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• (num a, num b) -> num          = log_a(b)
  (num a, str b) -> [str]        = [char * a for char in b]
  (str a, num b) -> [str]        = [char * b for char in a]
  (str a, str b) -> str          = a.with_capitalisation_of(b)
  (lst a, lst b) -> [any]        = a molded to the shape of b
  (otherwise)                    = vectorise
yes or no?
mostly I want feedback on (lst a, lst b) -> [any]
should it be lst or [any]
@Razetime @hyper-neutrino @user @Underslash @Ausername
(because that's everyone who's responded thusfar)
i like [any] better
Welcome to the team ;p
Poll: Should I add a vyxal commits rss feed to this room?
I mean, we can see them in GitHub already
If you do, it should probably just be for master and experimental
gtg get dinner, bye
The beginner friendly version is lst so I go with that
how should I denote optional arguments?
¿ (any a, *b)                    = apply element if a is truthy - <element>¿
b may or may not be popped
maybe (any a, any? b)?
ω  (any a, any? b, any? c) -> [any, any] = apply last two elements "parallel" and collect - equivalent to ψ"
ω  (any a, any? b, any? c) -> [any] = apply last two elements "parallel" and collect - equivalent to ψ"
@hyper-neutrino agreed
how would optional arguments even work?
@Underslash I'm more saying ¿ and ω might pop more than just a
3 4 1+¿ would pop three items
3 4 0+¿ would only pop one item
3 4 +Eω would pop two items and one item
I like (any a, any b?, str c?) or smt like that
but ? in general looks more natural than *
I like ? after the optional param
yay, another person that adds me as a room owner :p xd
I had 9 ROs and needed an even amount ;p
CMQ: best way to indicate non-list?
e.g. (a: non-list, b: non-list)
obviously it should be lst but with a strikethrough
in reality, non-list seems like a pretty good choice
except I'm using things like [any] and num
I need a shortened version'
@Underslash scl?
are you trying to do 3 letter only?
sclr if only
I've asked in tnb as well
sclr might be the one I end up using
also if you do sclr, do list as well
cause then its consistent
My opinion is you should use 6 letters, i.e. String, Scalar, Vector
@Wasif imo those feel a bit too long/verbose
also, function is 8 letters
I see
oh yeah, does a function count as a a non-list?
it's included under any
but it is not included under scl
so who in here is smart enough to do the fix combinator thing in vyxal
it's probably possible
@Razetime what is that?
Q: Implement Fix2 combinator

BubblerBackground The fixed-point combinator \$\textsf{fix}\$ is a higher-order function that computes the fixed point of the given function. $$\textsf{fix}\ f = f\ (\textsf{fix}\ f)$$ In terms of programming, it is used to implement recursion in lambda calculus, where the function body does not normall...

wow I am not good enough to solve that lol
1 hour later…
@lyxal Can you do that?
prolly not
Then why did you ask?
oh wait
I thought you meant the challenge
lyxal has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Yes it's possible
it'll be a ticker feed
My rep is dying 'cos I'm spending all my time on Jyxal, so I'm gonna go do some answers :p
lyxal has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Did you mean http://https//github.com/lyxal/vyxal/commits.atom?
I don't think that really works
lyxal has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
hmm thanks SE for inserting http
@lyxal The last time chat was updated was a few years ago :p
I mean, they're also not going to take away your extra badge...
looks like the feeds are just as slow even when it isn't SE dat
i don't think the feed itself is slow
i think it's cuz SE chat only polls the feed quite infrequently
@hyper-neutrino the Feed post here is slow
the raw feed updated ages ago
well the RSS feed on the server side isn't the issue it's chat being dumb
unless the SE feed is also slow and both are bad
that's what I meant
chat bad
Does a.replace(b, c) make sense on (num a, num b, num c)?
i interpret that as replace on digit list
posted on January 01, 0001 by Lyxal

mostly testing out the new commits feed

posted on January 01, 0001 by github-actions

Update elements.md

posted on January 01, 0001 by Lyxal

Hello, Feed

posted on January 01, 0001 by Lyxal

Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Lyxal/Vyxal

posted on January 01, 0001 by github-actions

Update elements.md

oh yes
january 1
thank you
very cool
Vyxal has been around since before SE
lyxal has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
yep that's a ticker feed
vyxal transcends modern computing
@hyper-neutrino ^
epic gamer moment
One of the things Jyxal could allow is real-time input/output.
Also eval (as js obviously) and requests will be unlocked
@lyxal in the dev branch, is there any possibility for n-byte map lambdas?
isn't that already was map lambda does?
or am i misinterpreting the question
@Underslash you mean like map last two elements?
Btw in Jyxal, I fixed tokenisation for n-byte lambdas with digraphs.
well like how theres the lambda char, but then also a single byte lambda, 2 byte lambda, and a 3 byte lambda
@Underslash so map last n elements?
oh i see what you mean
wouldn't it be map next?
Like but explicitly for maps
can't remember if n-byte lambdas are pre or post fix
> in the dev branch
hence postfix
if it was main branch, it would be postfix
and the answer would be no
but because it's dev branch, the answer is maybe
@Ausername yeah, that
@Ausername I don't know how useful that could be
perhaps I will
also that is map last n elements
I only say that because I would generally use the maps with 1 or two byte blocks, hence why shaving off an easy extra byte is nice
remember that an element is a token of code not an element of data
or smth like that
@hyper-neutrino correct
@Underslash 1 byte blocks should just use v
Ƭ would be map 2 elements, Ʋ would be map 3 and Ȥ would be map 4
im going to be honest, I didn't know v was a command
v. vectorises the next element
yeah I just used it
@lyxal map 4? Prob no
how often is the swap element used
($? IIRC)
ive used it a couple of times, but never for much
enough times that it's useful
it serves a purpose
is there a command to unwrap a list?
how often does it cause issues with being too many bytes and requiring a custom lambda or smth
it's enough to make a reverse arguments transformer unjustifiable
oh okay
@hyper-neutrino not very often
yeah i was gonna ask if a higher-order function to swap a dyad's arguments would be warranted
@hyper-neutrino by the time you've written +<swap transformer>, you might have well just written $+
it's essentially the sam
well yeah, but you can't v the latter
@lyxal p
@Ausername p?
$+ == p
for most purposes
@hyper-neutrino I don't think I've ever needed +<transformer>v
@Ausername + was used as an example here
was just wondering :p
@Ausername I could have chosen to use * or - as an example
* is commutative
is there a way to unwrap a list? (sorry for repeating this)
@Ausername so is +
@Underslash ÷?
@Underslash f or ÷
ok that could use some documentation lol
but thanks
4 hours later…
@lyxal Btw can you explain how implicit input handling is meant to work?
Like how your code handles it?
I'm a bit stuck here
1 hour later…
Gosh this was a pain. Any way you can think of to get to 27?
14-15-18-19-23-25 are all general-purpose stuff, so if you can find something else for those, they're repurposable.

21 is as long as you're not using the chars in the compressed int

22 is evens-only

13 can go from 11 to 19
Byte now
3 hours later…
@Ausername \lC½½
4 hours later…
I just realized there's no flag for "print the entire stack, separated by spaces"
@lyxal ^ This should be top priority because it will allow for a 69 byte answer in which I can use "Rick Astley" as a testcase.
2 hours later…
@AaronMiller Thanks!

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