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Starred posts

Aug 11, 2010 21:47
this > regular chat
Aug 11, 2010 20:56
Like a vegetarian barbecuing hamster?
Aug 11, 2010 18:48
@tzenes you're just annoyed you're at the top ;-)
Aug 11, 2010 16:39
People find a game-rec question they like. They advocate game-rec (look at x, y, z). Eventually an argument takes place. They then start advocating trying to find a middle ground (well maybe we get rid of some game-rec but not all). Eventually, they start to look at the shear volume of game-rec and they finally decide, get rid of them all
Aug 11, 2010 13:14
UBIs DRM is fun. You can't play games you purchased without an internet connection, so awesome.
Aug 11, 2010 12:44
wait what, no portal
Aug 11, 2010 12:43
you missed out on portal?
Aug 11, 2010 12:12
Q: Steam Community Group

alexanderpasGaming Stack Exchange Steam Community Group Enables us to communicate even while playing, and play games together. (Jeff will be made Owner if he joins, and ♦ on the site should be Officers)

Aug 11, 2010 03:49
Watching Grace argue is kind of like sitting in a Zen garden. All my problems seem to disappear and everything feels right with the world.
Aug 11, 2010 03:44
I would love to start recommending games like Wild ARMs, Mana Khemia, Bunny Must Die, Lethal Application, Suguri, Trigger Heart Exelica, and a host of other games. But what am I going to get out of it if the people just take the recommendation, play on their own, and don't bother to return with questions?
Aug 11, 2010 03:38
To go back to game recommendations and "post-gaming-conundrums" as I'll call it, a site filled primarily with lists of games and such looks a lot less like a site people come to for gaming help. To me, it would look a lot like people don't care as much for the site in terms of getting help while gaming, just as a place to return when you're done.
Aug 11, 2010 03:01
Rather, it's a two-fold concern derived from the fact we're running on the Stack Exchange engine. An engine which is developed for creating Q&A sites. I don't want to push people away from using us as Q&A, but I do want to try and restrict what it is that we do that isn't Q&A. Focus on real answers being provided to real questions is what will put us in the market for being the top source for gaming answers.
Aug 10, 2010 22:37
Actually now that I think it through, maybe deleting these questions is sending the wrong message. Perhaps seeing so many recommendations closed discourages them. Its hard to say without concrete evidence.
Aug 10, 2010 20:58
I want deleting game-rec to be the norm
Aug 10, 2010 20:52
I think its simple. We say this site does not exist for game recommendations, it exists for serious question and answer
Aug 10, 2010 20:41
would you rather have a site where you can ask questions about 10 games or 10 million?
Aug 10, 2010 20:40
to get the crowd we need the Skeets
Aug 10, 2010 20:39
there's much more games than experts
Aug 10, 2010 20:38
Some people treat gaming like a science
Aug 10, 2010 20:31
Nobody knows everything about everything, not even Skeet. But the crowd knows far more than any single person.
Aug 10, 2010 20:25
suppose you're a hard core theorycrafter on Elitistjerks. You know the exact formula for calculating the dps of a subtalty dagger rogue at level 80. Why would you come to our site?
Aug 10, 2010 19:11
god damn you people and your game-rec questions...
Aug 10, 2010 18:45
Aug 10, 2010 18:44
...there is none :<
Aug 9, 2010 21:41
Definitely annoying
Aug 9, 2010 21:39
I think McKay might be harmful to the site
Aug 9, 2010 21:39
or maybe not harmful, but annoying
Aug 9, 2010 17:49
It's a mouse.
Aug 9, 2010 16:42
all you have to do is remove Microsoft's dick from your mouth and its quite a pleasant experience
Aug 9, 2010 14:37
so we shouldn't base our strategy on what could happen
Aug 9, 2010 12:48
I'm of the "When in doubt, wait to see what happens" philosophy :-p
Aug 9, 2010 04:50
On the one hand, someone with specialized knowledge might be attracted to these questions not being answered (as they feel useful). On the other, they may feel that they'd be the only ones and not want to join
Aug 9, 2010 04:47
but it's also important that the people who ask the questions that attract 'tribal knowledge' don't get disheartened by not being answered. I think it's bad to have questions with 0 answers, especially during beta.
Aug 8, 2010 23:49
so if I ask the question now, and supply the answer, that's little more than rep whoring. But if I don't, anyone with that question may never come along and find the answer
Aug 8, 2010 19:01
(mag ik ons eraan herinneren dat we niet de enigen zijn hier? :))
Aug 7, 2010 21:28
game-rec is going to kill us one way or another. I have a feeling that discusion will never be over.
Aug 7, 2010 10:57
Just like our game-rec lynching
Aug 6, 2010 22:07
I think the Q&nothings fail because they have bad questions, not a lack of answers
Aug 6, 2010 22:02
The people with huge spreadsheets to figure out the best damage in Puzzle Quest, or who know the secret hard container on Megaman 7 in the Jungle Zone
Aug 6, 2010 21:59
if we become a resource where gamers can ask and find answers right after the release of a game: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
Aug 6, 2010 21:02
Aug 6, 2010 20:51
vote to close this discussion as off-topic
Aug 6, 2010 19:04
@badp I suggested to have closed questions removed from the StackExchange list, since we shouldn't advertise those
Aug 6, 2010 19:02
"The mod is now Diamond!"
Aug 6, 2010 19:01
sorry, I don't use old spice @Oak
Aug 6, 2010 16:29
Aug 6, 2010 15:57
nobody ask anything!
Aug 6, 2010 14:27
hell no, people will just upvote/fav any question so we won't close it
Aug 5, 2010 21:53
I think @Ivo is in every room.
Aug 5, 2010 20:41
people'll be upset, but so be it