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3 hours later…
Hey don't forget that I can't be around for put today. You all have to pick up my slack ;)
2 hours later…
well I'm afraid I can't be here either, I have a drs appt and am leaving in 20 mins
I'm not sure I want to pickup that slack, I don't know where it's been
Might be a short chat, site's been pretty slow this week
yup, and my only update is pulling a lot of weeds :)
including poison ivy :(
I'm on my third random outbreak of mushrooms. I just wake up one morning and there's two dozen in my yard three inches high. I yanked them out and the same thing happens three weeks later.
Hi @tegbains, welcome to Project Update Thursday
Welcome to Project Update Thursday
since my update consists of pulling a bunch of weeds and ivy (including poison ivy) I'm going to pass the mic to someone with a more interesting update
Started my rewire of my front porch light.
Did you cut into the planks yet?
anyone electrocuted yet?
The project started out well enough, I found it was easier than I thought to open up the attic floor.
@BMitch Nope turned off the power for this one.
Turns out somebody else did work up there, and had already removed the bottom of the groove on the planks I had to remove.
@Tester101 does this mean you have a new tool and haven't found a use for it yet?
The project got a little um... more difficult when I removed the old switch, and realized the single gang box, was actually a double gang box that had been patched over.
@BMitch Yes I have a new tool, and already used it to cut lath. And boy is it good at it.
@Tester101 What tool?
So after removing the patch, and the old 2 gang box. I now have a larger than expected hole in the wall.
I think that's how all improvements go, the supposedly hard parts are easy, and easy parts have concealed hard parts
@BMitch oscillating multi-tool.
you didn't want to leave the old gang box and have a blank on one side?
Decided to pull some extra cable for a receptacle for christmas lights.
@BMitch Old box was crappy, and old.
@Tester101 good reason to get rid of it :)
did you decide on how to mark the switch, going with a santa clause or the timer?
So I pulled the cable from the new hole, out to the porch without a problem.
Then I removed the base board to pull cable up from the basement, and cracked the plaster creating the second place that requires a patch.
So I ended with hanging wires (not yet connected), and the need to patch walls. So my 2 hour project is now a 2 weekend project.
@Tester101 At least you'll have something to talk about during PUT :)
Tester101: Been done. 2h --> 2 months sometimes
And I'm going to have to take down gutters and disassemble the soffit to install the receptacle. but once it's finished it should be really nice.
Called a contractor about basement mould. Turned into a two week basement dig and waterproof.
Had to dismantle the sunroom.
@chris Why?
It was in the way of where they needed to trench. Upon viewing the rat poop and mould under the deck, I'm glad I took it down.
This all started because I was planning on studding and drywalling the basement.
@chris That does sound like a normal DIY project.... :)
Removing the sunroom meant we needed a new entry door, Which I had installed. Good contractor. Came back 2 more times until HE was satisfied.
Door, $550. Installation $900, including flashing. Murphy's law was out in full force on that install. Glad I paid.
Sounds like quite a job. I'm glad you found a great contractor to do it.
Welcome @shirlockhomes, nice to see you floating in.
Surprisingly, it was the Lowe's installation service. I was rather impressed.
@chris I've found it's usually more about the person, and less about the company.
My first time here. happend to check the Meta and found out about the caht date
He was a subcontractor. Lowe's doesn't hire and run their own installation.
@chris Probably luck of the draw then. I know Lowe's subs out to whomever shows an interest.
So far, I've had good luck with Lowe's sub-contractors, but @Tester101is right, it's all about the individual.
But he took pride in his work.
In my area Lowes is pretty fussy and always follows up with a phone call survey
So @shirlockhomes, any recent home improvement stories?
Yeah, I got a call the day after he left. Blew sunshine up his ass, cause he didn't make any money on that job.
renovating two houses at once. building more horror show stories all the time. lol
How can you concentrate on two at once?
It's like juggling a wife and a mistress. Not wise.
just replaced an "L" shaped kitchen counter top the customer managed to destroy in less than a year
@chris, Shirlock is one of the few contractors we have here
@shirlockhomes What was the old one made of?
Tell me!!!! but one is my own home which I am improving to lease out, and one that I just moved in to
Wilsonart preform
back in bit. Work puts unreasonable demands on my chat time.
@shirlockhomes how on earth did they manage to destroy the counter in a single year? Renters?
replaced the dishwasher in the house I just bought and moved into. It shoulda burned down, alu and copper wirenutted under DW, wirenuts totally melted off, bare wires, scorced jackets just lucky
No a customer that I put a new kitchen in for last summer, just filty people, left standing water and put scaulding hot pans on it
even the best glued joints on preforms will get damaged it you leave water on them for weeks at a time
@shirlockhomes Holy cow. What a thing to find right after moving in. I'd be paranoid about everything.
@shirlockhomes I wondered. I've seen the seams come up on corners, but that's after some years.
Forehead slap, though to be fair, I had to tell my GF that hot pans should not be left on a plastic cutting board
I knew it had issues, going through everything
Are you doing a full gut then?
gutted the bathroom, that is 95% done, Kitchen starts in Nov
stripped al the wall paper, skim coated the walls, all painted and pretty now. lol
actually, not in real bad shape, just a bit dated, but solid. about 75% interior done. nexty spring, farmers porch, new roof and siding
@shirlockhomes sounds like some good stuff for the blog!
@shirlockhomes You're keeping the aluminum wires?
maybe I'll get into blogging this winter when thingsw slow down
nope, stripped out every piece of Al I cpould find
@shirlockhomes Excellent. Just pop in here and we'll get you set up with a blog account.
@shirlockhomes just take lots of pictures all summer, and blog in the slow winter months.
Thank you
I will. I used to take pics of all my jobs, before and after. just got lazy after a few hundred jobs. lolololol
I woulde love to share some of my inspection pics, but probably get sued!!! lol
I gotta run out for a bit. hope I get back while you all are still chatting. It is still "work time" sorta
great seeing you around Shirlock
@AarthiDevanathan is going to be sad she skipped this week :)
I'm starting to wonder if @shirlockhomes and @AarthiDevanathan are the same person, you never see them in the same place at the same time :)
@BMitch I was just going to say the same thing.
Great secret identity. That reminds me, did we ever figure out what the completely fireproof room was for?
Sorry - my brain jumped tracks there
Q: How can I fireproof a room?

