda in python instead of a full program
vyxal has funny usable, namable, parameterized functions
isn't prepopulating stack more flexible?
lambdas and other things may cost more bytes
in the case of a recursive definition, probably not
i see
most of the time full programs are golfier
yeah, functions allow for recursion with x which may be shorter sometimes
did someone yet use recursion in their answer
@Ausername I don't think a function submission in Vyxal is allowed to use auto-closing. It looks like a lambda is even incomplete without closing ;, so the current submission should be 12 bytes. A function should be reusable, which is not satisfied until it is actually pushed to the stack and more commands are allowed to come after it. — Bubbler 33 mins ago
but in case you're making a binary lambda calculus interpreter or something I'd recommend using functions and not letting yourself go insane
@wasif yes, hence the democracy ping
vyxal normal functions are longer i think
you need to supply arity value too
does two/three variable lambdas exist?
dyads and triads?
@wasif you can also just multiply them
does anyone have any use cases where recursion is the must way to go?
people always find out a non recursive formula for tasks that look appearently impossible without recusrion
there's a difference between "possible" and "golfy"
also how did i get four pings over the course of like one game of league
@UnrelatedString democracy!
imagine playing league smh
i would play something else if my friends played something else
poor friends
Imagine not playing cookie clicker 27 hours a day.
we actively try to find something else to play together and it never works
play multiplayer cookie clicker using parsec
usually i just go to itch and find a memey 2 player game to try on parsec
yeah the only game i really play with my friends is league
lol at 3 consecutive lols
I play tf2 with my friends
i play genshin but i don't usually co-op and i play apex, val, overwatch, and osu but with either different friends or alone
i have one friend who plays splatoon once in a blue moon
and occasionally tries to talk me into trying tf2
league is the only game we seem to actually be able to stick to playing lmao
i play a good amount of lor but there's only one guy i ever actually end up getting to play with me
oh yeah lor is fun too but i don't play it anymore rip
which is weird because a bunch of my friends were into duelyst while that still existed
now they just do like
played it against my brother a bunch a while back but i've only played a couple of times since azir
some weird onlyine mtg thing
sorry to interrupt, but
is it the e branch released
ngl I probably should have made a release earlier
@wasif no
it's actually v2.4.0
there's v2 and then there's e branch
> prepending was a bit of a sussy baka, so I ejected it and got a new crewmate instead. (btw it still does prepend)
@wasif that will probably most likely be v3
you also changed round number and ln function
include them in the release change list
real gamers use v0.0.0
Jyxal is in v-1.
@Ausername nice
rapid development speed
@Ausername is that v1 or v negative 1?
v negative 1
Lol I went to address #98 only to not realise I still had the experimental version of Vyxal.py open. I was genuinely confused for a moment then.
CMC: New favicon for the online interpreter
White italic V on black background?
Or flowey
not flowey
@Ausername that could be good
I'll wait and see what everyone else says
(not making it a democracy ping though)
Oh nice 2.4.0
I pinned it
well I'mma go rerun the corpus then get back to writing the e branch compiler
> new favicon
implying one exists
One does
and it used to display
problem is that I've lost the file
if you make an API for the online interpreter i'll make you a chatbot to run vyxal code here
hows this look
why X and not V
@Razetime Yes
V in red, Y in blue, X in black
@hyper-neutrino Jyxal would work once I finish it
wait hold on
my chat bot is in python so i can just run vyxal there .-. lol
CMQ - do we want a Vyxal execution bot here
i don't think we do that enough to warrant one
also that would require a vyxal keyboard bookmarklet
@Wasif @Ausername @Underslash @AaronMiller @hyper-neutrino @Razetime @UnrelatedString @wasif @user @math @pxeger @AviFS chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/58418103#58418103
it's a democracy ping whether you like it or not ;p
rest in peace everyone's inbox
who wants to pull request Adam's lb
not me
I don't know apl
what are we PRing
you need to make it in js smh
I don't know js very well
i know minimal apl and can do js things
@hyper-neutrino github.com/abrudz/lb
you don't need APL at all
also yeah
adam: gets mentioned
lyxal: apl
@Razetime every language bar has an APL, JS, and HTML file
are you sure you don't need APL
@hyper-neutrino hence why I mentioned APL
because I've seen the repo before
@hyper-neutrino I wrote most of the BQN keyboard so i must know
and btw BQN doesn't have a .dyalog file
oh bqn doesn't
you don't need APL
back again
what is BqN
a non-kosher version of apl
APL but not really APL
@lyxal nice
BQN is a better version of APL with amazing documentation
i see
@hyper-neutrino wdym by non kosher
also, I reran the corpus
check #14 for the results
@lyxal execution bot could be cool but i wouldn't make it a priority
results haven't changed much
the hard part is associating keys with each symbol
@wasif apl = apple, bqn = bacon
bacon = pork
unless you guys are fine with just clicking the symbols
its kinda scary that 2x-1 has turned into ghost everywhere (in github too)
how is that scary lol
honestly I don't think anybody uses capture symbols in anything except APL
wait what's a capture zymbol
i've started using the ones from the bookmarklet for jelly
for the APL lb if you press backtick it auto changes the next char typed to it's apl keyboard equivalent
@lyxal For what?
1 hour ago, by lyxal
Democracy Question: How should function submissions work? (@Ausername @Underslash @AaronMiller @hyper-neutrino @Razetime @UnrelatedString @wasif @user @math @pxeger)
@AviFS test message
(sorry if that pinged everyone again)
@wasif Lame.
