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5:00 AM
@MartinSleziak I waited a bit to see whether somebody suggests some suitable tag here in chat - now I have added and . Let's hope that somebody will edit tags further, if some improvements are needed.
2 hours later…
6:45 AM
Only now I noticed that privilege to create tags is set at 300 reputation points on MathOverflow, while it is at 1000 reputation points on Mathematics.
8 hours later…
2:28 PM
Q: Closed Semi-Riemannian manifolds with non-compact isometry group

JS.Are there general results about closed Semi-Riemannian manifolds which have a non-compact isometry group? Background: By a theorem of Myers and Steenrod the isometry group of a Riemannian manifold is a lie group. The same is true for Semi-Riemannian manifolds where the idea of a possible proof ...

Q: Are $\varepsilon$-connected components dense?

Taras BanakhLet $X$ be a connected compact metric space. Given a positive $\varepsilon$ and two points $x,y\in X$ we write $x\sim_\varepsilon y$ if there exists a sequence $C_1,\dots,C_n$ of connected subsets of diameter $<\varepsilon$ in $X$ such that $x\in C_1$, $y\in C_n$ and $C_i\cap C_{i+1}\ne\emptyset...

Q: About a pattern on prime numbers

Dimitris ValianatosI have read in https://www.sciencealert.com/mathematicians-discover-a-strange-pattern-hiding-in-prime-numbers that says: "But this doesn't explain the magnitude of the bias the team found, or why primes ending in 3 seemed to like being followed by primes ending in 9 more than 1 or 7. Even when th...

Some time ago, I have made suggestion to create tag on meta: meta.mathoverflow.net/questions/194/help-improve-tagging/…
A: Help improve tagging!

Martin SleziakI'd like to propose creation of continuum-theory tag. To me (as an outsider, but still a bit interested in this topic) it seems that continuum theory is an area of general topology which enjoys some interest both among topologists and among mathematicians in general. (For example, one part of Op...

5 hours later…
7:28 PM
There is a tag-excerpt and tag-wiki for (continuum-theory). But the tag-excerpt is rather unfortunate - it consists only of Wikpedia link - but in tag-excerpt tooltips links do not work. (Tag-excerpts support MathJax, but neither MarkDown nor links.)

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