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@DForck42 I tried to answer. (if it was you, please un-upvote until tomorrow :P)
@Mithrandir Why?
@NapoleonWilson ...Repcap..
I make that request whenever I hit the cap.
why did I get downvotes on this?
Q: What order should I read Thomas Pynchon's novels in?

RikerThomas Pynchon is a writer famous for having dense and hard to read books, but is acclaimed for those books. He wrote V., The Crying of Lot 49, Gravity's Rainbow, and others. What order should I read his other books?

ok valorum is really salty
Does Valorum have a Time Turner which he uses to do research, go back in time, and post answers?
yes but not for posting answers
for finding answers on other sites and commenting (optionally with a sarcastic or rude or insulting message) and downvoting
dunno why you got downvotes here, but reading orders and lists get downvotes on sff
yeah but it's on-topic here
their ontopic in sff to mostly
Q: What order should I be reading the Discworld books in?

blueberryfieldsI've read some of the Discworld books, and they were referencing each other in an order different than what I've been reading. If I wanted to maintain chronology, and get all of the back references, which order should I be reading the books in?

Not a single downvote
its hit or miss, but some have tons of downvotes
@Mithrandir Super pedantic note on the dwarf answer: "dwarves" is a spelling invented by Tolkien. Prior to the ubiquity of Tolkien as a mythic standardbearer, "dwarfs" was the common English plural and that's what Lewis used.
I know
I like Dwarves
@Mithrandir lol
@DForck42 yeah, poor Mithrandir lost his second place in the rep league because of the cap
@Gallifreyan lol
@Himarm I think this was just salty valorum
@Mithrandir have you hit the cap every day?
lol my "valorum is salty" has 2 stars
ok everything that has "salty" and "valorum" in it gets stars
@Riker no. There was one day that I didn't I think
ah ok
I didn't 2 days, 160 total across them iirc
20th I got 196, 21st 124
ah nice
All other days I got over 200.
But you're doing better :P
hm I got 101 2 days ago and 194 yesterday and then 245 today
317, 311, 234 before that
@Mithrandir you must not have gotten many accepts?
@Riker right
Most of my answers are self answers
ah okay
need more non-self then :P
if meta gave us rep, I'd easily have another 400
Ask Harry Potter or Rick Riordan questions tomorrow :p
Those are my areas of expertise.
@Mithrandir why didn't harry potter time turner? dur
... I already answered that :P
This answer took forever, but don't upvote :P:
I like popping to the SO review queue once on a value, and thank the relevant deities that I'm not on their moderator team
A: In what order should Rick Riordan's mythological series be read to make the most sense, and what is the chronological order?

MithrandirWarning: This is long. A reminder: Percy Jackson and the Olympians deals with the Greek gods. The Heroes of Olympus deals with the Greek and Roman gods. The Kane Chronicles deals with the Egyptian gods. Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard deals with the Norse gods. The Trials of Apollo has Gr...

That's what I see to l
@Gallifreyan lol
@Mithrandir again
@DForck42 always
@Mithrandir I didn't know that percy Jackson had connection to other rick riordan books
@Mithrandir huh?
(rolling around bed laughing)
@Gallifreyan yeah, those close vote numbers are usually that high
@DForck42 that's in another answer of mine :P
@Mithrandir nice one, sir
@DForck42 don't they ever drop? Or do they only increase?
source of the entropy in the Universe found!
@Gallifreyan it's hovered around 8.9k for a while
saw in the 9ks at one point
I think that the mods worked together and cleared it once
it says that 8,882 need reviewed, and 1,570 were reviewed today. so the queue grows roughly 1500-1600 a day. with fluncuations of course
But then it went back up
@Mithrandir First War of the Ring?
I think the numbers suffer a bit because the audits kinda suck
@Mithrandir the third age?
We're in the eleventh age now
@Gallifreyan yes, exactly
but yeah, I've gotten several bad audits, and it's disheartening when crap is treated as good cause it got popular
Whatever should I do with these edits
More of a problem in puzzling.stackexchange.com
No improvement whatsoever
@Gallifreyan lol same person?
@Gallifreyan ...
Someone's been posting a lot of "did Zoom rape Caitlin?" questions lately
3, actually, but it sucks
Anyway, yawn
Hang on
See you on the third day, at dawn, to the east
I'm the only user to get a Good Answer badge?
@Gallifreyan night
@Mithrandir yup
That's... Ridiculous.
@Mithrandir honestly I haven't seen a lot of stuff that I can personally answer
let alone has a vested interest in the answer
cause the range of what's on here is pretty wide
I earned it for a self answer...
no one's gotten a gold badge yet, although I'm sure someone's close
@Mithrandir lol
it's a good question with a good answer
You like lol, don't you? :P
and the new season of Sherlock came out this month so everyone's ga ga over it
@Mithrandir yup
... But you know, don't upvote.
... You were supposed to say lol.
Hey Emrak
@Mithrandir nah
Can I get some feedback on this question? My only issue is that it's more about the universe than a specific book.
Q: Have any Elves explored Rhûn or the lands to the east?

