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@Aarthi in the news
I noticed that she seems to focus on Parenting more than us... maybe someone should throw another temper tantrum :)
@BMitch Wait wait, nooooo. I was asked about conflict in the network!
DIY doesn't have conflict!
We all love each other and our circular saws.
@Aarthi How can we have conflict with @SteveJackson's beaver entertaining us? :)
@BMitch Exactly!
PS: I passed that answer around the office. A+ all around :D
that one is going into the DIY history books, along with the tree height question
Absolutely it is.
I love that he included fire and beavers.
ok, enough delaying, I gotta dump the trash, don't stay up too late fretting over the Parenting troubles.
haha i won't -- because they're not having any for once!
Hi there, @Tester101
Hi @Aarthi. What's this about pencils?
@NiallC Hi there!
I have lots and lots of DIY-flavored pencils.
carpenter's pencils with the site URL/logo on them
Q: Would you like to help promote the site by giving away pencils?

AarthiSo I made up these DIY pencils: They look great AND I have oodles of them. If you'd like to give these away, such as at a local hardware store or leaving them at a Habitat ReStore counter, that's cool. (Preferably, bring a small adorable child with you -- apparently, this makes the pencils mov...

:) I have a dog that would definitely check out the flavor, given a moment's inattention from me.
If you ever make it into PUT, you should show off the guy a bit; Karl did!
:( I miss Karl
But yes, @NiallC just let me know how many pencils you'd like and I'll send 'em along.
Happily, even! :D
with a cute note and everything.
because i am totally the type to do stuff like that.
I'm trying to think where I'd leave them. I'm not the kind to walk up to complete strangers and hand them a pencil.
The dog wouldn't be any help, I'd find a bunch of them turned to matchsticks at the back of her crate.
And the house would probably take some too, and do whatever it does with all the stuff it takes and hides from me.
ahh. well, if you have a positive relationship with your local hardware store, you could leave a few for the taking there
if you have diyer friends (it's a joke, promise!) you could give them a couple
...build a house with them? :D it would certainly make for a fun blog post.
house = birdhouse, of course
or, like, the steel trusses of a house.
How many do you have left... I could build a doghouse
I have like 300
i only ordered about 500.
Boxes? Or total?
I sent a bunch to Shirlock and BMitch
@NiallC total
I have about 5 boxes left.
one of which is half-empty
half full? sommat.
OK, I sent you an email
\o/ cool. i'll try and send those out tomorrow :D
@NiallC how's life, by the by? we haven't seen you live and in person in ages!
I'm really busy at work, so not on as much as I'd like.
Aww. Yeah, that happened to Karl, too.
I hope work calms down in the New Year!
If it helps, my job also got really busy; I've had to stop really being able to be in this room, or on this site...
I'll probably be busy through March, I think.
Well, hey, we'll wait for you :D
Which reminds me: we topped 6k views for the weekly average!
that's so awesome.
How much better than the normal does that work out to (so I know how excited to get)?
laughs hmm.
It's probably all because of @SteveJackson and his tree-chewing rodent
When I started working with DIY, you were averaging 3.5k visits a a day. Today, we're almost at 7k.
It's super cool. I'm not sure how much of that is me, how much of that is natural growth
But. I do know I'm so freaking happy about that.
Shhh! Claim it all.
In fact, you stopped our irreversible decline to zero views a day.
laughs lies!
That said, the only metric that "needs improvement" (according to A51) is the number of questions per day.
Are those statistics still updated after launch? They look a little... dated
@NiallC Yeah that's what @Tester101 was saying.
As an employee, I'm looking at some Special Seekrit Stuff
and none of that seems to be helpful either. :|
The better numbers: ~12 answers a day
And ~7 questions a day.
:) I'm familiar with the "lots of data, what does it mean" scenario
Good things: almost 25% of our users are 500+ rep.
Of the 11% unanswered: only 3% are just totally without answers; the other 8% are closed/migrated/deleted
also, only 3% of our users are unregistered. idk how many visitors are, but most who come to play, stay. :D
And these numbers compare well to other sites on the network?
Or are you allowed to say?
Humm. It's hard, 'cause I'm not sure which sites are similar to DIY in size
That said -- the shapes of everything?
Like, the overall trends, etc
those are exactly what we like to see, from what Joel has told me
frankly, DIY's graphs look like SO's
click "all" in the top right corner of the graph.
seriously, the overall shape is so weirdly the same.
It would be weird if we grew that much over the next two years.
OK, dogs to walk. afk for a bit
@NiallC if by weird you mean awesome
@NiallC did you get your top user box?
@Aarthi Yes I did, thank you. The cap's been keeping my head warm when I take the dogs out first thing in the morning.
@NiallC Brilliant! If you get the chance to take a picture in it, or while wearing the shirt, please to pass along. We love stuff like that :D
@aarthi OK, will do. :)
seriously, we love pictures
like, probably too much
OK, I'll see if I can get one of me wearing cap and T-shirt while wrestling a pencil away from the puppy
omg i love it.
i think we'd die from Swag Overflow
OK @aarthi, it's past my bedtime. Talk to you later
@NiallC ha same here
take care! /waves
7 hours later…
@BMitch I'm fairly sure thermostats use 24VAC, not 24VDC. Could be wrong, but I believe there is only a step-down transformer and no rectifier.
Q: Securing inner ring of bearing race to wooden frame

