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6:38 AM
@ToddTrimble What do you think about the tag? Should it stay? (See the last few messages here in this room.)
Since I saw that you're here in chat, I thought I might as well ask.
1 hour later…
7:53 AM
Just to clarify why I brought this up now, here is a quote from Jeff Atwood's answer: Should We Zap The Low-Occurrence Tags?
> I've implemented a routine that removes tags created more than 6 months ago which have been used only a single time. It will run monthly.
Later this feature was slightly modified: Do not expire single-use tags that have a tag wiki.
2 hours later…
9:38 AM
Although nobody posted an answer, I'd think that 12 upvotes show sufficient support of your proposal. So perhaps you could retag the single remaining question with this tag (which would then lead to the removal of the tag). — Martin Sleziak yesterday
@MartinSleziak: Done. — Alex M. yesterday
3 hours later…
12:48 PM
@TobyBartels I am not sure whether this is the optimal way to resolve this, but I have added tag to another question - namely Who was Hermann Künneth?.
So this is no longer a tag with single occurrence - which means that it won't be removed by the automated script mentioned above. And I guess that if somebody notices the tag after I bumped that question, then they probably either remove the tag or raise this issue on meta.
Q: Who was Heinrich Hake?

Toby BartelsHake's Theorem, due to Heinrich Hake of Düsseldorf in 1921, says that an improper Henstock–Kurzweil integral (aka generalized Riemann integral, gauge integral, Perron integral, or Denjoy integral) on a bounded interval is already proper. That is, if $f$ is defined on a half-open interval $[a,c)$...

Q: Who was Hermann Künneth?

SimonQuestion as in the title: Who was Hermann Künneth? Where can I find some biographical information beyond what is available on Wikipedia? The well-known Künneth formula, for example in the form of exactness of the sequence $$ 0 \to \bigoplus_{p+q = n} H_p(C) \otimes H_q(D) \to H_n(C \otimes D) ...

If you prefer that the comments under your question that are related to creation/removal of the tag and not to the question should be removed, just let me know (you can ping me here in chat).
I can remove my two comments and you can remove yours - unless you want to keep them.
After all, they are "archived" here in chat.
I see that the tag (biography) was created in this question. Tags with only one occurrence are removed after 6 months unless they have tag-wiki. So perhaps you could create some basic tag-info if you think that this tag is worth keeping. (Feel free to ping me either here or in chat after you read this comment so that I know that it is no longer needed and I can delete it.) — Martin Sleziak yesterday
@MartinSleziak : I don't remember creating a tag, but I probably also didn't pay attention to how much something was used if it showed up when I started typing; is it possible that something was using this tag and the tag was later removed? Anyway, I don't really want to get into tag management and advocacy. It would be nice to have a tag more specific than #ho.history-overview for biographies of mathematicians, but I'll leave that up to others to decide. — Toby Bartels 17 hours ago
I'd guess if we want to continue this discussion, it would be better to do so somewhere else - so that we do not leave here too many comments unrelated to the question (perhaps in chat). But probably the easiest solution is to leave the tag to its fate - as you suggested. — Martin Sleziak 16 hours ago
1:09 PM
@AndrejBauer One of the links in the answer was no longer working, so I added Internet Archive version. (And I did this also with other pdf-links - just in case they stop working at some point in future.) Of course, feel free to edit the answer further to the format you're satisfied with. (After you see this comment, it is no longer needed - so feel free to flag it as obsolete or simply ping me in chat and I will remove the comment.) — Martin Sleziak 48 secs ago
1:35 PM
I have also removed the tag from: Variable-centric logical foundation of calculus. I suppose it got there when the tag was removed. What might be some suitable tags for this question to represent that it is related to analysis? Maybe and ? Perhaps even ?
Q: Variable-centric logical foundation of calculus

Jason HowaldSince calculus originated long before our modern function concept, much of our language of calculus still focuses on variables and their interrelationships rather than explicitly on functions. For example, in the assertion "If $y=x^2$ then $\frac{dy}{dx}=2x$," the functions $f$ and $f'$ remain u...

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