HDE 226868According to The Silmarillion and Tolkien's legendarium as a whole, the Elves first awoke in Cuiviénen, by a gulf in the Sea of Helcar. We learn that in The War of Wrath (Chapter 3, Quenta Silmarillion) and the times afterwards, many parts of the landscape were changed, and it is said that1 t...

woooow, someone's already got strunk and white
It's fine
@DForck42 hde did on meta iirc
@DForck42 yeah bc he clogged up the review queues for 2 days -.-
@Riker nice
were they good edits at least?
eyyy I got the silver badge for starred messages
@DForck42 >_< not really
things like "I'm" to "I am" and "don't" to "do not".
rand rolled a bunch back bc they were either harmful or just pointless
@Riker :(
holy starz I have 4 stars on the salty val question
@HDE226868 I like it, though did you consider dorwinion is in rhun?
but it's good IMO
@Riker I actually hadn't. That's an interesting point.
Night peeps
Sweet dreams.
Ping me in the morning with hp and rr questions
@Mithrandir tolkien or martin
.. Harry-potter and Rick-riordan
ik :P
@Mithrandir are the sff passive aggressive "promoting" comments pissing you off as much as me?
they're pissing me off and I don't even use SFF much
@mods: do we need those pins still?
literature.stackexchange.com is dead!
Has the site been canceled?
Or has it gone live? \o/
It's just having a quiet snooze.
I'm getting an error trying to access meta.lit. Anyone else?
A pretty bad one. The default error page isn't even loading.
There's no HTML or anything. The source code is literally just that one line of text.
Too late.
ELL and ELU are quiet too. No new questions for an hour.
@Riker Well, it's not very long or detailed. There are other answers here I'm much prouder of. But thanks! :-)
@BESW Yeah, I saw the answers over on SFF showing that Tolkien did intend a correspondence between dwarves and Jews, designing their language to be Semitic and so on. I just never thought of them that way.
@BESW Great, thanks! Maybe there's something in there you could turn into an answer?
@DForck42 Are there lots of them? I just found this one.
We get lots of comments on SFF saying "this question would be more suitable for Movies & TV" even though it's perfectly on-topic where it is. I imagine M&TV gets a fair number of such comments too. Flag 'em on sight.
@Randal'Thor :D
@Randal'Thor can you unpin the 3 pins? or leave the last one but unpin the first two
@Riker I'm reluctant to unpin 'em after Shog pinned 'em.
oh god you're starting to talk like shog
you are
> unpin 'em
Jan 19 at 19:03, by Shog9
Now... Meme pics are like salt. You can season up a bland conversation with 'em, or you can desiccate a juicy conversation by adding more and more.
Saying "'em" is "talking like Shog"?
Lots of people say "'em".
Cockneys, for instance.
Not that I'm a Cockney, but I'm closer to that than any kind of American.
If I start saying "y'all", shoot me.
Y'all is proper grammar, just in a different dialect!
@Randal'Thor [cough]
@Emrakul No offence, but I don't want to find myself speaking American :-)

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