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Last chance for people to earn a quick 100 rep by weighing in on my question about scavenging strategies, the bounty will have to be awarded soon.
Oh sweet, links are permitted in town forums of Die2Nite now.
Of note is that links are permitted in the town forums now.
@GnomeSlice no, I think that message meant links are disallowed on the world forums rather than allowed in the town forums.
2 messages moved from The Bridge
@badp Read the last line on the screenshot.
@GnomeSlice That's the message I was talking about.
"Links are now permitted in town forums only"
The devs made a point earlier of saying that they were not allowed in either forum.
Again, I think they simply removed the markup for links from the world forums.
Links have always been allowed -- just for approved resources only.
Did you not read the messages from the crow a while back?
yes, I have.
For a while there, they said any external links could result in temporary bans.
@GnomeSlice Can't find a quote for that.
I'm sure of it. They made a point of mentioning that they do in fact moderate town forums as well as global forums.
@GnomeSlice They posted a lot of replies to mentioning that what they do then is post deletion and that it is not serious business.
See World Forums → Discussions → External links
Well, either way, now the posts will not be deleted from town forums.
If you say so.
@GnomeSlice I remember this.
I need a version of this that is 2 characters shorter:
Next citizen to receive 8 complaints is killed
or rather
Next citizen receiving 8 complaints is killed?
Next citizen to receive 8 complaints is hanged
Next citizen receiving 8 complaints is hanged
@GnomeSlice Nice, one more
How many shorter is that.
is hung?
Hang next citizen receiving 8 complaints
din din din
Where are you posting this?
A: Is there a building tree for Die2Nite?

badpKey to the "Awesome" column: ♦ Not useful U - Can be upgraded -- see below. ♦♦ Meh ! - Only lasts one night! Waste of resources. ♦♦♦ Nice to have ♦♦♦♦ Get it if you can N - number of nuts and bolts required ♦♦♦♦♦ MUST HAVE ASAP D - number of defensive...

