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Q: Quantifying soapiness; there's pH, pKa and pO2, is there a p_soap or p_surfactance?

uhohYes, $\mathrm{pH}$ is a concentration, $\mathrm{p}K_\mathrm{a}$ is a dissociation constant, and $\mathrm{pO_2}$ is a partial pressure. These are (roughly speaking) ways to indicate how much of a key ingredient is in a mixture or how active it is. When I go away for a long weekend and have unwashe...

2 hours later…
Q: How effective is this recipe in fulfilling the following criteria?

ChetPlease analyze the following... Finely powdered and reduced aluminum metal, in a one-to-one molar ratio with ... Ammonium sulfate, and ... Blended into a minimum of Glycerin, to protect the aluminum from its premature oxidation... Dispersed into a gas tank filled with water (without any apprecia...

"I have a stupid idea. Please solve all the problems one could imagine surrounding my idea. And please ignore the big problem that this idea obviously cannot work."
7 hours later…
@FadedGiant when a man is on a mission for his vision, we can't remove the VR goggles now can we?

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