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HUZZAH! Someone found some Cyanide! grabs
4 hours later…
Q: How do I join a 100+ soul die2nite village?

F OakI spent long hours, terrified days and zombie infested nights working simply for a single goal: 100 soul. I have toiled hard, and I have finally made it. I now come with a simple question. How do I join a 100+ soul town? I am not a hero. I have +100 soul points. I am dead.

12 hours later…
Today is bad luck day
[20:32] badp managed to get punched square in the crotch by attacking a zombie with their bare hands... that'll learn them
[20:31] badp went toe to toe with a zombie and managed to finish him !
[20:31] badp managed to get punched square in the crotch by attacking a zombie with their bare hands... that'll learn them
[20:31] badp managed to get punched square in the crotch by attacking a zombie with their bare hands... that'll learn them
[20:31] badp managed to get punched square in the crotch by attacking a zombie with their bare hands... that'll learn them
2 minutes earlier and I'd be home now. Some more luck with the falcon punches and I'd be home now.
At least I got an achievement
@ArdaXi SuperUser would probably send us questions about using old mice and keyboards at this point if the person posting them forgot to type the '/'
"[20:28] Time has run out : let the festivities commence !." ??
I'm not familiar with that message.
"That'll learn them"?
@GnomeSlice When humans' control points go below zombies', you have 30 minutes to leave the sector
That message means the 30 minutes are over.
That's the message it displays when you get stuck?
@ArdaXi It's been discussed a few times on the world forum and is considered correct.
It isn't, though.
There are she-zombies too.
And for rule 34 I guess necrophilia counts.
@badp It's an expression. You can't just replace a word from an expression with a word that isn't even a synonym.
@ArdaXi Get hero days and complain about it
No thanks.
I guess only the dumbest of the community would pay for that, so they wouldn't have to correct stuff.
That's actually a great system.
Currently no one here has hero days. Need more dumb!
I guess I might as well get wounded and hope I can survive the attack.
23 messages moved from The Bridge
I'm still holding onto that cyanide pill.
It's looking very tempting.
What square are you in @badp?
@badp Alright, we're coming to get you.
@ThomasMcDonald let that hero know I've moved next to the base
@badp What, sorry? What square are you in now?
Ah right, I see you've moved. Never mind.
Well, when all's said and done I still got my zombie punching distinction
try its Construction tab
darn awesome.
oh, and we're finally dead.
@badp You died last night?
@GnomeSlice Nope. I was rescued.
Also, after spending 4 AP for my new hovel, I just moved out in the desert too much without water or food.
It so happened that that square also had a meaty bone.
Which I ate.
@badp We're definitely dead, or potentially dead?
No infection.
@ThomasMcDonald minimum attack is 905
we can do that
905? ;)
I guess
maximum is 1,185
out of reach
@ThomasMcDonald yes, 905 ;)
Upgradeable wall will give us 60
the usual emergency stuff will fill in the rest
so we meet the minimum
which means we aren't completely obliterated probably, just devastated completely
if there's the maximum attack we are obliterated.
So is it time to rob the bank and go mental?
I have 4 complaints for my hovel, bastards.
@ThomasMcDonald I probably have more.
Maximum has gone down by 15! I think we can do this.
And the minimums gone up by 15, and again, and again.
Shack time!

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