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@Eran You should not ask Rob to engage in voting fraud or kick other people out of their rightful position on the Leaderboard. Why not flag for the Moderator or use the Contact link instead?
1 hour later…
@David ahhh I’m on vacation this year so I couldn’t dedicate that much time (and the same old hats partly also dissuaded me from actively chasing hats again) :/
lol maybe I’ll be back again next year if there’s a refreshed WB!
2 hours later…
How do we get Eliza Doolots hat?
@NogShine I think you need to get 2020 rep across the network since WB started
only sites with at least 200 rep will be considered
2 hours later…
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica 2020? Really?
How are individual sites considered then?
If we add up reputation of top 6 200 rep sites, it should be 2020. Am I right?
Hahaha did you guys see the Warm Welcome hat?
@NogShine that's the theory
@U10-Forward-ReinstateMonica congrats
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica what about it?
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica They changed the style
It looked like Communist symbol. They said.
@NogShine yeah. Saw that post. Heart is fine ;)
Yep, especially for me from Russia
@U10-Forward-ReinstateMonica I even can't see the snail!
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica @VerNicksaysReinstateMonica @NogShine Can you help with living in the future please?
@U10-Forward-ReinstateMonica Yeah
I mean this:
A: How do I customize the colours in the bars using custom number set in matplotlib?

U10-Forward - Reinstate MonicaI just realized using plt.barh and colormaps provide better plots, use: import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt df = pd.DataFrame({'values': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 16, 16, 15, 15, 15, 14, 13, 13, 13]}) df = df.sort_values(by='values').reset_index(drop=True) s = df['values'].replace(0, ...

Hi Guys
Somebody an upvote please
@U10-Forward-ReinstateMonica done
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica where
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica For U10, you've already done it
movies.stackexchange.com/a/105640/48608. This answer is for living in the future hat.
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica alright
It's about a rock star suffering from Schizophrenia. Many fans thought Joker also suffers from that disease. You might all have watchedJoker.
Did you guys see my question regarding 007 and Blue in the Face? It seems there might be a bug there after all.
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica Indeed. I was going to give some background why it could be relevant to you all. 😃
Thanks all.
@NogShine I haven't, though it got positive replies
@Eran same trigger na?
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica seems so
@Eran this is a tough one to crack on SO :(
making it 2 hats that are elusive
Could be Blue just following the 007?
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica maybe they'll fix the Blue in the Face trigger, and then we'll have another hat to work on.
The trigger is too hard to reveal, I don't want it
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica animuson commented - "We'll look into this further. There seems to have been some mix-up in that we have two different triggers named very different things, but both of those triggers run queries that pull the exact same results. I'd bet it was renamed when the original trigger was reused later, for the exact reason that the original trigger name wasn't clear as to what it did."
Finally in the profile pictures of the top five on home leaderboard page network-wide
@Eran Well, he didn't really confirm it was a mistake.
I think blue comes with 007 and that's all
Perhaps the name could suggest something?
> Showing signs of exhaustion or strain. Often used in the phrase "till (one) (is) blue in the face."
Write 'x' no. of answers on the same day without commenting?
I am just guessing.
Or maybe answer n questions with no accept
@U10-Forward-ReinstateMonica opposite of rep hunter then. 5 non-accepted answers in a day
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica Possible
My 007 attempt:
Far away tho
A: How do I have to match the format between time data ' 01/27/1998' to '%d/%m/%y'?

U10-Forward - Reinstate MonicaIt has to be, '%d/%m/%Y', so replace the following line: birthday_date = datetime.strptime(birthday, "%d/%m/%y") With: birthday_date = datetime.strptime(birthday, "%d/%m/%Y")

Q: I got an invisible hat in notification bar

Ankit SharmaUniverse Brain is almost invisible in notification bar: Draker shade of yellow or maybe a border/shadow can help in this case.

Not for a hat but about hat
Q: I got an invisible hat in notification bar

Ankit SharmaUniverse Brain is almost invisible in notification bar: Draker shade of yellow or maybe a border/shadow can help in this case.

@Feeds I was fast :P
@AnkitSharma lol
now 4
my entry for 007
A: How to get the digits before some particular word using regex in c#?

CinCout - Reinstate MonicaDo this: (\d+)[^\d]+some[wW]ord You need to accept anything other than digits themselves. Also I considered both w and W since your examples contained both. Demo

OP can always comment on their own posts
2020 tehory not wokring for me
4 to go in my case :D
@NogShine Want to help too? stackoverflow.com/questions/59386288/…
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica I did wlaready
Nowhere to go for me
Need to figure out how to get rest of hat
@U10-Forward-ReinstateMonica thanks
Mother of dragon lost her way , maybe stuck in air-traffic
haha @AnkitSharma I got that
@AnkitSharma still for hats ahead of me
3+ score and showing 2 days ago I need to wait one more day?
@AnkitSharma the trigger is for 3 days
ooops ok
score is enough? it's +4/-1
@AnkitSharma score and days both 3
need 4 more guys:
A: How to get the digits before some particular word using regex in c#?

CinCout - Reinstate MonicaDo this: (\d+)[^\d]+some[wW]ord You need to accept anything other than digits themselves. Also I considered both w and W since your examples contained both. Demo

Need 3 more guys:
A: How do I have to match the format between time data ' 01/27/1998' to '%d/%m/%y'?