R4D4I have a fairly small ball bearing and am wanting to secure the inner ring to a wooden frame. The inner ring has a diameter of 5mm, although I'm unsure the best way to secure this. I could glue a small dowel to the frame and then perhaps lightly hammer the bearing onto the dowel, but I'm not sure...

@Tester101 doh, thanks for that. All and all, it seems like a pretty bad idea to me.
These questions always make me think, WTF is this person building?
I'm pretty sure the answer to that is "a fire"
@BMitch sounds like a bad idea to me too, but they do make line voltage thermostats that handle both 120V and 220V.
yup, I've seen them in my many home depot search results :)
Thought it was funny that they said they are making a "box" for his crazy girlfriend, and not a "room".
they appear to be more for electric baseboard heat
Actually, the more I read the question, me thinks his girlfriend might be an illegal leafy plant.
so it's not a bun in the oven he's trying to heat up?
Maybe, but why would you heat a room with a "heat lamp"? maybe his girlfriend is a lizard?
Duh... I need more sleep. The box is for the bread, not the girlfriend!
I've seen shows where the DEA works with the power company to identify places that use above normal power consumption, and places where power seems to be unexpectedly lost from the grid, to catch people building underground growing farms
Holmes had an episode about fixing a house up after that. It made me terrified to be a landlord.
the only way I'll be a landlord is for business travelers that need a small furnished place during the week, seems to be the lowest risk
I've seen too many places in my neighborhood turned into group houses (4 bedrooms, 2 parking spaces, lots of issues)
We have a family in the neighborhhod that's got some active younger boys, they're rambunctious, but not hellions or anything. Anyway, they bounce from house to house in the neighborhood and the rumor mill is that they're getting kicked out each time. They're grandma lives down the street, so I see why they want to stick close, but it's kind of a weird situation.
This is why I always suggest calling not the current landlord, but the prior one, when reviewing tenants. The current landlord will say everything is fine to get them the heck out of their place.
Aarthi in the news: betabeat.com/2011/12/07/… (I think she had a bunch of late night conversations so my last link would scroll off)
Yeah, NiallC and I were chatting at like midnight-my-time
I think Cheerful Helpers Advocates of Stack is a retroactive acronym
Man I'm having typing issues today...moar coffee please
yep it totally is.
H also will stand for Happy, though that ends up redundant
@SteveJackson ha you shoulda seen me drunk modding last night. :P
LOL not much to tell: got home, changed into jammies, cracked open a cold one.
:P not really drunk modding. More like....
impaired diamonding :P
haha, there she goes again, quick, someone star that link before she gets it to scroll off :)
all joking aside, I have been online after one-too-many and hooo boy spelling is totally the first thing to go.
@BMitch scroll off? :P I could just delete!
@Aarthi Cheerful Happy Animated Outgoing Superstars
@SteveJackson ha, passing that along
>.< I gotta get to work now, eek. I'll see you all within the hour or so :D
1 hour later…
I return! @SteveJackson @BMitch @Tester101 I know, you all missed me so.
zzzzzzzzzzz .... huh, what?
I held my breath the whole time. Kinda dizzy now.
@BMitch are those contractors next door continuing to be ridiculous? And terrible?
I'm watching them build the next foundation right now, perimeter has been poured, plumbers are putting the lines in right now
with the cold and dark, they are working less crazy hours
