English Language & Usage: Multi-Layered Discourse Room

English Language & Usage: Multi-Layer

Not for the faint of heart or those easily triggered by English (or other languages) in the raw. That doesn't mean we want to talk about YouTube comments or hemorrhoids or other such topics.
1m ago – Cerberus
Cerberus: 1m ago, 394578 posts (16%)HippoSawrUs: 3m ago, 1586 posts (0%)Laurel: 10m ago, 4039 posts (0%)Robusto: 38m ago, 172341 posts (7%)MetaEd: 1h ago, 27015 posts (1%)CowperKettle: 5h ago, 68491 posts (2%)Xanne: 21h ago, 4489 posts (0%)M.A.R.: 3d ago, 41485 posts (1%)

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Apr 16, 2011 13:45
@Robusto I drive on USA all the time, with huge LEGO trucks.
Apr 15, 2011 22:26
Sometimes I am tempted to reply "OK, tell me what you want to read, and I will write an answer with that."
Apr 15, 2011 22:25
First they ask a question, then they comment with "it's not what I meant." They should write the question better, then.
Apr 14, 2011 18:37
Wait, I will scratch my armpit.
Apr 14, 2011 12:08
With that last name, I would not trust him much.
Apr 12, 2011 14:43
George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill:
“I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend.... if you have one.”

Winston Churchill, in response:
“Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second... if there is one.”
Apr 12, 2011 13:01
Since when is "modern" the opposite of "cheesy"? Did I miss a memo?
Apr 11, 2011 18:17
@RegDwight Okay; first tell everyone else to stop answering questions.
Apr 11, 2011 15:09
@JSBangs — I see you don't give up on a joke just because it doesn't happen to be funny.
Apr 8, 2011 18:47
Personally, I prefer Howitzers for my kids until they're big enough for the heavy stuff.
Apr 8, 2011 18:07
@Kosmonaut It was a source of much hilarity to us as children (growing up in the south of England) when my sister asked my father how to spell "furry", and he (from Liverpool) responded by asking, "Do you mean furry like a teddy bear, or a furry that grants wishes?"
Apr 8, 2011 03:04
A friend of mine was a trombonist. I met him for lunch one day, and as I drove in to the restaurant parking lot I saw his car, and noticed that he had left his trombone in the back seat and the car was unlocked. I rushed in and told him, whereupon he gave me a shocked look and ran out to his car — but it was too late! Someone had thrown another trombone into the vehicle!
Apr 8, 2011 02:50
But Ravel's genius was that he knew the instruments and what he could tease out of them. Stravinsky and Strauss, on the other hand, just didn't give a shit if their stuff was playable or not.
Apr 8, 2011 02:16
**The Sense of the Sleight of Hand Man**

One's grand flights, one's Sunday baths,
One's tootings at the weddings of the soul
Occur as they occur. So bluish clouds
Occurred above the empty house and the leaves
Of the rhododendrons rattled their gold,
As if someone lived there. Such floods of white
Came bursting from the clouds. So the wind
Threw its contorted strength around the sky.

Could you have said the bluejay suddenly
Would swoop to earth? It is a wheel, the rays
Around the sun. The wheel survives the myths.
Apr 7, 2011 23:06
After those two, you certainly did!
Apr 7, 2011 20:13
@JSBangs The envelope itself was pretty broken, but the page it linked to I found useful, as it neatly summarised everything that had happened since I last looked, all on one page
Apr 7, 2011 14:02
@Cerberus — We don't "always" have them. Sometimes we let them rest for a few minutes.
Apr 7, 2011 11:48
Not a single question worth answering that doesn't have good answers already.
Apr 6, 2011 23:35
Q: How trustworthy is WordNet?

MrHenI was browsing old questions and answers and bumped into an odd scenario: Can “paper bag” mean any bag?. An excerpt from the accepted answer: Almost all on-line dictionaries define paper bag as: A bag made of paper or plastic for holding customer's purchases I did some quick re...

