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Xander Henderson: 9h ago, 11568 posts (11%)

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Feb 9, 2020 22:15
Why don't we have a "Too narrow" close reason?
Sep 22, 2022 11:09
needs moderator action - bounty shields an off-topic question from closure - I wanted to close-vote as "needs more focus"
Feb 6, 2020 17:57
How about a little less drama, and a lot more "keeping on topic" in this room??
Feb 6, 2020 17:29
@user64742 No Math moderator has resigned since October 2018, although a few highly active users have left.
Apr 15, 2021 06:13
However, I, at least, find it hard to believe that there would be so many closely related questions, from one or several users, in such a relatively short time here if these questions are actually just from a past IB past paper.
Apr 15, 2021 06:12
You are not breaking rules by answering PSQs. But you are sending the message that "PSQs are entertained on this site, and will be answered" by answering them. So that's why we discourage answering of PSQs, @Euler2.
Jan 6, 2019 18:39
Instead of showing that a question was "Closed by [list of users]," why not indicate that the question was "Closed by members of the community because..."?
Feb 1, 2020 01:00
@BillDubuque Do you mean in an ethereal sense or in a practical sense? In an ethereal sense, you may have any interpretation of merit you wish, and we'd not gain much in discussing that. In a practical one, we both have earned that right in different ways and in different degrees.
Feb 1, 2020 00:10
@BillDubuque To the contrary, I could imagine many other reasons why a newer question might be a better dupe target than an older one, for example if the new question were stated better. In this case no such difference between the questions jumped out at me, in which case timestamp/popularity seems like a reasonable tiebreaker (especially since older/more popular questions probably rank higher in search engines). Was there some reason you had in mind?
Apr 13, 2021 19:53
@TeresaLisbon Yes, it seems that is a more current, alive, topic there than it is here; But there are advocates for term limits here, as well. I do think after serving a term, mods should have the option to run again, to be elected anew. I just don't like indefinite appointments, which often tern into only honorariums, or emeritus, but essentially inactive.
Apr 12, 2021 21:41
@XanderHenderson but in who they elect the community expresses its opinion. The moderators elections are the events where something resembling an actual vote happens. The will of the community over the last 5+ years was pretty consistent. Lets enact it.
Sep 17, 2022 14:06
@XanderHenderson First sentence is a comment on another answer. Second sentence is completely bogus (just look at the contrapositive of what Mauro used). Third sentence onwards is not only not-an-answer to the question but also pointless self-promotion.
Apr 12, 2021 18:15
@Xander I've never studied or taught anywhere in which "tutoring = doing others work for them".
Apr 12, 2021 16:34
@user64742 No. The question was not about just that one identity and Ramanujan's thinking. It explicitly stated Ramanujan's identity as an example of what the question was supposed to be about. That's why it's opinion-based. If it was merely about the history of that identity, then you would be correct that it is historical and hence for HSM SE rather than Math SE.
Jan 3, 2019 07:23
@Did I'm appalled.
Jan 3, 2019 07:22
@RRL The OP stated two problems, explained how to solve the first one, but displayed no effort concerning the second one. How is this essentially different from just stating the second problem and adding nothing else?
Apr 11, 2021 15:39
@Prithubiswas (1) it is very long, (2) it is not clear what your actual question is, and (3) at the end, you seem to be asking at least five questions.
Dec 31, 2018 23:10
There are so many posts of the form Hint: (full answer)
Dec 30, 2018 23:23
@TheGreatDuck I'm simply stating that when a contest question qualifies as a PSQ or NSQ, then sufficient context should apply to contest questions, as well as such questions without that tag. The tag should not privilege ones reception any more than had it been asked without that tag. Please, you need to tone down your personal attacks. In this most recent comment of you, you're wrong.
Apr 8, 2021 15:00
I still think that many users are still trapped in gamification and it needs a little bit more convincing to explain them our motivation.
Apr 8, 2021 14:55
@PedroTamaroff: if you participate in this room on regular basis (2,3 days per week), you will perhaps think differently about this room and its users.
Apr 8, 2021 14:52
@PedroTamaroff: many users of this room as well other reviewers too leave helpful comments for the questions they close. But only a small percent of askers respond with enthusiasm. Mostly such messages are ignored. Even the messages related to the new mathjax tutorial designed for beginners (which I often post in comments) is ignored.
Apr 8, 2021 14:19
@PedroTamaroff I don't think that being a career academic necessarily implies that one should be considered "trusted" on Math SE. These things are orthogonal, as the goals of academia and Math SE are not the same. It is like saying that a mathematician ought to be a good accountant, since accountancy is just numbers, right?
Apr 8, 2021 13:38
@PedroTamaroff Hah, look at all the "retired professors" who are eager to do others' homework for them. I think you are extremely selective and biased in what you report you see. Give me some time, as you've refused to thus far, to make explicit what you conveniently ignore. And I'm not convinced you're on this site much at all. You can't expect users hear to here your concerns, without being open and inviting to hear our concerns about
Apr 7, 2021 15:59
@HereToRelax Oh no. What is this edit monstrosity (Disclaimer: In my opinion, 5 to 10 edits should be enough, but almost 50??)
Apr 7, 2021 15:56
@PedroTamaroff Not asking for you to do so. But that was five years ago. How dare you come in and expect users to all just plain agree with you? Get real.
