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use self() @hardmath fibo(n)=if(n==0,0,n==1,1,my(s=self());s(n-1)+s(n-2))
yes I know fibonacci() is faster ...
one danger is eval(self()) unless the deep recursion error is caught.
I like Vec(Str(self())) myself as then you can have a find and replace script call to edit itself.
Vec(Str(self())) returns ["V","e","c","(",S","t","r","(","s","e","l","f","(",")",")",")"] if you're wondering
you can add any valid code after putting that in a variable in a more extensive code and use things like a=a[1..7]...a[20..#a] and keep the variable part intact and check replace the rest using concat etc.
so you can stop using a linear forstep if you really wanted to just edit the loop start to a next value with a known so far step.
@Ultradark hello
vector(10,i,self()) and then evaluating the output until it fills your stack is fun ... as it increases exponentially in the number of elements, in elements, in elements.
@RoddyMacPhee hi
what is up.
11 hours later…
another hard thing in PARI GP is emulating GIMPS ... even eith the lucas example.
6 hours later…
another limit is vectorsmall only hold numbers between $-(2^31-1) $to $2^31-1$ on 32 bit ( likely exponent 63 on 64 bit).
3 hours later…
checking if issquarefree, issquare,isprime,isprimepower,ispolygonal,isfundamental, ispower, ispowerful,ispseudoprime,ispseudoprimepower,istotient in an if, you don't need to check if they are 1 or 0, they simply 1 if true, and 0 if their negation eould return 1. so ==1, or ==0 actually slow down code., you can check their variables they return to if giben, in a separate check.

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