random cohomology for quantum nerds

covariance is unacceptable
887d ago – Martin Sleziak

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Jun 3, 2018 08:50
Hello Hatcher my old friend. I've come to read your font again
Oct 15, 2020 18:48
Hahaha what a child
May 23, 2019 13:28
[eyes burn out of skull as if you opened the ark of the covenant]
Nov 29, 2021 19:04
Some waffle about Legendre transforms that only physicists understand
Jun 3, 2018 00:32
instantly stars the declaration of instantaneous starring, while also instantaneously starring the declaration of instantaneous starring of the declaration of instantaneous starring so nobody else can instantaneously star this message
Jul 2, 2018 10:27
You guys know that one part of Thomas's song where it kinda picks up, right? buildup and pause BA DUM PA PAA, PA PA PAAAAAA
Jul 2, 2018 09:32
“$H^2(\text{Electric Boogaloo})$”
Jun 27, 2018 12:56
This room is great
Apr 21, 2020 19:42
Sep 19, 2022 10:18
This room has been relatively silent recently. Just in case it gets frozen, I will remind that moderators can unfreeze chatrooms - so you can ask some moderator (from any site) whether they would be willing to do so. See also: meta.stackexchange.com/tags/frozen-rooms/info and How do I unfreeze a frozen chat room?
Mar 11, 2021 20:16
@BalarkaSen This is geometry loser
Aug 24, 2022 05:39
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Jul 16, 2022 08:23
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Jul 1, 2018 14:45
Enumerate the positive zeroes to $\tan x = x$ as $\lambda_n$. Prove that $$\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{\lambda_n^2} = \frac{1}{10}$$
Jul 3, 2022 04:53
This room has been relatively silent recently. Just in case it gets frozen, I will remind that moderators can unfreeze chatrooms - so you can ask some moderator (from any site) whether they would be willing to do so. See also: meta.stackexchange.com/tags/frozen-rooms/info and How do I unfreeze a frozen chat room?
Jun 14, 2018 11:17
thank you based maps
Jun 7, 2018 07:27
spectral sequences 4 life
Jun 13, 2022 06:25
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May 31, 2022 06:18
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May 18, 2022 10:40
This room has been relatively silent recently. Just in case it gets frozen, I will remind that moderators can unfreeze chatrooms - so you can ask some moderator (from any site) whether they would be willing to do so. See also: meta.stackexchange.com/tags/frozen-rooms/info and How do I unfreeze a frozen chat room?
Feb 14, 2022 19:11
This room has been relatively silent recently. Just in case it gets frozen, I will remind that moderators can unfreeze chatrooms - so you can ask some moderator (from any site) whether they would be willing to do so. See also: meta.stackexchange.com/tags/frozen-rooms/info and How do I unfreeze a frozen chat room?
Jan 23, 2022 09:20
This room has been relatively silent recently. Just in case it gets frozen, I will remind that moderators can unfreeze chatrooms - so you can ask some moderator (from any site) whether they would be willing to do so. See also: meta.stackexchange.com/tags/frozen-rooms/info and How do I unfreeze a frozen chat room?
Aug 29, 2018 09:34
The lad!
Aug 25, 2018 23:44
Press F to pay respects
Aug 5, 2018 06:24
Things can get subtle though - for example there are moduli functors that we care about which are not representable. One classical example is the moduli space of curves of genus $g$.

There are two solutions - 1) Weaken the definition of moduli space - this leads us to the definition of coarse moduli space $X$, which essentially means that whenever you have some family over $S$ you have a map $S\rightarrow X$, but there is no universal family over $X$ so given a map $S\rightarrow X$ you cannot pull this back to a family over $S$
Dec 27, 2021 09:12
This room has been relatively silent recently. Just in case it gets frozen, I will remind that moderators can unfreeze chatrooms - so you can ask some moderator (from any site) whether they would be willing to do so. See also: meta.stackexchange.com/tags/frozen-rooms/info and How do I unfreeze a frozen chat room?
Jul 4, 2018 15:13
jk welcome @Luke
Jun 27, 2018 08:26
Math chat has been a good place to grow up. It's pretty much been a warm community.
Jun 3, 2018 00:32
instantly stars the room
Nov 28, 2021 09:56
@MartinSleziak Does the Feeds prevent the chatroom from being frozen?
Oct 23, 2019 19:10
user image
Oct 23, 2019 18:19
user image
Sep 18, 2021 08:31
Jan 14, 2019 22:46
he's using big tools because he was never taught to just draw the deformation retraction :)
Mar 11, 2021 18:33
Mar 11, 2021 18:32
@BalarkaSen the trick is to use big letters, ord((X+Y)/Z)=2 while X+Y=0 intersects C three times because Z vanishes as well
Aug 29, 2018 09:41
always nuke the question
Dec 18, 2020 17:13
ethylene glycol
Jul 1, 2018 22:43
"every time someone mentions Nash blowup my mind wanders to an extremely terrible joke about how Kaczynski blowup is totally different" - Fargle
Jun 27, 2018 11:15
The long guy gives us this part of the bruhat decomposition: $Bw_0B=B'$ is called the opposite Borel subgroup, and here is the lower triangular matrices
Jun 21, 2018 20:43
My current knowledge of algebraic topology basically stops at Seifert-van Kampen
Jun 12, 2018 05:36
maybe then I'll finally be able to do sphere eversion
Jun 6, 2018 18:20
hopf.math.purdue.edu/Boardman/ccspseq.pdf is the Boardman paper, it's beautiful. If someone feels like it I suggest sections 1-5
Jun 6, 2018 05:38
I am become hypocrite
Oct 28, 2020 21:47
Oct 28, 2020 21:03
adjunction space? it's called "cograph"
Oct 5, 2020 14:29
The "trick" is "limiting" the information by taking only adapted processes (at first) and then using quadratic variation to prove that our sums converge in L^2 rather than L^1
Oct 5, 2020 14:18
room topic changed to random cohomology for quantum nerds: covariance is unacceptable (no tags)
May 29, 2020 19:47
(also all of those things are due to Gromov, he basically invented geometric group theory on its own, all hail the prophet)
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