The Hangar

General discussion about The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in the red zone.
23d ago – Federico
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Feb 11, 2015 16:36
@falstro I think the real question is "WHERE WILL AMERICA GET ITS NEWS NOW?!?!?!"
Feb 7, 2015 00:12
FUcking taiwan air dudes shut down the working engine
Feb 6, 2015 19:18
Feb 5, 2015 19:28
Feb 3, 2015 21:07
and for people wondering, a yoke and pedals does indeed make a huge difference for flight sims. I can actually to a proper slip now :)
Feb 3, 2015 21:07
except of course for the fact that I haven't secured the pedals, so they're actually getting in on some of that slipping action too :p
Feb 3, 2015 20:30
Well, the Concorde was super efficient at Mach 2... just not any other speed.
Jan 30, 2015 16:30
(My first instructor did the "tennis ball somewhere in the engine compartment" thing to me. When I found it I put it on his seat & tried not to giggle when he spent 5 minutes looking for it.)
Jan 29, 2015 12:37
Jan 22, 2015 22:14
i downvote for lots of reasons, including personal spite, answers that make gag, any other answer on a question that I also have an answer
Jan 22, 2015 18:39
I only downvote out of personal spite. That seems to work for me.
Jan 21, 2015 23:43
and "You know there's an '800 number you can call to prevent you from blundering into these sorts of things, right? We pay Lockheed-Martin a lot of money to run it! We'd REALLY LIKE IT if people called!"
Jan 19, 2015 15:35
though not always. I heard colgan one day "Colgan 1234, follow the expressjet ahead of you to 22R/W, you are 48 for departure, monitor tower passing K"
Jan 16, 2015 15:59
> OMG I got hijacked #FML
Jan 15, 2015 23:10
Heh. Woops.
Jan 15, 2015 19:32
we already have enough people doing stupid things, we don't want to add a financial incentive to be stupid. "1500 foot ceilings, barely 3 miles viz, and steadily deteriorating -- but I'm not going to file IFR and shoot an approach because it's gonna cost me $50 to talk to ATC!"
Jan 12, 2015 20:56
@CGCampbell It's just very gruesome to watch that stupidity isn't that uncommon.
Jan 10, 2015 19:09
airasia tail found, no black boxes
Jan 9, 2015 17:03
Jan 7, 2015 15:38
very awesome javascript ATC simulator. the issue with these ATC simulators is that most long-distance traffic is already spaced coming into TRACON and headed for arrival gates, not random headings.
Dec 25, 2014 21:40
Dec 25, 2014 18:15
Dec 22, 2014 20:48
I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you want to do this right, go and listen to LiveATC. ;)
Dec 19, 2014 19:39
@rbp "Go around! I've got a trout on the line!"
Dec 19, 2014 19:32
Dec 5, 2014 21:12
@voretaq7 The problem is, just as you think you've got a good enough answer, Peter Kaempf comes along... :)
Dec 4, 2014 19:37
@DanHulme You'd think Brits would understand the beauty of an endless queue! You people INVENTED queueing!
Nov 26, 2014 17:49
Q: How did it get the name "Tiger Moth"?
A: First bug the test pilot swallowed.
Nov 20, 2014 20:52
Another gem from my new flying book: "Ventilation generally improves the cockpit environment significantly." I'll be sure to bear that in mind when I'm freezing my arse off in an open Tiger Moth.
Aug 28, 2014 17:57
@ratchetfreak "Wait for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <flips upside down from wake turbulence> aw crap."
Aug 27, 2014 05:19
I have false hope that if I go to bed now, I'll wake up earlier than usual tomorrow, and get even more done.
Aug 27, 2014 04:25
I still need to cram the knowledge test stuff into the empty orb atop my shoulders
Aug 27, 2014 03:41
I've only had the opposite experience, luckily. I took my gf flying a couple nights ago and she barely wanted to touch the controls, and when I suggested she hold on to the yoke to feel what landing was like, she said, "no, that's a good way to die."
Aug 23, 2014 19:27
posted on August 23, 2014 by John Ewing

A few weeks ago, I had a discussion about flying an aircraft over gross weight and the person I was talking to seemed to be saying "It ain't no thang ..." I begged to differ since there are serious hazards associated with flying an aircraft over maximum takeoff weight or out of the CG envelope. And so I was pleased to see the addition of Weight and Balance calculations to ForeFlight, though

Aug 22, 2014 16:17
I didn't know that, and when the air coming out of the vents smells like fuel, I turn around. :)
Aug 20, 2014 20:27
@Farhan Clearly the pilot was on their way to a much-needed flight lesson. "I had to fly that low - how else could I read the signs?!"
Aug 20, 2014 16:27
P.S.: Jersey people, if you got offended, ... I don't care.
Aug 20, 2014 16:16
@voretaq7 And you've to pay ransom (aka toll) when you leave NJ, regardless of whichever way.
Aug 13, 2014 17:56
@falstro "No evidence of post-crash fire" --[NTSB-to-English]--> "A-yup, fuel exhaustion again..."
Aug 7, 2014 21:28
SE Summer Party. aka "Mandatory Fun Day"
Aug 7, 2014 15:40
Preliminary report on the July 31 crash of a Zimmerman Breezy airplane in Oshkosh, WI, is now available at
Aug 7, 2014 15:14
@casey "No wonder you guys kept killing everyone" -- Things you only want to hear in sim training?
Aug 7, 2014 15:06
The wind shear scenario (modeled after the fatal at DFW) was the only sim scenario I crashed. And my sim partner crash. Then we crashed it again. Finally the sim instructor stops giving us shit and looks at his console. "oops, i set it at 200% rather than 20% of the DFW shear profile, no wonder you guys kept killing everyone"
Jul 30, 2014 22:02
> By MJR on Wednesday, Jul 30th 2014 21:59Z
> Is forward Ebay fan german for co pilot???
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