Apr 7, 2021 15:09
@PedroTamaroff If you looked closer you would learn that the linked questions on the abstract dupe target has 24 links including answers at all level explaining how to solve modular quadratics (by CRT). Your answer adds nothing at all new (and leaves much to be desired as for rigor)
Apr 7, 2021 12:56
@PedroTamaroff I am not sure why an upvoted answer is relevant. The question itself is +6/-11 (so quite negatively received---downvotes are far less common than upvotes, so a disparity like that is rather significant). I believe that there is a consensus that a good answer cannot save a poor question (though a great answer might---do you believe, aside from the HNQ induced upvoting, that the answer there is great?).
Apr 7, 2021 08:30
@Peter If you voted to close a question, and the question was closed and reopened, then it takes some time until you can close vote on the same question again. I don't remember the details, but you can probably find the information here:
Apr 5, 2021 21:53
It isn't a huge deal, and no one is being punished or chastised---I just want to re-emphasize the scrutiny that this room gets both from within the Math SE community, and from the larger SE network.
Apr 5, 2021 17:19
Bad content from users in the past shouldn't be held against them in the future. SE's policy has always been that we don't hold grudges and we give people the opportunity to reform. This is why there is no public record of suspensions once those suspensions has passed.
Apr 5, 2021 17:03
@Jorge That's already been very clear, and there a lot of us. You don't know us, are what each of us believes. We're not carbon copies of one another. It's equivalent to me saying "I don't agree with you guys that want to keep points from answering obvious poor quality question, and then hold it against those who point this out." It is okay for you to realize you can't answer everything and anything, and pout for awhile. I get it. It's not fun learning it is inappropriate to do much of
Apr 4, 2021 13:07
@TeresaLisbon This should be true for 80% of questions in most all elementary tags given that the site has been around a decade now. We've seen almost all exercises from most popular textbooks, and then some...
Dec 20, 2018 02:01
Please make edits to improve posts, not to bump them. Thanks!
Apr 2, 2021 19:08
So a user has written an answer which is not one, then complained about it getting deleted, got it undeleted and abused somebody in the process, and will now go and mutter somewhere else. This is an emotional matter : ONE SIMPLY CANNOT TAKE THE SITE FOR A RIDE LIKE THIS. I feel helpless in this matter.
Dec 18, 2018 17:24
@AlexanderGruber It is total gibberish. It calls ZF "craps", and claims that "Russell is the only mathematician I ever see that actually explains mathematics in a precise formal way", and makes the nonsensical assertion "There are also another proves that go against Gödel's theorem, such as Tarski's". You can check with @AndrésE.Caicedo or @CarlMummert for corroboration.
Mar 31, 2021 18:07
@Peter It's the same reason people get addicted to Cookie Clicker.
Mar 31, 2021 18:03
@ShubhrajitBhattacharya In fact I cannot see the purpose of this. Some people just like astronomical reps, who knows for what. That would not matter if this would not turn this site to something like a "do my homework" site. But as long nothing is done against this awful practice, they will continue as long as they are able to post answers here.
Mar 31, 2021 16:10
Imho unless a verification question includes a specific question about some step in the proof then it should be closed for lack of context. Too many of these are fishing expeditions which often lead to poor answers due to such (and are also fertile grounds for rep farmers to pick & choose trivial parts to answer)
Mar 31, 2021 16:04
Solution verification should be used only when the solution is included in the question. Else the verification is not solely about the question, but also the answer.
Mar 31, 2021 15:58
@user I didn't know that since they removed the solution-verification tag and self answered. Even in its prior version it is not a good question since verification questions should have context saying why they have doubts about the proof. *
Mar 30, 2021 18:06
@TeresaLisbon Yes, I get that. But remember, I've seen countless under 2000 users slave to suggest edits, so they can earn 2 points for each edit, and some take the easy way out. Again, the culprit is a system built on gaming, with rep. Fortunately, once one exceeds 2000, no more lolly-pop for editing. And almost all of them go from suggesting 15 edits a day, to none. :(
Mar 30, 2021 15:13
@soupless As amWhy suggests, use standard flags to mark a question as low-quality. This will send it to the review queues, and will not require moderator intervention.
Mar 29, 2021 18:11
@user21820 I have noticed that the synonymization of "question" with "doubt" seems common among people from India. It seems to be perfectly correct for Indian speakers of English, and (I think) should be regarded as a regionalism rather than something which is incorrect.
Mar 28, 2021 12:42
It is a recent trend, bucked by fascinations from YouTube, imaginative blogs that try to intuit, and intuitions from physics that get carried over wrongly (like the delta function). Yes, we must crack down on these posts more often. It would help if we had a small army of canonical duplicates, which I could not locate as a group on the duplicates post on meta. Perhaps I will collect a few good ones.
Jan 10, 2020 01:11
@Isabellatrix I'm sure that many things about the site are learned on the fly - just as on most sites - since users rarely read guidelines etc before diving in head first.
Mar 27, 2021 20:23
Once again in the case nobody noticed my post above : We should counter posts with the extended real line. It makes users think that $\infty$ IS a number with this trick and division by $0$ is meaningful. This is utterly wrong. Every time , $\infty$ ocuurs (no matter at which level), this nonsense is repeated again and again.
Mar 26, 2021 06:08
@ParamanandSingh New user, so I can't see much of a chance. To be fair, wasn't rude in the comments or anything, so no damage done at least. There's plenty of similar questions on the site, I'd think, so they can work with those.
Dec 2, 2018 13:10
@DRF that is rather rude to judge as you did in the first sentence. There's no truth behind the claim.
Jan 3, 2020 03:30
@user64742 @ellisaba You should be aware that your opinion that this is a "deceptive" practice is not entirely uncontroversial. Some folk believe that the goal of MSE is to create a shared repository of interesting and useful mathematical knowledge (in the form of Q&As). The original asker is far less important than the question itself.
1 9 10 11 12 13 92