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@JacobB Thanks for the edit, I missed that somehow... :(
I proofread my posts before I submit them, so I'm not sure how that slipped.
No problem :)
@ifconfig you can explain it then, I’m not one for the equations myself :)
@Daniil Aye, sir. I'll take a stab at it tomorrow morning, pacific time. :)
@ifconfig Thinking to buy a Dji Tello, worth it?
@Daniil I don't have one, but just looking at the specs: ryzerobotics.com/tello/specs
Doesn't look all that interesting.
Personally, for that feature set I'd be more interested in the learning opportunity to build a custom drone which you could so similar things with.
The camera is only 5MP... that's like a bad smartphone selfie cam. :)
But I can’t really afford anything more than that
£100 is the top
Anything better for that money?
That's a good point. I mean it's a complete package for $79 USD, there's that going for it.
@ifconfig what’s your point about the specs page?
I meant that the Q/A you just posted is more or less just a mirror of the information published by DJI on page 4 of this PDF dl.djicdn.com/downloads/smart+controller/…
Maybe this is a discussion for meta, but I don't know if we want to be a mirror for consumer product spec sheets like this
Do you see what I'm trying to get at?
@ifconfig I do, not saying that I agree
guys, I think we should do something about the small-drones tag before we go public beta
as it is, it seems rather vague.
i.e. if we define this by mass (sub 250), then it needs to be in the tag's name somehow (light-drones, sub-250, etc).
also then we need to retag LOTS of questions that are tagged with this, that do not reference sub250 specifically
alternatively, it can mean a wider category, i.e. something less than 3kg or whatever. But then, there's the question of whether we need it at all
the biggest problem with it right now is that there's a huge amount of questions that are (1) tagged with only this tag, and (2) are not actually about sub250g
I'm guessing it's used by people to sidetrack the "you must tag your question" requirement, especialy as it is (or at least was) the tag suggested besides the field
@FlashCactus agreed, you want to make a meta post about it or I can tomorrow?
Sure, I can regurgitate all of this in meta
Sounds like a meta tag.
What sort of questions about small drones do you expect?
Also want to point out the original suggestion for the drones tag implied that a drone was under a certain size... I, uh... rewrote that one.
@Daniil Done!
Q: What should we do about the [small-drones] tag?

FlashCactusAs it is right now, the small-drones tag has some really serious problems, which we need to solve before public beta. The overarching problem is that it doesn't really represent anything. In the tag wiki the tag is defined as relating to drones that are lighter than 250 grams. However, neither...

@FlashCactus Great
@Catija when do we expect to go to public beta?
We were just talking about it today... maybe the 28th. Kinda looking at how y'all are doing with tagging. You've got plenty of questions.
That's good to hear, positive feedback from inside is reassuring. We have been waiting for the public beta to start before we begin advertising our existence.
@Catija Sounds good
btw, I foresee a lot more tagging questions, and while meta posts are great, they don't support lengthy discussions except in comments. Also we've got lots of small-ish tag-related questions.
So maybe we could move some of those discussions to chat?
That's a good point, @FlashCactus
Maybe even make a chat room specifically for all tag-related stuff so it won't get buried in all the other topics?
@FlashCactus that is a good idea.
Generally, the requirement to make public beta is 150 high-quality questions, which this site has exceeded. Sites are given three weeks to get to that level; however, if they reach it early, it will begin after two weeks.

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