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Can you convert between arbitrary bases?
I've found binary/decimal/hex etc.
Sorry, that's lame. I couldn't find the page.
Wait no. False alarm. Question still holds.
Given a list, is there a builtin to convert to a different base, like APL's 5 ⊥ 3 0 4 1 2 1
one moment
@AviFS ^
I just had to make sure it did what I thought you meant
Wait, you're kidding. That was totally the obvious choice, but it looked to me like it was numbers to numbers
I hadn't realized it could do lists. What's the syntax?
@AviFS no, I'm Lyxal! :p
Hahaha, I totally forgot about that old joke
@AviFS you're trying to convert a string to integer?
I was just going to say, yeah!
That it'd be cool if that was implict
Use I or
Or E even
If `123`10β did the same as ⟨1|2|3⟩10β
@AviFS τ
That that'd be cool I mean
You're looking for τ
Oh wait... I am, thanks
So what was fancy looking B doing?
That was converting the opposite way?
Honestly idk
I never was good with comprehending bases
I'll look into it
Haha, no worries
It's working great now!
Does unicode not work in strings?
No, it's not that simple because this works
You need to escape non-ascii chars
Ah, I see, interesting
Because they are used for dictionary string compression
Why's that?
Don't know what that means, but I'll take it
`ƈṡ, ƛ€!`
Is Hello, World!
No way! You've come up with the cleverest lang, my dear friend
ƈṡ turns into Hello and ƛ€ turns into World
The comma space and ! are untouched
Super duper neat
There's also support for regex matching and defined functions as well as variables
Nice nice nice
This is way more serious than I realized. I remember when it was a baby!
It's really grown
It's amazing
And that's also due to everyone who has contributed code or raised issues on github
None of this would be possible without people like razetime, Aaron Miller, a username, hyper, user, unrelated string, wasif, Underslash, a stone arachnid and more
Bummed to have missed all of its growth, but glad to be back on board!
And I'm glad to have you back too/
Stupid mobile keyboard making me use the wrong character
Welcome to the team :p
No way! I so don't deserve this. Thanks Lyxal!!
I'm a room owner, I'm a room owner, I'm a room owner
And YOU.
</end nonsensical childish song>
@AviFS I add those who I trust to share the same vision for Vyxal
Glad to be a part of the team!
But it's still 'vix-ul'. Period.
Is there a way to map this with the lambdas without using the for loop?
And not sure why the output is what it is
(M doesn't work either)
Darn! How do you do that?
Prepending v to an element vectorises it
Ah, vectorize
I just found it
Searched for all occurrences of map
vectorize didn't occur to me
Heh, looks like find might be a bit broken in the way it works with strings
I'll have to fix that too
Broken in the sense that it doesn't behave as expected
And it's because I need to add an explicit overload for non-lists
Internally that is
v+ on 1,2,3 and 4,5,6 would give 5,7,9 rather than [5,6,7],[6,7,8],[7,8,9] right?
like, does v vectorize multiple or just on the top?
seems like it vectorizes on the TOS only (tested with v") - it might be worth clarifying? whether it vectorizes on all arguments or just one might be ambiguous, so idk if it's worth it, probably wouldn't hurt to specify
One last question, I think: Any chance there's a string-type which doesn't need escaping for unicode?
I wonder if it'd be a good idea, since the bytes quickly rack up if your string has lots of unicode
@AviFS use the D flag
@hyper-neutrino it gives 5, 7, 9 by default and nested lists with v
I'll add that to the docs when I'm next at my computer
aight, nice :+1:
@AviFS heh, sorry about the late response: you caught me at a time when I was just heading down to the store to get groceries lol
No worries! Thanks to your help I got this
At the time of writing, it was the best score. Though there are some serious improvements to be made.
@lyxal Oh wow! I def want to hear about this tomorrow pls. Gotta go to bed now, thoug
5 hours later…
How does Vyxal use Generators exactly?
that is a good question
and I'll give you a hopefully good answer
The story of how and why Vyxal has a custom generator class
Wait, custom?
I honestly thought that was a builtin.
If you let me explain you'll see what I mean
Way back in the early days of Vyxal, there was only numbers, strings and lists
If you tried to do things with itertools/mapping/anything that would usually be lazily evaluated by python, it had to be converted to a list first
However, this meant that programs involving things like getting all the permutations of a largeish string and then filtering based on a predicate would take a long time
An optimal solution would be to just use the items returned by the mapping/itertools stuff/whatever as-is
however, there's just one problem with that
a map is a different type to itertools.<whatever> which is yet a different type to the built-in generator type
meaning that organising type cohesion would be an absolute pain
also, things like indexing would still face the same problem of having to convert the entire generator into a list
so I thought "hey what if I make a general wrapper for all the many types of generators"
"that way, I only have to deal with one type of class"
"and I can create custom methods for it too"
So I made the Generator class
Doing so also has the benefits of making user-defined generators play nice as well
because I can control how the instance is created using __init__
This... is something I need to implement, but it might take a while to do so.
