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Q: thread unspool these years?

Charlie Now, standing on the tracks, he realized how that moment had been one end of the thread that had unspooled all these years in a life spent running, a life restless with questions. (From the novel The spirit of the Place by Samuel Shem) Please help me understand what is "thread unspool these years"

Q: "a cloud pass across her gaze" indicates?

Charlie Selma stared at him. He saw a cloud pass across her gaze. She sighed. "Orville-doll, there's nothing else but this.” (From the novel The spirit of the Place by Samuel Shem) What does the bold part indicate?

@PrinceNorthLæraðr 5 tags do not have wikis as of right now, see: literature.stackexchange.com/tags?tab=new
4 hours later…
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I was the upvoter—I think it's an interesting question, it's clearly to do with literature, and it could (in principle) be answered objectively, although I don't know how. There is a lot of research on sentence complexity and how it relates to comprehension, but I couldn't find anything that answers the poster's question
@bobble Good edits on the questions, by the way!
2 hours later…
An answer deleted from review without moderator or even Trusted User involvement. Good to know we have enough active mid-rep users to make that happen.
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I expect it'll get some close votes, but as Gareth said, it's of interest to literature fans and may be answerable based on expert knowledge. Previous questions have had a mixed reception: How do I concentrate while reading a book? was closed in 2017, but How to Improve Reading Abilities was left open with no close-votes six months ago.
My opinion is that poetry usually benefits from multiple readings and this is not a failing of the reader.
I've made a submission for our site Twitter about this quote-ID question, pinging the excellent Quote Investigator. They do say they prefer enquiries by email rather than Twitter, and currently they seem occupied with election-related quotes, but maybe they'll see it eventually.
Here's a paper on improving sentence processing through cognitive control training which seems to be relevant
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I think it's on topic.
2 hours later…
@Bookworm A cloud has passed across the HNQ list.
@GarethRees That is absolutely true. (Unless the poem is truly trivial, which is normally not the case here.)
@GarethRees That might be interesting but it's not available for free (EUR 39.00).
@Tsundoku PDF here
Q: Did Camus ever say/write “Always go too far, because that's where you'll find the truth”?

OokerThis statement has been attributed to Albert Camus in various places on the internet. For example, this one: However, his Wikiquote page doesn't contain this quote. So did he actually say it? If he didn't, then who would likely say it?

@GarethRees thanks! It's the kind of edit I've gotten used to doing for Puzzling - new question shows up, some grammar & tag errors, and I can quickly clean it up. Makes it more likely the question will be answered.
@Ooker I hope that gets migrated here, since I deleted my Skeptics SE account.
@Tsundoku why is that?
@Ooker Well, it's a question for an author about which we have already answered a number of questions.
@Tsundoku no I mean why did you delete your Skeptics account? If you want to share of course
@Ooker Because I never got around to contributing anything and I didn't want to keep accounts that I wasn't using.
@Bookworm Red alert! Another active new ELL contributor just defected.
Our @Prince of trees hasn't written any tag wikis in the last few hours. I wonder what's going on...
@Tsundoku You sound like a slave driver...
Shall I post a picture of my newest whip?
@Tsundoku Sorry, just been really busy. Also had several mental breakdowns in the last week bc of school stress
I'm free rn, let me write those tags up
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Hmm, in that case, it may be better to relax a bit? I'll put away my whip.
Tag excerpts are not an issue, I guess just some days I'm not in the right state of mind to write anything (even if it's just the same ol' sentence summary)
@PrinceNorthLæraðr college?
Talk to people. Very important to reach out.
@EddieKal High school
2 hours later…
Q: Meaning and historical reference in "Ind Aff"

999In Fay Weldon's short story "Ind Aff or Out of Love in Sarajevo" I found the following passage: “The Hungro-Austrarian Empire,” said Peter to me, “didn't so much collapse as fail to exist any more. War destroys social organizations. The same thing happened after World War II. There being no orga...

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