Workplace 2014 Election Number 2

Open Discussion for
3839d ago – jmort253

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Aug 19, 2014 20:56
Vote counts (first place only):
enderland: 163
maple_shaft: 56
Matt: 14
Wesley: 31
itcould...: 5
Mike: 11
Captain...: 5
Aug 17, 2014 08:53
There are already 271 voters for this election, compared with 238 for the last. We are growing!
Aug 19, 2014 21:35
Q: Summer 2014 Community Moderator Election Results

Shog9The Workplace's 2nd moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the new moderator is: He'll be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank him for volunteering, and share your assistance and advice as he learns the ropes! For details on how the voting played...

Aug 20, 2014 01:59
Congrats @enderland! To those of you who ran in the elections but didn't win, @MattGiltaji, @maple, @wesley, @MikeVan, (and others who may not be in this room), thank you for nominating yourselves. As I mentioned before, I learned a lot from chatting with you and asking questions. One of the key things I'll work on doing is trying to educate more people on how our site works. Chatting w/you was key to understanding this is an area I can do a better job in. Thank you!
Aug 19, 2014 20:59
@MattGiltaji I am glad that you did. You're new but you get it, from what I can see.
Aug 13, 2014 14:15
As a moderator, what action (if any) do you take on this question?
Aug 19, 2014 20:11
Congratulations @Enderland with a land slide win
Aug 12, 2014 22:41
@MikeVan, you only have one meta post. Do you think that a moderator should be active on the site meta?
Aug 12, 2014 18:47
@MikeVan did you see this list?
Aug 12, 2014 17:43
if questions which are off topic consistently cause problems in the community being closed, either:
1) the off/on topic criteria need to be revisited
2) the community is acting against SE's interest for this site
Aug 12, 2014 17:23
@IanHolstead As you mentioned, it is a strong campaign point for myself and some other nominees. If elected, you will see more [closed by <diamond mod>] with my name on it, because I will take my election to be an endorsement of close early, close often, and leave a friendly note from the community. If the community evolves and does not want that policy any more, I am open to changing it after debating on meta
Aug 11, 2014 01:45
That we should never stop helping to encourage and mentor new users at understanding the site, since established users will move on and we need these new users to become the high-rep community users of the future
Aug 11, 2014 01:30
I considered it once, but I know I wouldn't be able to dedicate the time needed to do the job properly. I would much rather have one of the other candidates take the spot.
Aug 10, 2014 20:23
You've mentioned in the past that empathy isn't your strong point, and it is that component where I struggle in deciding who I would vote for. On one hand, you've put your heart and soul into this site more than any other candidate and would bring a lot of energy to the team, but on the other hand, I wonder if this character trait could get in the way of taking into account how the community feels about a decision.
Aug 8, 2014 09:38
I knew who I was going to vote for, and then @maple_shaft entered the race. Now I have to think about it. Damn.
Aug 5, 2014 18:33
Anyone, given enough time, can be a good moderator. However, just because they're willing and able to devote their time and resources to helping others doesn't mean... wait, yes it pretty much does.
Aug 5, 2014 00:18
@gnat Stack Exchange offered the position to the runner up, just like in the Programmers SE scenario, but that person -- due to scheduling conflicts -- declined the offer.
Aug 12, 2014 20:38
Ok, so you see the problem as more the lack of explanation (e.g. in helpful comments) than in it being put on hold itself?
Aug 12, 2014 20:38
There was one the other day about a woman who was being sexually harassed. Her question was put on-hold and she subsequently withdrew the question. HOwever, I feel that the question deserved an answer, and that putting it on hold was a really bad idea.
Aug 12, 2014 20:38
Monica: absolutely.
Aug 12, 2014 19:02
18 hours ago, by jmort253
How would you encourage more folks to clean up closed questions to possibly get them reopened?
Aug 12, 2014 18:54
The fact that it has so many upvotes indicates a desire from the forum community to have the question answered. First, I would not close a very popular topic (with recent activity) because doing so would be contrary to the desires of the community. Second, closing questions before real discussion can happen is not the goal of this site. We are here to ask and answer questions, not to close-out answers as quickly as possible.
Aug 12, 2014 18:50
47 mins ago, by Malachi
What would you guys do about something like this question that receives lots of attention (upvotes) but is closed as off topic because it may be too broad?
Aug 12, 2014 18:50
4 hours ago, by Ian Holstead
I fully support closing early, but I was over at the game design stackexchange and they actually seem to be suffering that issue - people are complaining that the mods are closing questions too quickly. I could see that questions from 1 rep users were frequently closed within 5 min of asking with no other clarification. If you were to gain insta-close (rather than vote to close) powers how are you going to strike the balance of closing quickly and closing too quickly/aggressively? — Ian Holstead 3 hours ago
Aug 12, 2014 18:15
@Malachi hence the new election to fill in jmac's spot
Aug 12, 2014 18:05
closed means "edit it until it gets reopened"
Aug 12, 2014 18:05
what @MattGiltaji said
Aug 12, 2014 18:03
Those questions which are ultimately off topic end up like that because they hit the hot list and pick up lots of upvotes
Aug 12, 2014 15:01
Between the personalized comments, complimenting the user on what they got right, and the unfortunately it doesn't meet our standards, I believe we convey the proper tone to new users, which is "we want to help, but here are some rules that make everything work that you need to follow"
Aug 12, 2014 14:50
I fully support closing early, but I was over at the game design stackexchange and they actually seem to be suffering that issue - people are complaining that the mods are closing questions too quickly. I could see that questions from 1 rep users were frequently closed within 5 min of asking with no other clarification. If you were to gain insta-close (rather than vote to close) powers how are you going to strike the balance of closing quickly and closing too quickly/aggressively? — Ian Holstead 3 hours ago
Aug 12, 2014 02:56
@WesleyLong Just FYI, if you're interpretations of the status quo have changed after the interactions with the community in this room, or if there's just anything you feel different about after talking through it, feel free to edit the Workplace Moderator Candidate answers post. I think it's important that folks judge your candidacy based on your current interpretation of events, if they've changed. Hope this helps, and good luck in the election!
Aug 12, 2014 02:03
@jmort253. I was unaware of the "Rescue Crew" that was editing others' questions. I guess I still have some to learn about this site even after being here this long.
Aug 12, 2014 01:55
@MattGiltaji thank you. I was getting worried that no one had posted that yet today.
Aug 12, 2014 01:30
Shog9 on August 08, 2012