I forgot to give gallows their one lozenge.
So do you think towns will pre-emptively build a gallows to scare people out of doing anything that would get them shunned?
So you need to drop another character?
@bwarner I hope not.
That has a high potential for abuse.
Your average angsty internet user would collaborate with the other angsty internet users to banish/hang people they don't like.
@bwarner That's why I gave it one lozenge. Useless stuff.
like construction diary
the temptation to say "OMFG YOU SPENT ONE AP IN THE CATAPULT BANISH!! " is too strong once you have it
Because if you wait, it won't do you much good. Generally when you want to shun someone, you want to do it immediately. And if you shun them, then building the gallows later doesn't do anything
Your average angsty internet user would collaborate with the other angsty internet users to banish/hang people they don't like.
@badp My town INSISTED on building the diary.
@GnomeSlice I have it in this city. Sigh.
People are definitely way too quick to use complaints.
here's what it looks like, so you don't have any temptation:
[18:36] Juanrayo worked on constructing the Guerilla Tactics.
[18:35] Juanrayo worked on constructing the Guerilla Tactics.
[17:39] MindStealer worked on constructing the Guerilla Tactics.
[17:09] Deadbuffalo worked on constructing the Guerilla Tactics.
[15:12] zombu worked on constructing the Primitive Catapult.
[11:29] A new building has been constructed : Emergency Defences.
This construction used :  Twisted Plank x8.
[11:29] freakin worked on constructing the Emergency Defences.
Apparently I'm the Community Extremist.
PoW had the diary and I think it was a fine thing. Its not awesome, but I'd say it was more useful than not.
(no need to see full text)
@bwarner bwarner > That's because we didn't abuse it.
The general reasoning in this town was something like:
"we shud build the dairy so we can shunn ppl who buld the rong thgn"
Surprisingly, I have no more complaints as a result of my shack-building.
@ThomasMcDonald The only reason I'm holding myself is that you saved my ass too many times :)
@badp <3.
Sure, but the diary itself isn't the problem. Its the people who are using it wrong. It should be "We should build the diary so that if people start building the wrong thing we can personally correct them before it is too late"
Generally people that are building the wrong thing aren't reading the forums, so the only way to have a chance at contacting them is by personal message, which means you have to know who they are
Or have that hero ability that lets you spam personal messages to the entire town
@bwarner just send everybody complaints!!
@Gnome Did you look at the new soul point rankings? I'm 14 and you're 15. Well, technically we're tied, but it lists me first.
@bwarner Where do I find these rankings?
I'm somewhat tempted to join a town for the 15 days until my cruise, but I've been feeling a lot more productive at work since I stopped D2N. But having 25 days of inactivity isn't going to give me any chance of being a Champion in season 1
Go to Soul, then Season 1, then Soul Points
@bwarner Nice! If I died tonight (likely) I'd only have 331 soul points.
Then again, Arda has 306.
I wish this town ranking had been implemented before the Palisades.
My current town sucks.
Like, really sucks.
Hey, FrankMudd and Maharajah are also listed with the same number of soul points as you and I.
IPoS would be 1st on that ranking :(
@badp No, we would have been.
The post seemed to imply that 100+ SP towns might have the bigger map now? That might be why they didn't carry over the towns
@GnomeSlice Same number of days and we did it first.
We tied their record day, and had a way higher ranking score.
Still, that puts us at a disadvantage, so we should get to have our time at the top of the list
@bwarner If you go to your soul, the previous towns have been wiped out.
I'm guessing the official ranking will be by days only
Yah, I noticed that
@bwarner 6 months
6 months? I thought it said 3
We need to form a power town.
@bwarner It is 3.
However, now that the rankings have been implemented, I'm hesitant to take my cyanide pill.
Its funny though, your town has to die before the season ends. So you'll have to decide between dying to get a boost in the current season, or living to get a big headstart on the next season
strategic outside camping
90 days seems pretty short. If you have good towns, you'll only get a few in
@Badp what's that about camping? You think it is coming in season 2?
@bwarner Just a mention of a way people can call it quits in autonomy
I think we won't have to wait that long for camping
then again what do I know
> Important: Only towns in Distant Regions are ranked. Small maps or towns created for special events will not feature in the season's rankings.
Oh boy, normal cities will be hell.
Yah, that "Small maps" is what I meant about implying the larger maps were in
I just made a judgmental error, and am trying to make it look like I know what I'm doing on the forums.
basically, get in small town, die2nite, repeat until you get in an advanced town.
Oh, and it sounds like town ranking is based on adding the soul points earned by everyone in the town. So you are rewarded for keeping everyone alive as long as possible
I suggested the Hydraulic Network over the Ramparts.
@Badp If you qualify for an advanced town, you will always get into one
@bwarner That seems like a poor incentive to use the new gallows.
@bwarner really?!
@badp Yes...
Yes. That's why I added my answer on that question
Gah, this has been added. I swear it wasn't like that.
Let's go delete my answer then
It was, truly.
"At the end of each season, the citizens from the best town from each level of the rankings will receive various rewards." What does it mean "Each level of the rankings"?
Each season?
No, because it already says "each season"
"Citizens from the best town"?
Also, is the benefit only for being in a good town? Is there no reward for having accumulated the most personal soul points?
I thought they were measuring it individually.
Man, I wish I could actually post on their stupid forums.
This is extremely ambiguous.
@bwarner did you get the avatar?
Yep, you should be able to see it now
Want to join my coalition?
I'm in a town, but you can still join.
Palisades total soul points = 8795
@bwarner How did you figure that out?
Also, that is most unfair.
@Badp Can you calculate what IPoS was? You can get to old towns by clicking "My Game History"
@bwarner It's the only city I have soul points for
but I died 2 days earlier
No, but you need to know everyones. That's how they are scoring, add the soul points earned for everyone in the town
oh, okay
So that's a substantial penalty for having someone die early on
Woohoo, Palisades wins!
so you win by that metric =)
We win.
Told you. :(
I want my ranking back.
meh, we both made it to day 24.
I don't want to play this game anymore. This town sucks.
We had 20 some people die on day 23
That's the metric we were all thinking about.
Technically, I only made it to day 23.
@bwarner We had 18 people die on day 22, hence the difference :)
well, okay, having those die on day 23 would only have made 414 points of difference
@badp I don't think it's the entire difference.
Anyway, I'm out for now.
I posted the detailed tally, you haven't, so how am I supposed to know? :)
yeah, 253×18 vs 24x276
the difference is 2,070
so yeah, well done :)
Too bad that apparently neither one counts
Anyway, the current incarnation of IPoS++; seems determined to make it to day 25
at day 9 they had 88 defensive objects...
during tonight's downtime I'll ask for an updated tally
Actually, I'm back.
Mass of Hell might instead be one of the very first cities to register.
Somebody on our forum just noted that Gorilla Tactics require 2 nuts and bolts.
I would've sworn bananas would've done the job...
@badp Oh my.
so we're currently 162 def short after building emergency defenses for, what, the fourth day running?
that's an average of 6 zombies per citizen exactly
Or 180 zombies for 1 citizen.
1,094-932 = 162
I hope we die tonight.
yes, we're also short on the minimum defense requirement.
OK, I joined the coalition, but I marked as unavailable since I still don't think I should get into a town until after my vacation
It's funny, I was listed as available, but It didn't pull me into the Cloudy Dam of the Damned with the rest. :(
okay, I just put in the last AP for the Guerilla Tactics
977 defs, or 117 short, or 4.3 more
@GnomeSlice Means the city is full.
@badp There were only 2 other in the coalition that got in.
@GnomeSlice only I and Arda could get into IPoS; CRoss, Brant and Thomas couldn't join.
because there were already 38 people in the town when the coalition joined it
If you are looking for more people for the coalition, look me up.
I think mine is full. :(
Yep. Sorry.
oh, my. That hurt soo bad. I think zombies are going to kill me or something.
(but I have a water gun, they will never get me)
Message from the Crow: About the new Town Forum links rule that you may have seen in the announcements:
The wording in the announcement does not really let you know the details of the change.
Unapproved Scripts and sites with Spoilers are still not permitted.
So the change is that you can now post Jukebox links and such
I posted links to two different Wikis
1 hour later…
Q: How do I Poison Someone?

GnomeSliceThis is difficult to ask. Ok, so this guy is really getting on my nerves. He's stubborn, obnoxious, idiotic, and completely driving me up the wall. It's time for him to go. I figured poison would be the best way to get rid of him, because I could probably get away with it and not be noticed b...

Hordes of zombies are attacking your town ! They are everywhere, you hear citizens screaming in the night, the attackers clashing noisily against sheet metal... Hungry groaning from the starving masses... What's going to become of it ?!

Are you going to die2nite?!
Okay, our town does have a sense of humour:
> I think Gorilla Tactics would be awesome, but we haven't found any Gorilla in the desert, just snakes, rats, and cats.
> Plus then we have to build Elephant Tactics to scare off the Gorillas.
@ThomasMcDonald We had 1,047 defense and 1,049 zombies.
We're still alive.
@ThomasMcDonald Not for you :P
@badp Yay.
2 people were terrorized; 1 isn't you.
Dunno about the second.

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