That's why we have a custom Generator class
now for how it's used.
Anytime something that would otherwise be lazily-evaluated is returned, it's wrapped in Generator
Infinite lists for one, like and ÞF.
those are wrapped in Generator too
but also things like Generator(itertools.zip_longest(*iterable(lhs), fillvalue=rhs)
Generators have two main attributes that need considering: generated and gen
generated is a list of all the values that have been, well, generated so far by the generator
this is mostly so that generated values are retained somewhere
gen is the actual generator object that is being wrapped
Now seems like a good time to properly address issue 82 on the repo
@lyxal On one hand, I don't have to deal with itertools, on the other hand, I don't have itertools.
@lyxal The corpus is not exactly useful.
> Generators causing problems because they aren't lists #82
Oh yeah
By address, I mean "explain what the problem is in more detail"
I saw that
"This is something that will take more than a quick fix - it would require a complete reworking of how the Generator class works."
Let me explain why
Say you want to map , to a list
that's easy enough, you just print each item because you know when the list ends
it's finite, so it can be evaluated as-is
But if you've got something like ∞ (which btw no one uses, check the corpus)
Does that make sense? (I'm not done yet, I'm just taking a moment to make sure you're still tracking along)
I understand so far, yes
2 mins ago, by A username
@lyxal The corpus is not exactly useful.
@Ausername good
now say you instead want to map , to an infinite list
your first idea might be to try and call list on the generator
the problem with that is that you'll be waiting a while for the list conversion to finish
because it's, well, infinite
meaning that the printing will never actually happen
why would you need to call list on it?
what's wrong with just iterating over it?
Can you overload comparison for Generators?
Python's builtin map does that already
@pxeger because if you're doing something like ƛ,;, it's returning a map object
ok, so then have the interpreter automatically try to exhaust any map objects it gets if it's supposed to print them?
problem is that because it's lazily evaluated, when it goes to be printed, it applies the mapping and tries to print the list item at the same time
@pxeger it's an infinite map though
it goes on forever
it uses yield
How does Husk handle it?
I've never read the husk source
and I don't know haskell
@lyxal Oh true
Just asking because one of Husk's main concepts is infinite lists.
Infinity is a pain.
by "exhaust", I don't mean "create a list", I mean for x in generator: pass
just force every item to be evaluated
and if the generator is a map, then force every item to have the function applied to it
that already happens
well what's the problem then?
and so long as you don't try to print anything inside a generator, you're good to go
the problem is printing inside a generator
it's to do with the way that printing a generator works
at the end of execution, it goes through each item and applies whatever chain of functions has been mapped/filtered/whatevered
and then once it has it's result, it prints it
followed by a | to indicate the next item
however, if during the mapping/filtering/whatevering, the value is printed, it still prints the list item
here's another way of thinking about it
oh, so each item gets printed twice
if i call print on a finite list, it can print the whole list and still halt
you need a separate "foreach" and "map" then. Map returns the generator after the result of the function, Foreach returns nothing
the problem is when I call print on an infinite list
@pxeger how would you print a map object?
a finite map object
how would you print it as a list?
What if you have a hardcoded Generator size limit that can be modified with flags?
@Ausername I've considered that
2 mins ago, by lyxal
how would you print it as a list?
the obvious answer would be print(list(map(fn, iter)))
@lyxal The same way you currently do. Python 2: print(map(print, range(10))) prints everything twice too. But if you want to map , over an infinite list, you should expect to get everything twice. If you don't want it twice, then either use a "forcibly exhaust iterator but return nothing" builtin, or use foreach instead of map.
By printing the first (limit) items...
@pxeger But we're using py3
35 secs ago, by lyxal
the obvious answer would be print(list(map(fn, iter)))
however, that doesn't work on infinite lists
because calling list on an infinite list will never halt
it'll keep on going and going
never stopping
so how is one to print an infinite list?
@lyxal well it's the same, but instead it's print("[", end=""); for i in map(print, range(10)): print(i, end=", ")
and range(10) can just as well be an infinite list
    def _print(self, end="\n"):
        main = self.generated
            f = next(self)
            # If we're still going, there's stuff in main that needs printing before printing the generator
            VY_print("⟨", end="")
            for i in range(len(main)):
                VY_print(main[i], end="|"*(i >= len(main)))
            while True:
                    f = next(self)
                    VY_print("|", end="")
                    VY_print(f, end="")
that's what I currently do
look I really don't see this as a bug. It's expected behaviour with a map builtin
and that has the problem of duplicate printing
@pxeger neither do I really
Who said it was a bug?
"It's not a bug, it's a feature!"
yes I see
but why did you respond to this in a way that makes it seem like it is a valid bug
is it a bug?
Tell the issue creator to use foreach instead of map
it is not a bug
does it need fixing?
see my understanding of infinity isn't exactly the best
welp I think that's me done for the day
It's 11pm and I'm feeling too tired to make any more comprehensible sense
bye o/
I fixed #92 but the check failed... Anyway, 'night.

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