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Apr 2, 2011 12:29
@DeepakVaid About your question and comments -- I'm not going to remove comments, but you have a right to edit your answer and thus effectively and visibly respond to Lubos's arguments. The power of voting lays in averaging, so you should rather invest your energy in getting votes from other people than on fighting with LM.
Apr 2, 2011 12:09
there is some concern that Physics users have been "somewhere between very condescending and downright rude" to new questions that really weren't bad
Mar 31, 2011 00:26
Hey, there could be a paper in that idea ;)
Mar 30, 2011 18:51
maybe if there were a flashing link when somebody was in the room more traffic would come this way. After all there is a "join the room" button so one could have online this information.
Mar 27, 2011 23:23
Dont really wish to make a deal out of it, so not posting on Meta. But I just saw that post even if provocatively posed, it did express itself as a valid physics question. In reference to the question, there were strong opinions on either side, but all it amounted to was to educate further by knowing more of the criticisms and its defense. It is my opinion that there are lots of issues that remain unresolved, but it doesn't help to close them off just because they are.
Mar 23, 2011 23:57
@Coward Did you mean "I'm-not-an-idiot-degree"? I guess you could say that. There are a lot of employers who do things completely unrelated to physics but will still look favorably at a physics degree.
Mar 15, 2011 16:23
Will there really be nothing done about Georg downvoting two of my answers out of revenge? I don't care about the reputation points, but that sort of behavior seems blatantly and directly opposed to the sort of community we are trying to have here. I'm just a little shocked that absolutely nothing is even being mentioned
Mar 14, 2011 05:46
IMHO one reason chat is so dead is its extremely cumbersome interface. You have to open a whole new window and physics.SE is already a fairly heavy webpage. Then the chat page fails to detect my login status so I have to login again. Compare this to the pop-up chat in Facebook and imagine the possibilities if SE had something like that. Just something for the good folks running this site to chew on.
Feb 26, 2011 23:27
@kame The site is intended to be general one, with questions at any non-embarassing level. So go on!
Feb 23, 2011 19:01
Shellllldon? Leonaaard? Raaj?? Howard??
Feb 20, 2011 08:26
Answer: Sits down and works it out with a pencil.
Feb 20, 2011 08:25
What does the physicist do when he's constipated?
Jan 24, 2011 19:19
And about this fusion case... Let's give science a chance to work.
Jan 14, 2011 17:03
Posted by Jeff Atwood on January 14th, 2011

We’ve had a Craigslist-inspired post flagging system in place since the middle of 2009. But we haven’t improved it much since then, and given the recent influx of traffic, we are struggling to keep up while educating question askers and educating answerers. There’s no way even the most avid community moderator could possibly keep tabs on 2,500+ questions and 7,500+ answers per day. In order to keep our community tidy and on topic, we need everyone to help us flag the unusual stuff! …

