
For playing the game Contact, where one person tries to "defend" a word against being guessed and others try to "attack". See for more info. Bot source code:
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Feb 28

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Mar 31, 2017 16:35

The defender is thinking of a secret word. This word must be Scrabble-legal - see They reveal the first letter of it (and will later be forced to reveal more).
Their goal is to last as long as they can by "defending" against people guessing the word.

Everyone else in the game is an "attacker".
They give clues to words starting with the revealed parts of the word. For instance, if the defender has given up COM so far, clues may be for COMPUTER or COMA.
Dec 18, 2018 16:36
in Codenames, Jun 11 at 21:38, by Mithrandir
BTW, quick guide to waving: O/ is "I can SM", o/ is "I can play but not SM", and 0/ is "I can play and can SM if needed, but prefer not to SM"
Feb 12, 2017 13:47
in The Sphinx's Lair, 10 hours ago, by Deusovi
I'm the "defender". I have a word and I've given them the first three letters now. They have to 'attack' by giving me clues to words.