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Because I don't have enough pending books as it is.
Ooh, Dangerous Books for Girls was pretty good :)
Q: Why does "The Witcher" series, being mostly about shades of grey instead of black and white, have such an obviously evil antagonist?

Tim E. LordIt's a point that pops some what frequently in the series, that there's no real "good" and "evil" (or rather, that's Geralt's point of view), and there's only the "lesser evil", and the hardest part, of course, is to choose it from all the other evils. Yet the main antagonist, is simply evil...

I finished Twilight Watch
Q: How is the english language appropriated in Nervous Conditions by Tsitsi Dangarembga?

Jacob BoldwinIn Dangarembga's Nervous Conditions, the English language used is somehow different than the normal formal English. That is in order to show that the African society has taken the language and modified it to suit its own culture and to create an African English out of it. In which pages is this a...

I finished Twilight Watch in what was the fastest reading of a book performed by me ever
I blame @Randal'Thor for recommending this series and my plummeted productivity
Good idea. Always blame Rand.
2 hours later…
Q: Poem that ends with "...whispers, snow!"

Kristina LopezI recall a poem that talks about nature and the changing seasons (maybe Summer to Autumn, or Autumn to Winter) that ends with "...whispers, snow!" I've Googled the phrase with and without punctuation and have read more poems about Autumn (that are also apparently metaphors about death) so before...

^ the song is called "Shard of Ice", @Randal'Thor
3 hours later…
@TimE.Lord Wow, that was fast.
@TimE.Lord Wow, that was even faster.
You've already caught up with me.
Admittedly I read each book quicker than that ^ would suggest, but I never bought and started one immediately after finishing the previous one.
Case in point: it's been months since I finished Twilight Watch, and I still haven't got hold of #4 (can't even remember its title, in fact).
1 hour later…
@Randal'Thor I actually already finished Last Watch and am currently on page 84 of 301 of New Watch.
2 hours later…
Look at this beauty - coming soon to coincide with @bodleianlibs amazing exhibition. Will be available from @bodleianshop
@TimE.Lord Wow. You binger.
I should really get hold of Last Watch.
Monty Python blurbing The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

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