Is growth-rate another example of a tag that is used in several unrelated meaning? Some of those questions seem to be about subgroup growth, but many are from entirely different areas.
specific-question This was the question that reminded me of the existence of (growth-rate) tag: Abou the growth rate of a group
2 hours later…
I see that the tag (lean-theorem-prover) was created in this question. Maybe it could be useful to create also tag-info for this tag. One advantage is that tag-wiki might be a good place where to include some basic information and links to further resources. Another reason is that if a tag has only one question for a long time, it is automatically removed by the system unless it has tag-wiki, so the likelihood of the removal of this new tag would be lower. — Martin Sleziak 2 mins ago
Since I do not want to leave here many comments that are related more to tagging than to the topic of the question, things related the the new tag and the tag-info can be discussed further in chat if needed. — Martin Sleziak 2 mins ago
3 hours later…
By mistake I bumped Help Help cleanup tags! which also contains suggestion to removed decomposition-theorem.

I suggest deleting the tag decomposition-theorem.
I would guess that the tag was intended to be about the decomposition theorem of Beilinson-Bernstein-Deligne-Gabber. It seems unnecessary to have a whole tag just dedicated to this theorem (perverse-sheaves should suffice). What's worse, most po...
This has been around for some time, in fact, also one of the moderators mentioned his support for this: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/10243/2018/8/23
@ToddTrimble Are there any plans to do something with the decomposition-theorem tag? (I am sorry for bothering you once again with the same issue - but it's been some time since you mentioned this tag here in chat.
Just the fact that I bumped that thread (by mistake - only to find out that the proposed synonym already exists) reminded me of this.
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