Jan 12, 2011 11:30
And there's nothing wrong with the first time he closed. Mods are supposed to act quick on the early stages of the site, so they are forced to judge in a matter of minutes. But closing it a second time after it was opened by community vote, that's just stubborness.
Jan 12, 2011 02:32
of course you don't have to answer either one of those. its just that I wish I could be in Brazil and your name sounds really cool - like something from terminator 2 ;)
Jan 10, 2011 21:19
There are two things you get here. One people have to be relatively smart to have the confidence to post because of the peer review process itself. Two if there is a wrong answer, someone will call the answerer on it very quickly so people tend to answer when they know the answer they don't just BS like on a forum where a newbie will answer something stupid and it takes 15 posts before someone smart notices. You don't get that when you ask your buddy in Phys. 202 what he thinks.
Jan 10, 2011 21:01
Right. Well the site seems pretty viable to me. How are we doing for questions in Google so far? Do we have a set of standard searches that we use to monitor progress?
Jan 10, 2011 20:43
by the way, I've seen number of people from MO crop up. it would be nice if more come because I know there are few good (mathematical) physicists settled over there. is there anyway besides asking questions at MO that reference physics.SE (as a motivation for question, supposedly)
Jan 10, 2011 20:37
Here's one example of a question that I think should have not been closed but was. Perhaps losing us a supporter in the process:…
Jan 10, 2011 20:36
@Kostya that is actually very good point I haven't thought about. We probably don't want such questions. Perhaps we should edit the title to make it more physical
Jan 10, 2011 20:13
Looking at the list from last time, the only things that look like they could have central implementations are the two suggestions for publicity generation: doing posters or some such, and asking prominent bloggers to plug the site. Most of the others involve the questions being asked.
Jan 6, 2011 21:26
i guess, from my perspective, the first step in describing the correct answer is to show why the incorrect answer fails
Jan 4, 2011 00:56
I'm sure there are aspects of the physics of Mythbusters that are unexplored in the blogosphere which we could host questions about
Jan 4, 2011 00:30
@Marek since it came up, for analysis of the physics of Mythbusters my favorite source is
Dec 27, 2010 05:17
This is currently closed as a duplicate, though it has been suggested that the original question be merged into the new one. I think that would lead to confusion because the answers for the original question wouldn't make sense when applied to the new one. But I welcome community input on this, if anyone thinks the current course of action (closed as duplicate) is not the best resolution.
Dec 19, 2010 21:50
Dec 19, 2010 21:50
Q: Hamiltonian Principle

tsudotHamiltonian's principle states that a dynamic system always follows a path such that action integral is stationary (that is maximum or minimum). Why should action integral be stationary? On what basis did Hamilton stated this principle?

Dec 19, 2010 21:49
@gigacyan, @mbq so maybe it would be worthwhile to go over some of the better questions and think about ways to improve titles
Dec 19, 2010 21:46
It wouldn't be hard or out of line to send email to people running higher-traffic blogs. I've mentioned it a few times on ScienceBlogs, and you could probably get one or more of the Cosmic Variance bloggers to mention it.
Dec 19, 2010 21:41
If you could get it plugged on - that would be great
Dec 19, 2010 21:38
@Marek Here's the type of "answers" we could hope for with a question like that:
Dec 19, 2010 21:36
Thats the type of question (the one I posted from programmers) has a wide enough appeal that I'd be happy to post on my facebook page. I think a question like that would be great for promotion of the physics site too.
Dec 19, 2010 21:35
Did anyone see this question on the programmers site?:…
Dec 19, 2010 21:34
About the promotion: I was trying to put together the posters but I didn't get to it in the end. Perhaps over the Christmas. Does anyone has good ideas about what should go into such poster (e.g. just questions, or also answers? And what questions concretely?)
Dec 19, 2010 21:29
@gigacyan okay, well we can keep an eye out for good simple questions. I guess the important thing is that the question can be answered in a high-quality way
Dec 19, 2010 21:23
Ie: a rigorous derivation for the stability of Earth's orbit
Dec 19, 2010 21:21
@Ami It would be nice if you can seed those as content for the site
Dec 15, 2010 01:58
The problem with Torricelli's law is it only works in a steady state. Considering the m'(0)=0 case forces us to consider what happens before it reaches that steady state. I found a journal article about it but don't have access. "An exact solution to the draining reservoir problem of the incompressible and non-viscous liquid"; should be able to google it. However once we pass that " initial transient region" it works fine.
Dec 11, 2010 14:08
@Marek: because there is a torque
Dec 11, 2010 13:14
I'll add my few thoughts here
Dec 9, 2010 01:17
in any case, i'm still quite discouraged by the lack of decent level, well-formed, quantitatve (or even conceptual) questions
Dec 9, 2010 00:54
maybe trying to convince some well-established physics blogs to add us as a link?
Dec 9, 2010 00:37
interesting... I'd always assumed that anything I could ask would be too low-level for MO
Dec 8, 2010 23:45
@Marek You can express +1 on chat with starring a post -- there is a small black star on the right of a post when you hold your mouse over it.
Dec 8, 2010 23:42
yeah, that makes sense. I was wondering why this room was better before and David couldn't think of a reason (if I remember correctly) and so I assumed there is no particular reason
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