@uhoh "Chrysotile is a layer silicate with the ideal formula Mg3(OH)4Si2O5, composed of one Si-centred tetrahedral (T) sheet joined to one Mg-centred octahedral (O) sheet with a 1:1 (TO) ratio. The TO unit is polar and a misfit exists between the smaller parameters of the T sheet and the larger parameters of the O sheet causing a differential strain between the two sides of the layer. ...
This is, more or less, for the benefit of the community at large. Not everyone pays deep attention to the inner workings of Stack Overflow, and it may be disconcerting to some to see moderators are considering a strike. I figured I would share things from my perspective (as an elected moderator),...
This answer actually was "HI, HBr, and HCl are strong acids." However, salutations (e.g. "Hi") are automatically removed, which leaves "HBr, and HCl are strong acids." — Loong ♦39 secs ago
We, the moderators of physics.SE, are deeply concerned about the recently announced "network policy" regarding computer-generated content on the SE network, which effectively attempts to forbid moderators from issuing suspensions or deleting posts for the undisclosed usage of computer-generated c...
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Frances H. Arnold George P. Smith Sir Gregory P. Winter
The Help Center says:
Questions that are extremely off topic, or of very low quality, may be removed at the discretion of the community and moderators.
This kind of question deletion is carried out quite often on other sites: as an extreme example, if you try to post something off-topic on Meta...
Chemistry comes up from time to time in Space SE, it would be great to have some more insight there. I'm a big fan of cross-pollination between SE sites