U10-Forward - Reinstate MonicaIt has to be, '%d/%m/%Y', so replace the following line: birthday_date = datetime.strptime(birthday, "%d/%m/%y") With: birthday_date = datetime.strptime(birthday, "%d/%m/%Y")

2 more guys now!
@AnkitSharma My Islam SE question got no love.
@NogShine awwww
@NogShine WHere you the one voting?
@U10-Forward-ReinstateMonica I don't know :P
You should be understanding. ;). Yes I did.
Ohh i thought you weren't joking
@NogShine no love without link
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica Selfish love :D
490/600 on electorate on MSO for foot of the rainbow
Can't vote more :p
@U10-Forward-ReinstateMonica whoa. Get me the votes too man :D :P
@Mithical Mind doing so too, sorry for being so puchy
Also cincouts
@U10-Forward-ReinstateMonica I am in similar situation.
If there are anyone who have some idea about toe Rings, Hinduism, Islam. islam.stackexchange.com/q/57383/27045
You can't get mother of dragons since it is over 3 days @NogShine
@AnkitSharma Jon Snow killed her
@U10-Forward-ReinstateMonica Ohh
Jon Snow killed Mother of Dragons then.
@NogShine for a second there I read your last post as "Jon Skeet killed her"
@NogShine but he known nothing
@NogShine +1
@NogShine curel bastard
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica No way for Nog to get motther of dragons since it is over 3 days
Pick another site
@U10-Forward-ReinstateMonica sadly yeah
@AnkitSharma More theoretical is time killed it since it is too long of a wait
@U10-Forward-ReinstateMonica less than Silencium
We need a red priestess.
My next question for Anime.se/Scifi.se and movies.se combined for 9k views: What will happen if i write Thanos name on Death Note and say he snap his finger and make death note disappear before heart attack and apply toad spit to remove his name before snap.
@U10-Forward-ReinstateMonica of course
@U10-Forward-ReinstateMonica I've no clue about python - so, why should I upvote the question?
No Problem
Ugh i am really unhappy...
With staying 6 upvotes
1830 reputation network wide
so far for me
I'm close to 1600
is it 2020 for Eliza?
I think you already got votes from everybody currently in this room...
haha yeah
I am little bit too pushy...
@NogShine too big question took me so long to answer and help in commensts :D scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/224631/…
@AnkitSharma WAAAAT
Is there actually an Eliza hat this year?
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica yes I got two
Hmmmm, I'm not far from 2020 rep
Q: "Shiver Me Timbers" hover text says "Warm Welcome"

Rebecca J. StonesI realize I pay way too much attention to detail at times, but... So here's a bug report. I'm on Firefox 70.0.1 (64-bit) for Linux Mint.

Q: The grey symbol on Amazing Grace hat looks like a Reichsadler (coat of arms of Nazi Germany)

NeumannI wanted to put on an Amazing Grace hat that I earned on one of the sites and zooming in I saw that the grey symbol on it resembles the Reichsadler, the coat of arms of Nazi Germany. I admit that for people not living in Germany this maybe not so obvious or even completely unnoticeable and insign...

I am halfway through for 2020.
I think I have already earned somewhere around 1800 rep, just a little more left for the hat
I need about 400 more rep
Do I have to earn 2020 rep on one site?
No, you can earn on multiple sites combined, as long as on each site you earn at least 200, and not including association bonus
Oh, that's fine
2 votes will give me a 007 but you might have already voted on this. :)
i am 4 short:
A: How to get the digits before some particular word using regex in c#?

CinCout - Reinstate MonicaDo this: (\d+)[^\d]+some[wW]ord You need to accept anything other than digits themselves. Also I considered both w and W since your examples contained both. Demo

@NogShine I'm about to end this man's whole career [Clicks Post Comment]
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica holy macaroni
Q: All colours on knitting are not visible on mobile

Nog ShineI asked a question how to start knitting on Winterbash site. How do I start Winterbash knitting on mobile?. One answer gave a way to use in landscape mode. It worked. But some colours are cropped out. balpha's answer says: When I built the knitting editor last year, I decided there has ...

2 hours later…
This Is Fine is awarded after the bounty grace period ends?
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica yes
Anyone have a clue about Eliza Doolots? I'm thinking 'Doolots' would suggest you have to do a certain thing a lot, but what? :P
I felt lot of rep
Somebody said 2020 rep but seems wrong
Why do you think it's wrong?
I got two and my total was not 2020 on meta and movies
How high was your total?
But I didn't exclude Dvtes
And only picked two site where I had hat
I have 1510 + 262, which is almost the same as what you report. No hat[s] yet
Are you sure you don't have a 3rd site where you gained 200+ rep?
Ah, you need rep on multiple sites?
@JesseBusman you don't have to. A single site is enough (if you can get 2020 rep on a single site), but it should be easier to combine rep of multiple sites
@Eran maybe but I got hat only on movies and meta
@AnkitSharma based on your profile you got it on sciencefiction as well
@Heslacher that I got just now
Q: Chat still shows the old Warm Welcome hat

JdrupalYesterday the star on the Warm Welcome hat was changed to a heart, according to this post. But it seems like chat.stackexchange.com has not been updated yet. I see the new hat on my profile, but not on chat. Is this a bug, or is chat just a bit slow to recognize the change?

4 hours later…

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