It’s been a few weeks now since Joel kicked off our “summer of love”. There’ve been some excellent discussions in the blog comments and on Meta, and we’ve tried to present some hard data on how objectively “nice” we are. But it’s high time to talk about what place “niceness” really has on Stack Exchange. And to do that, we need to start by talking about you:

You, sir, are a jackass.

And that’s ok.

Stack Overflow wasn’t created to be some utopian ideal of peace and love. When Jeff & Joel set out to create this system, they knew full well the sort of problems that face online commun …

Aug 12, 2014 01:13
Also, you don't ( I believe ) hit the first-post queue if you migrate from another SE site.
Aug 12, 2014 01:08
How would you encourage more folks to clean up closed questions to possibly get them reopened?
Aug 12, 2014 00:58
There are 300 ways to handle email. 320 work pretty well, 375 not so well, but of the 500 ways to handle email, I'm sure one will work. :)
Aug 12, 2014 00:54
I think each user should be limited to 3 comments per question/answer, to keep back-and-forth in check.
Aug 12, 2014 00:54
Also, comments should be limited to requests for additional information or clarification, not debating the merits of the precepts of the answers.
Aug 12, 2014 00:53
Stack Exchange isn't a forum. It's a Q&A site, but due to the nature of the topic, sometimes it gets treated as a forum....
Aug 12, 2014 00:35
@WesleyLong Great to see you in here. Thank you for engaging with the community.
Aug 12, 2014 00:14
@Wesley, follow-up question. You say "the unilateral deletion of popular questions in blind obedience to "The Rules" absolutely has to be stopped. This has been a fundamental failing of the existing moderation team, in my opinion, and needs to be stopped." two of the mods will remain the same, they aren't leaving. Can you get along with them and work with them productively moving forward?
Aug 11, 2014 22:53
just because you have a vested interest in it doesn't mean that you cannot raise the issue. If it is a respectful question (and you acknowledge your bias), i would imagine that it would be well received.
Aug 11, 2014 03:13
@MattGiltaji I do sometimes, when I'm around... my typical response is comment, close, ask clarifying questions if it's an unclear or broad question, then drop a link in the Water Cooler.
Aug 11, 2014 03:12
@MattGiltaji The big challenge we face is how to encourage more people to vote to close instead of jumping right in to posting the "I guess" type answers and other ... not so hot content.
Aug 11, 2014 02:41
To the other nominees, feel free to address any of these questions as well!
Aug 11, 2014 02:33
There are some people who are quiet (they don't say much in chat) but who do VTC....
Aug 11, 2014 02:07
@enderland What do you think about deleting closed questions?
Aug 11, 2014 02:03
How would you encourage more close voting?
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