@Mithical In my copy of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, I had put a marginal note by a passage saying "See p. 57". When I came upon this while re-reading the text a few months later, I turned to p. 57, but couldn't figure out the relevance of anything on that page to the passage I had marked.
I re-read the book often because I was teaching it:
> You're teaching *Jekyll and Hyde*? How's that going? Oh, they're both quite bright, but I can never tell them apart.
I did eventually remember the connection I had made and forgotten, but it took me a bit.
Bear with me a moment. I was watching the James Bond parody "Our Man Flint" (1966) starring James Coburn. At the end, he puts all of his female companions into steel barrels and sends them into the sea off a cliff, so they will not be blown up when the whole island explodes. Then he realizes that...
In any case, the two of them had come this far without either sitting in a
church pew or passing through a temple gate. At length they had found
peace through that simple blessing of nature: the balm of time. Even as they
continued to suffer pangs of conscience on occasion, these increasingly