allindalI have a need to build a room that is resonably fire resistant. I have played around the thought of adding fire resistant panels underneath the dry wall, but if they heat up too much, they themselves with catch anything behind them on fire. The room is in the basement, so the floor is on the foun...

Isn't it obvious, he's experimenting with nuclear fusion!
I have no idea what's going on in that room, wouldn't be surprised if it's illegal
He wants to create his own sun.
sorry for the slow reply, trying to upload a pic, but doesn't seem to want to work right now
I had the same problem earlier, uploads must be broken.
shame, I was going to post "what's wrong with this pic" would be a good chat topic
I received a complaint that the oven wasn't heating as well as it used to, so I cleaned it out and checked the burners. I'm guessing the door gasket needs replacing, but it looks fine.
@BMitch You can upload to imgur and then link it probably - little extra work.
@SteveJackson, did you put a thermometer in there and turn it on to see how slow we're talking about?
@BMitch That's a good idea.
I'd say well over 10 minutes to get to 450, probably between 15-20 mins.
it could be that they tried cooking something really big
@SteveJackson gas or elec.
@BMitch @Tester101 There was something a couple of days ago on meta SO about imgur being broken
From imgur "Our upstream provider (Voxel dot Net) is having storage issues, which is affecting a small percentage of images. Some images may show up blank or appear to have been removed. We're really sorry about this, please stay tuned for updates while they work on the issue."
@NiallC That's weird - I grabbed pics off it the other night. It was acting a little strange though, some of my pics were permanently thumbnailed (not sure that's the right term for the [l, m, s] URL modifiers)
Q: What's wrong with Imgur? Why can't I upload any images?

Soner GönülImgur is having some trouble I guess. I can't upload any images on Stack Exchange. It looks they have some maintenance issues.

