I will mention that the link in the current revision of the post no longer works. (The question was recently bumped by edit to another answer - that edit was also related to a dead link.) — Martin Sleziak 13 secs ago
specific-question Does any real projective plane incidence theorem follow from axioms? Which would be the right top-level tag for this question?

Is it known whether any projective geometry statement that holds true in the real projective plane (equivalently, can be deduced from Hilbert axioms) follows from the standard projective axiomatics?
By projective geometry statement I mean any statement it terms of incidence of points and lines, ...
6 hours later…

There is a user that is modifying a lot of question in the last couple of hours, in particular, converting to latex any plain text that he considers that should be in math mode. It is getting annoying because some of his changes are objectively wrong. For example, see the last changes made to thi...
Sorry for making a comment about something unrelated to the post, but I wanted to find some place where you can be notified. There is a recent question on meta which is related to some of your edits. (Perhaps some of the posts linked there could be also worth reading.) After you see my comment, feel free to ping me either here or in chat to let me know that I can delete it. — Martin Sleziak 43 secs ago
I posted a comment on this user's question to let them know about this thread meta. (Even if the discussion on meta typically tends to be about more general issues than about one specific user, I still consider making him aware of this thread useful.) — Martin Sleziak 28 secs ago
Still, if you plan to edit some posts on MO, it might be useful to read the advice given in the post on meta. (And in some other discussions there - for example the ones linked in my comment.)
There are several related discussion on this meta - I'll mention a few, you can certainly find more: What's our consensus on people resurrecting old questions just to edit formatting?, Minor edits, subject to review, Editing titles to include $\mathfrak{LaTeX \; Math}$, Do we have an unofficial quota on how many old questions one should bump for minor edits in a single day?, Editing etiquette. — Martin Sleziak 6 hours ago
5 hours later…
11 hours later…
linked-questions The question "How are the two natural ways to define “the category of models of a first-order theory $T$” related?" which was recently discussed on meta has a link to "Can we recognize when a category is equivalent to the category of models of a first order theory?" - which was not displayed in the sidebar.
A temporary comment to get the linked questions updated: Can we recognize when a category is equivalent to the category of models of a first order theory? — Martin Sleziak 2 mins ago
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