Can we have threading for the twitter magic links?
For example:
Should say "Tweeted by ArdaXi on August 8, 2010 at 9:31PM in replay to tzenes", as alexanderpas demonstrates.
When I play Team Fortress 2 and want to switch weapons I have to select one using my the keyboard's number keys (1, 2, 3, ...) and press fire button on the mouse to switch to that weapon. Alternatively I can select a weapon using the mouse's scroll wheel and then pressing the fire button to switc...
I finally had time to play a game after the campaign, wondering of some units just aren't available outside the compaign, was very puzzled when building
this has to already have been asked on gaming, trying to find it
Well, comes the question, how often is it important to distinguish between keyboard controls and other controls when the distinction can't be divined from the platform?