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Hello! If you have some technical question regarding chat, don't hesitate to ask.
1 hour later…
@JyrkiLahtonen I'm glad that this is finally off the ground. Thanks for putting it together.
2 hours later…
> Caveat: I'm new to creating chatrooms, so I may need a couple of days to sort everything out.
After seeing the above in the post, I wanted to mention the same thing as quid did.
If you prefer not to disrupt the discussions in this room by chat-related technicalities, feel free to ask in Math Meta Chat or in my room. (And I would guess, quid would not object to using his room either.
I have two minor questions.
Is it ok also to ask details about how this room is supposed to be used, or should such discussions be elsewhere rather than here?
Related to this - there used be a room where plans to created this room were discussed. Should that room be unfrozen/made public or is it no longer needed?
@quid I wanted to make Alexander Gruber an owner of this room. Copied his user number to the appropriate input box, and clicked the appropriate button. Instead the system made an unknown user an owner. Copying a link to Alexander's profile page did not help either. Apparently the chat user numbers aren't equal to the numbers in main (should have known that), but anyway.
May be the site diamond mods are automatically owners, and cannot be added?
I did figure out the meaning of pinning a message. May be that functions as a "sticky"? That is, something that stays listed in the right margin?
@MartinSleziak Wherever you think that discussion would be most accessible to future users?
I suspect that we will figure out the optimal way to use this chatroom by trying things out. If the volume of traffic is low, then it will be easy to find the relevant posts anyway.
An obvious trick is to "star" bounty suggestions as a way of giving an anonymous endorsement :-)
@JyrkiLahtonen I was able to make AG owner in my room. I went through access -> add users -> the field with "search user name".
Nevertheless, any user with a diamond has automatically all rights of a room owner. Various details are listed here: Is there a list of SE chat privileges, and the minimum reputation required for those privileges?
I have also left a few comments concerning pinning/starring in another room.
2 hours later…
I found the answer to this question quite delightful. It turned out not to be too deep, but it was anything but obvious to me how that would play out.
@AlexanderGruber, @AsafKaragila I was typing that meta post yesterday on a train, a bit tired from a workshop. Hopefully I didn't leave out anything important or otherwise distort the message. Feel free to edit it.
Are there some recommendations how links to posts (proposed pearls) should be formatted? (We talked about this a bit in the previous room.)
What I mean is that the [text](url) format can make messages more readable.
Also, if the post is oneboxed, users get a preview. And it would also be possible to search among the questions in a specific tag. (As an example, here is such search in the main chatroom.)
All these things are probably relevant only if there are many links posted here - but the ambition is probably that eventually the room will contain more than a handful of links. (The above was the first one.)
Good points @Martin. Glad to hear your suggestions. We could experiment with oneboxing to make pearl suggestions/endorsements stand out from other chat. If it is found too disruptive or space consuming, we can re-evaluate.
3 hours later…
@JyrkiLahtonen the problem was most likely that the user number on a site is not the user number in chat. But with user with more or less unique usernames the way via search is anyway easier.
Indeed I check you added the user who has Alex math.se user ID as chat ID.
Mods are not room owners', but I think they can do anything (and more) that a roomowner can do. It is thus mostly symbolic to add a mod as RO.
2 hours later…
Thanks @quid. Yeah. I figured that's what must have happened. I also managed to add Alexander and Asaf to room owners. The interface of doing that tricked me at first.
4 hours later…
@JyrkiLahtonen As a possible alternative to one-boxing, we could also tag or meta-tag comments which suggest pearls. This might make searching easier. For example:
Put a link to some post here. This also gives a little bit of space for the person making the suggestion to provide some reasoning, if they desire.
Also, presumably stars in this room should be used to indicate endorsement of a proposed pearl?
2 hours later…
@XanderHenderson That's another possibility. While one-boxing has a clearer visual immpact, it does suffer from the shortcoming that the reasoning must then be in a different comment. Not a big downside unless we get a lot of activity :-)
^reasoning = the argument explaining why that particular thread should get a bounty.
2 hours later…
I had a thought about asking for a bounty to produce a "canonical answer" about the relation between synthetic division and Horner's method. My immediate motivation was this Question proving a statement about Horner's method from today,
I note that one reason for offering a bounty is "to provide a canonical answer", though it may be meant in a somewhat different sense than the abstract duplicate equivalent.
There are a few similar Questions, including a couple with Accepted but broad brush Answers. For example, [Why does dividing a polynomial by x−a give the same quotient as evaluating it at x=a using synthetic division?](https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/2928272/why-does-dividing-a-polynomial-by-x-a-give-the-same-quotient-as-evaluating-it)
So one issue is how I would pick the right Question to offer a bounty on, in order to produce the desired "canonical answer".

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