Same - we recently had a severe h*ck-up when two travelers, coming from Victoria (which is currently in lockdown due to over 15 new cases in the last month), come through to QLD, in the same week I got sick.
@KorvinStarmast No, the fires and storms have thankfully ceased. But the problem now is that we have... irresponsibles... spreading COVID right on the verge of us successfully dealing with the issue.
As they say - there are two factors with dealing with the spread of COVID: 1. How dense the population is 2. How dense the population is
Since the CiViD19 pandemic is sensitive and stressful to many, and sparks a lot of discussion, kindly try to keep conversations about it in the Coronavirus chat room.
@KorvinStarmast I would suggest that kind of response usually doesn't go down well. Intention is one thing, but this isn't our chatroom. That's why there is another one.
@Ben Good night Ben, I do not care for the blatant insult to both you and me that presumes that we will somehow harm people by making a casual mention... best wishes, mate.
And we still can't complain that much. Sure Victoria is bad compared to the rest of Australia or New Zealand but compared to the rest of the world we're not that bad off.
@Ben I'm all good. In SA, we've only got a few cases from new arrivals. I don't wear a mask when I go out, but other than that, Vic's new restrictions wouldn't affect what we've been doing for months already.
@KorvinStarmast It isn't an unreasonable expectation to keep sensitive topics out of the main chat room, we want to be welcoming to everyone there. Viewing comments being moved as a personal attack isn't really necessary.