Apr 4, 2011 13:43
Or perhaps you're a major-tomo ...
Apr 4, 2011 10:18
@Fx Well, I think I can destroy users.... Mwuahahahahahahaha!
Apr 1, 2011 17:30
@rajakvk "Do over" means "repeat". Or "assault" in colloquial British. Isn't English wonderful?
Apr 1, 2011 15:27
Easy as π.
Apr 1, 2011 14:43
I prefer to suffer without a Mac rather than pay Steve Jobs huge dollars for the privilege of suffering with a Mac.
Mar 31, 2011 15:11
Start by calling it "sex" and bring up the actual theorems once you have everybody's attention.
Mar 31, 2011 14:18
@Robusto At least now I understand the bangs part in JSBangs.
Mar 31, 2011 02:05
So like, if you ran the speech through a spectrogram, and spliced out the first half of a geminate [tt] with the first half of a geminate [kk], would anyone be able to tell?
Mar 31, 2011 00:08
No, I'm SexyNurseInDrag666.
Mar 30, 2011 16:48
Incidentally, does "cum" require hyphens? And is it even used with persons?
Mar 29, 2011 15:16
@MrHen It's a sprinx. A jinx in spirit.
Mar 28, 2011 18:05
Hey my wooden shoes are sturdy models; every cool kid on the block has the latest polyester wooden shoes with brilliants on the side and a nifty spoiler at front.
Mar 28, 2011 16:58
@Martha The last several hours of general filth. Nothing serious :-)
Mar 25, 2011 20:08
@Robusto No, the worst worst is when you have to fix defects in crappy code... that you wrote 5 years ago.
Mar 23, 2011 22:48
you're all totally wrong, here's how it really works
Mar 23, 2011 22:15
Is there a version of "semantic satiation" that applies to entire sentences?
Mar 23, 2011 19:37
Interesting that it should have been changed to "F*ck Equality" by the revolutionaries.
Mar 23, 2011 13:29
Mar 22, 2011 21:15
"Una bottiglia del buon vino bianco della casa, grazie."
Mar 22, 2011 18:51
So I hope you're well satisfied with that explanation.
Mar 22, 2011 18:30
Kindly keep your diseases to yourselves
Mar 21, 2011 15:07
Women do cloud my mind. I admit it.
Mar 19, 2011 13:10
or we could, right now, create a question titled “Generic question used for closing poor questions as duplicates” :)
Mar 18, 2011 21:31
Ok, I'm laughing too hard to thwack you. It's not fair.
Mar 18, 2011 18:04
I'm going to go and make tea now and pretend I didn't read that.
Mar 18, 2011 18:01
@Robusto, I'm not your personal thwacking pet, perpetually at your beck and call. If you know you deserve a thwacking, you can very well thwack yourself. (Or - gasp horrors - not make the pun in the first place.)
Mar 18, 2011 17:39
You married her and you're still trying to pick her up?
Mar 18, 2011 17:32
Don't not climb the furniture. Reverse psychology.
Mar 18, 2011 17:30
The @Martha meme is gaining traction!
Mar 18, 2011 13:38
Well, perhaps he looked it up in your answer and decided that he couldn't trust you because you aren't a native speaker.
Mar 17, 2011 23:17
Posted by Rebecca Chernoff on March 17th, 2011

We’re excited to announce that Wednesday, April 6th, 2011, is World-Wide Stack Overflow MeetUp Day!

We commonly say that Stack Overflow is run by the community. We also commonly say that Stack Overflow is not a social networking site. There’s no private messaging. There’s no “friends” list. The entire focus is on the knowledge shared. So, when interest arises to organize world-wide “meet ups”, we need a little help from you.

Stack Overflow users are a diverse group of people, spread all over the world (there’s a lot of green on that map!). To get everyone involved in this year’s MeetUp, we would like to organize into local groups by getting everyone in each area together… all at the same time. We are making it easy for anyone to organize a local group or find one of the groups already meeting up face-to-face. Meetups.com provides just that service.  …