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Q: What has happened to lead moderators to consider striking?

MachavityThis is, more or less, for the benefit of the community at large. Not everyone pays deep attention to the inner workings of Stack Overflow, and it may be disconcerting to some to see moderators are considering a strike. I figured I would share things from my perspective (as an elected moderator),...

4 hours later…
Q: Colour composition of Bromine during diffusion?

BeamonConsider the diffusion of Bromine Gas within a tube filled with air. After a prolonged period of time, is the colour composition uniform? From my understanding, Bromine is a denser gas. Hence, on average, the Bromine gas is more concentrated at the bottom of the flask. There is always diffusion, ...

1 hour later…
Q: Hydrogen Isotopes and Bronsted Lowry Acid

Arnoa Bronsted Lowry Acid is defined as an acid that donates a proton. However it's actually a Hydrogen Ion, since hydrogen only has 1 proton and 1 electron, a positive Hydrogen Ion would have no electron and therefor only be a proton which is why we call it that. However Isotopes exist: deuterium ha...

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