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Q: The expressiveness of functions computable on trees

Aidan RockeMotivation: Let's define a function computable on a $k$-ary tree as a function composed with simpler computable functions defined at each node such that a function of this kind defined on a binary tree of depth $N$ receives $2^{N-1}$ inputs: While thinking about the expressiveness of functio...

It is also the second question with the tag, which was created not too long ago.
4 hours later…
Should the deprecated tag in this question be replaced by something else or simply removed: Why are we interested in permutahedra, associahedra, cyclohedra, …?
Q: Why are we interested in permutahedra, associahedra, cyclohedra, ...?

M. WinterThe following families of polytopes have received a lot of attention: permutahedra, associahedra, cyclohedra, ... My question is simple: Why? As I understand, at least the latter two were initially constructed by their face lattice representing certain combinatorial objects (e.g. ways to...

I will point out that the tag (discrete-mathematics) is deprecated on MathOverflow, see the tag-info. — Martin Sleziak 7 secs ago
4 hours later…
@MartinSleziak The tag was removed by the OP, so my comment is no longer needed.
9 hours later…
Q: History of the name "subexponential distribution" in probability

Greg ZitelliIn probability theory, the term subexponential distribution has historically been used for a distribution whose CDF $F(x)$ satisfies the relation $$ n(1-F(x)) \sim 1 - F^{*n}(x) $$ for any $n \ge 1$ as $x \to \pm \infty$ (depending on the context), where $F^{*n}(x)$ is the CDF of the $n$-fold add...

Is it possible to find the paper based on the link in the "old Springer format" such as springerlink.com/content/qr2vqvk3m858m6wh ?
This one was taken from this answer: Spectral properties of Cayley graphs. However, in this case the OP is still active on the site, so he might be able to update the link. But there are many other posts with springerlink links.

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