It was 5:30am here, so no worries. I didn't wake up for another 6 hours, haha
Is it still an open question?
I'm still interested in your thoughts
and there's still others who haven't answered yet
Do you mind elaborating on the question then, pls?
Okay so in python, you can submit either a full program or a function (like a lambda)
It's just input to function, and then what the function returns, right?
@lyxal Right
how does one format the function submission?
what's included and what isn't?
i wonder how do you make reusable functions in vyxal
all stateless functions should be reusable, no?
alternatively, put the lambda in a function
anyhow, I gtg now sorry
bye for now
no i asked if they are reusablr
@lyxal o/
Usually, it's whatever minimal chunk of code defines a function that you can actually use
So unless you have lambdas, for instance, the name of the program does count
Because it's part of the necessary syntax of declaring the function to be able to use it
So if there are no unnamed functions, that'd def be worth adding!
But ultimately, how functions are accepted is a question for the general CGCC community, not necessarily the language users
It'd just have to be posted as an answer to the corresponding meta question, and if it got the sufficient votes, it'd go into play
What counts here, is unfortunately not up to us to decide, as I understand it
As the language designer, all you can do is implement golfy function syntax, so whatever the community votes to accept is golfier
@lyxal Have I answered or totally skirted the point?
@AviFS except it's good to establish what the language users want first before making a proposal on meta. That way, it's representative of the majority.
Hence why I asked as a democracy ping
if you make newlines terminate lambdas it might be more acceptable. no clue though
I see, that makes a lot of sense. Still, I doubt we'll get away with anything but the minimal snippet that still provides a fully functioning function
So I think really the thing here is to come up with a minimal syntax for functions
@hyper-neutrino that sounds like the χ transformer
the what now
@AviFS and that's what I was hoping I would get as answers from the ping
Ah, I'm sorry!
@hyper-neutrino "everything up until last newline as an element"
I totally missed the question then, haha
@AviFS all good!
How about like dfns in APL? Those are pretty sleek
@AviFS I think your opinion is still valid though, and I think that's helped me clarify what I wanted too
Except you can leave off the closing } at the end of the program
@AviFS I suppose I'm more looking for what can be counted as a function submission
But then we're back to the first point, haha
Try it Online! is obviously acceptable
Fully functioning functions count as function submissions, and only fully functioning functions, so far as I know
But is something like Try it Online! acceptable?
only as a full program submission
it doesn't define a function that can be used without further obligatory syntax
@UnrelatedString which format are you referring to?
originally the first one
i would argue vyxal's regular elements aren't even functions, just commands that will apply to the stack
so to submit a "function solution"
you have to submit the minimal complete code that is a command / group of commands that push a function to the stack, since that's the only form vyxal really has functions in
i'd say you can hide the semicolon in the footer only if you can omit it entirely and still have a function which you can actually use elsewhere
but i'm not aware of any way to use a function prior to defining it
And for clarification: Try it Online!?
Okay theb
That settles it
if you can do like f= in the header and lambda ... ; (whatever the syntax for variables is) that should be fine like in python (unless recursion uses the name)
@hyper-neutrino you can
granted it pushes the function so i don't see the need to define as a var lol
For everyone else: do you agree with hyper and Unrelated's assessment?
i am just now trying to think of how to think about jelly function submissions not counting the newline afterwards
because clearly that's a different category of obligatory syntax
but how do we define that
@hyper-neutrino Try it Online!
@lyxal Unfortunately not, as I understand
In Python, the def f(n): is included in the byte count
Not just the body
@AviFS nothing unfortunate about it
@UnrelatedString Exactly this!
Well it is. Because it'd be shorter otherwise!
I don't know that functions will ever be shorter than full programs in Vyxal though, will they?
You already have implicit input/output, and require no bytes to declare a function
Then I recommend a symbol that calls the entire program again
Similar to in APL which allows you to do recursion in unnamed lamdas
So if you call ∇(3) it calls itself with 3
@AviFS x
And you could in principle do that in Vyxal, but it would just run the whole program with a different input
That's what x does
@lyxal You mean you've implemented already?
Then back to why do you need to use functions?
@hyper-neutrino Hyper said recursion
@AviFS It only works in functions
Aka, when could functions possibly be shorter than implicit I/O in a stack-based lang
@AviFS Ah, then back to the other haha
The idea is to have it rerun the program with a different input, if not in a function
I could make x do that too
Current it just prints the stack outside a function
What do you think of the idea?
1 min ago, by lyxal
I could make x do that too
It already does it inside functionz
Shouldn't be too hard to make it do so outside functions
So this would be collatz, for example
But wait, there's more:
Have it execute the program, without changing the stack
That way you don't have to worry about arity
The next execution can use the first two elements of the stack, only the top one, or the first n
It doesn't matter if the stack accumulates cruft over successive iterations
Perhaps this is worth considering for lambdas in general
You use quite a few bytes declaring the arity
That just sounds like generators with extra steps
But it could be worth it
I'll put it in the experimental branch for now
@lyxal wouldn't making a function terminate at a new-line save 0 bytes over terminating at a semicolon?
@Underslash end of program counts as newline i assume
@Underslash no, because it's like abcXdef
And abc gets grouped
It's to the start of the line
Not to the end

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