Home Improvement

General discussion for http://diy.stackexchange.com
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Dec 14, 2011 21:16
Dec 9, 2011 20:37
Dec 9, 2011 20:32
Dec 9, 2011 14:04
Aarthi in the news: betabeat.com/2011/12/07/… (I think she had a bunch of late night conversations so my last link would scroll off)
Dec 8, 2011 22:14
I think that was the least project updatey Thursday we've had. The bookmark should be "Pencils and Beavers"
Dec 7, 2011 20:51
If you're killing your electric bill with Christmas lights, you're also likely blinding all your neighbors.
Dec 1, 2011 21:10
no good can ever come from a wife helping with a DIY
Dec 1, 2011 18:28
WAIT... do screws turn the other way south of the equator?
Dec 1, 2011 15:12
Dec 1, 2011 14:26
tip for the parenting forum, don't leave the sewing machine plugged in and unattended when small children are around
Nov 17, 2011 19:48
yesterday, by BMitch
user image
Nov 17, 2011 18:38
@Tester101, I think it's time we showed you how
Nov 4, 2011 18:17
Nov 3, 2011 20:06
laughs they haven't been, uhhh, squeaky since we last had a PUT
Oct 20, 2011 20:39
Note to @AarthiDevanathan, look into getting a Q&A column in a local newspaper
Oct 7, 2011 13:39
We should start a series of challenge questions on the site. give a list of random materials, and see what people can make with them.
Oct 5, 2011 20:43
aww, that's so cute, she still doesn't know that we have power tools and don't intend on letting her leave :)
Oct 5, 2011 19:54
@Dave hello!
Oct 4, 2011 17:53
so this week i'm pretty focused on parenting. sorry diy, I love y'all, but parenting needs some tlc at the moment
Oct 3, 2011 17:03
Maybe we can nickname @shirlock to Captain Construction so he can be our @jonskeet (of StackOverflow fame)
Sep 30, 2011 19:39
@RebeccaChernoff We'll get there. We're sort of a DIY crowd that likes having all the tools at hand; we'll pare down to what we need for the job later.
Sep 29, 2011 19:22
we got a blog! (for the weekly update record)
Sep 29, 2011 04:15
here's another one: kbis.com
Sep 23, 2011 17:12
(Also, this is the 3000th chat message RIGHT HERE.)
Sep 16, 2011 19:13
@JayBazuzi Maybe you could contribute an "overview"post with a link back your blog for more details.
Sep 16, 2011 19:12
Sep 15, 2011 16:08
@AarthiDevanathan I like you.
Sep 9, 2011 15:56
Then my verse I dishonor, my pictures despise, my person degrade and my temper chastise; and the pen is my terror, the pencil my shame; and my talents I bury, and dead is my fame.
Sep 1, 2011 22:50
I was thinking along those lines as well, we do have a solid core of sharp, experienced people. I guess we can worry about the question overrun when it's an actual problem.
Sep 1, 2011 21:03
of the people I know that do HI, the fall into the too old to be comfortable using this website, or to young to do it for free
Sep 1, 2011 18:47
Giveaways of hardware sound good (if expensive). Super User is running a competition right now (2nd Anniversary) with stuff as prizes. They also ran one last year. Checking out their criteria might be a good start. It will encourage existing users to use the site more and may encourage new posters too.
Aug 25, 2011 20:10
I could see sponsoring something, writing a guest article on how to use diy stackexchange, or maybe just pointing one of their editors to a few best-of questions. If we got the blog going we could send them how-to articles a bit more naturally - they seem to feature instructables pretty often.
Aug 22, 2011 19:30
We got featured on a big blog!
Aug 17, 2011 22:19
As far as bounce rate, yes, it will send people away from the site. But the point is that if you're doing a complete kitchen reno, and posting about it, a blog is the place to do that. When you answer, you can say "I ran into that problem to, try doing blah blah. Here's a link to how I did this whole thing... "
Aug 17, 2011 22:12
@gregmac If there already "reference" answers then we should be using them in our answers. Summarise the information and post a link to the best page on the web.
Aug 17, 2011 22:07
@AarthiDevanathan perhaps you should contact Bruce to help him monitor the site for questions he can answer. This one is the only one he answered.
Aug 17, 2011 21:58
It may be blasphemous to say, but one of the key groups to attract here are contractors, and they are doing this for money. Maybe we should make the site more attractive to those that are looking to get more business.
Aug 17, 2011 21:44
@ChrisF the trick is that DIY projects are often few and far between, but each is worth a blog
Aug 17, 2011 21:44
Kinda out there, but I'm thinking along the lines of how Careers relates to SO: Can we set up some sort of location based rep system that would encourage contractors to join the site? So contractors have incentive to give answers and provide expertise because it will drive work?
Aug 17, 2011 21:36
I think it'd be nice to get some of the old retired guys on here. They often have far better advice than us newbies who are learning as we go... ;)
Aug 17, 2011 21:31
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Yes, any of those. I was thinking cards as a lot of stores in the UK have boards where local businesses can put up a stack of their cards for customers to take. As I said it would be hit and miss where they went up, but people could hit all the stores in their area.
Aug 17, 2011 21:16
@KarlKatzke It would have to be a link from your profile rather than on the page itself. Actually if you go to your profile page now and hit "edit" you'll see spaces to enter links to Facebook, LinkedIn etc. The developers are working on how this will be displayed right now.
Aug 2, 2011 10:39
Belated congratulations to @NiallC on becoming our 2nd 10K+ user.
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