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@Mithrandir :-)
4 hours later…
Do you know about magic links on Stack Exchange? See Add data.SE style “magic links” to comments on Meta SE (and a similar post on Spanish Meta).
Yes, they're really nice. Unfortunately they don't work in questions and answers, though (other than [tag:...]).
@NapoleonWilson I know. They might also be useful in questions and answers on meta sites, but less so in questions and answers on main sites.
But I've often needed site names on meta posts and over time I've gotten lazier and lazier. Sometimes I spend the effort for a full name and a link, but more often than not that's just too bothersome.
@GarethRees It would be nice if one of our mods could turn that into a featured question.
Is it possible to have a feed for Lit SE HNQ questions into the chat room? They seem to have done this in the Spanish SE chat room.
1 hour later…
See this answer on meta for information about the (third-party) RSS feeds for HNQs. The feed for literature.se is at lackadaisical-appeal.glitch.me/hnq/literature.stackexchange.com

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