that's good....right?
are they still doing things wrong?
yes, I get to sleep more. I'm sure they are still doing things wrong, but I don't go inside the buildings and they put up the sheathing pretty quick these days.
fire dept was here yesterday, but that was in front of one of the occupied places (they've already started moving in, crazy fast)
wow! yeah developments are bananas; my whole suburb is like that
jersey city isn't a suburb, it's an urb
@BMitch hahaha, but Plano, TX? Totally a burb!
ok, that's a diff story
the path train doesn't stop in Plano
the DART rail does though -- twice!
@BMitch @Tester101 @SteveJackson could you all remind me about how many pencils I sent you?
/doing taxes
@Aarthi 0
@Tester101 wait sheisse i owe you pencils?
@Aarthi you don't owe me anything.
whew. i keep thinking i've forgotten something
@Aarthi 15
@Aarthi quick, look down, did you remember to wear pants today?
@BMitch Nope, pants are on. :D
Anybody own an inflatable Santa yard decoration? I'm trying to figure out how many watts it uses, but I can't find anything online.
@Aarthi check the zipper!
@Tester101 surreptitious checking nope still golden
what's the verb for "apply more voltage than recommended" to some electrical device? over... I guess but what?
is it "overload" ?
"overload" works, I also like "summon the magic smoke"
@Aarthi 25 for me
cool thank you
@Aarthi I finished my writing assignment. Hope it's what you expected. Feel free to edit, update, or change as you see fit.
@Tester101 humm. how do i look at drafts...
Well the first three sentences look awesome :D
@Aarthi maybe you can't because of roles?
@Tester101 v possible.
you could just email it to me and I can make edits?
I think I can bump you up to admin if you like?
@Tester101 yeah that's easy, or editor I think
shrug as you wish! :D
@Aarthi is now an editor.
@Aarthi everyone step back, this could be dangerous
@Aarthi unfortunately, this promotion does Not come with a raise.
@Aarthi Oh, and change the title to whatever you want.
@Tester101 nice work!
/runs off to edit
@BMitch Should get a lot of TLDR comments
@Tester101 There might be a few "well NOW you tell me" if we wait too long to post it.
I have no problem posting it earlier, whatever @Aarthi has planned is fine.
@SteveJackson We were going to post this on Tuesday?
@Aarthi Yep
That should be fine, then. Let me finally edit the post. rawr, too many meetings
@Aarthi I think it needs some of your title mojo.
/edit edit
@Tester101 Okay, edits are done -- awwww the ending :D
Hmm. Title.
Up On the Housetop -- Oh No It's On Fire
Down Comes Good Old Santa Clause -- And Your Ladder
A Homer Simpson Kind of Holiday
No: A Tim Taylor Kind of Holiday
I didn't see the tree before - that's awesome!
ikr? It's so cute
@Aarthi I was thinking Clark Griswald, then decided probably too out of date.
Even a Tool Time reference dates us a bit
I think @TheEvilGreebo needs a santa hat on his gravatar :)
Hee Hee
Tim Taylor has a lot of potential though, I mean he was Santa Claus and Buzz Lightyear...it all sort of works
Well, I mean, thats more Tim Allen...
 Jingle Bells without the Fire Sirens?
Safer than a one-horse open sleigh
A Fire-Department-Free Holiday
I like the second :D
Looking good!
lolololol @NiallC you should take a real life pic of your dog like this.
@Tester101 my favorite :D
hee that's cute
@SteveJackson @Tester101 the holiday safety one is ready to go whenever
@Aarthi Not too much editing required I hope.
Nah, just a few grammar/punctuation/formatting things. :D
it was easy, I just had three tasks going at once. @_@
Well, everyone! It's been awesome. I'll see you all on Monday. Have a great (and safe~) weekend! :D /waves

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