Gee, so we're not the only ones having problems this week. :-P
It's @KarlKatzke! Did you sneak away?
I've had the "IT month from hell"
Yeah, sort of, I'm taking a break before I kill someone.
@Tester101 gas (sorry I missed it earlier)
@KarlKatzke I worked in a factory - we had a body (punching) bag in the mens room.
Conversation earlier today: "Coworker: Nothing's broken yet today. Pretty amazing." "Me: Knock on wood. KNOCK ON WOOD BITCH. I WILL CUT YOU."
@SteveJackson Check thermostats (it might have 2), if one is bad it could be heating with only one burner.
So yeah, imma be MIA until at least the 4th of november. Prolly past it. Haven't finished tiling my kitchen yet. Spent a week in Chicago at the datacenter.
@KarlKatzke lol
@Tester101 Well heck, I have to put a question up so y'all can get rep for it.
@KarlKatzke that's lousy. Are they keeping you up there until Nov?
@KarlKatzke get out of Chicago before the weather changes, or you could be stuck there until spring!
No, in Nov we're supposed to go live with what we're working on. Then we're supposed to move all our work over to it, at which point we can take down the equipment at our primary datacenter and put it back together in the new way. Sum total is a lot of hours. Yeah, I'm already back in Texas.
Weather was GORGEOUS while I was in chicago though.
Was driving around with the windows down when I went for food.
It's been like that this week in Texas. Highs in the 70s.
I ate Portello's every other meal for the entire week. :D
@KarlKatzke Oh man, I haven't been to Portello's in years. I love Goose Island Kolsch as well...it's their summer beer, but I'd make an exception if you can find it :)
@SteveJackson Heh. A good kolsch is always welcome where I live ... sadly, it's only cool enough for me to drink red wine or really dark beer here like two or three months of the year. The rest of the time it's all summer stuff. Doubt I can find it down here. Texas is still stuck with lots of nasty blue laws that makes it a pain to sell beer here.
Which, d'oh, you know.
Forgot you're here. My brain is NOT working today.
Yeah, I ate at portello's so much because it's so tough to find good italian beef in Texas.
@KarlKatzke Yeah, I forgot you're already back too. Goose Island is probably the best kolsch I've had.
Though my brother-in-law homebrews a good one too.
I was drinking a german heffeweisen most of the time I was there. I hadn't had it before, Hacker-Pschorr. It was excellent and just right for the season.
Shoot - there's already an oven question. Still needs your answer though @Tester101.
Q: What Steps Should I Take to Troubleshoot My Gas Oven?

BradI recently purchased a house, and it came with a gas oven. I've never owned or used a gas oven before, and the oven takes an extremely long time to preheat (like hours). I replaced the door gasket after reading up a bit online about common problems, but it still seems to heat very slowly. What a...

@SteveJackson @BMitch already covered the bad thermostat in his answer.
@Tester101 Yes he did. My bad.
I'm always throwing out guesses
eventually one of them is right
I can tell you with certainty that AarthiDevanathan and I are not one in the same. She is a lot better looking than me.
@BMitch haha. the "Spray and pray" approach is usually the best one for lots of the questions on the site.
Does this oven have electronic starting etc? Control board outputs?
Most folks don't seem to know enough about what they are doing to ask really good questions, that are easy to diagnose and answer.
@shirlockhomes Yep. It's a recent model frigidaire. Igniter seems to work fine, at least one side of the burners is fine.
When it does come up to temp, can you adjust the temp quickly?
@shirlockhomes Haven't tried that. We're usually just waiting to make a pizza or something.
What can I deduce if it doesn't change quickly?
I did replace the control board fairly recently.
@SteveJackson "or something"? what else is there to make?
can you make a visual obsevation if the entire burner is lit?
@BMitch French fries for my toddler.
turkey, cakes, dinner rolls, roast potatoes, shall I stop? lol
@shirlockhomes While I had it apart, I noticed the left side was lit well. All the burner ports looked good on both sides, but I didn't think to check the right while it was on.
the only thing my oven has seen is pizza, for everything else, there's a microwave :)
you guys single? lol. my wife and I both cook a lot and often. the thing I miss most about my other house is the Jenn Air grill.
GF is indian, all of her cooking requires the stove top and hot oil flying everywhere
did I miss the discussion on the material list contest?
there was a short chat about it a while back
Q: Help define the Bill Of Materials for a blog contest

Tester101I suggested this in chat "We should start a series of challenge questions on the site. give a list of random materials, and see what people can make with them.". And @Aarthi Devanathan Ψ suggested we do it on the blog , and also offered to help fund a prize. So all we need now is a list...

@shirlockhomes Nope, didn't bring it up. I was thinking of posting another question on meta, to help define the challenge better.
I actually flagged that post to be a community wiki since it looks like a list kind of question, not sure of the mods (pinging @ChrisF) check the flags over on meta
frying all your food is not good for ya, that is a reason I liked the jenn air grill so much. when the snow flies I can still grill chicken, chops and steak
@BMitch I was wondering if we could get it featured as well - just to see if we get more people involved.
cook on the outdoor grill or over charcoal all spring and summer. yummy
@BMitch Hi - it's not necessary for posts to be CW on meta - there's no rep involved. The only reason might be to allow low rep users to edit.
@ChrisF 'featured' might help get some more answers though.
@ChrisF ah, didn't realize that, I just thought about it when the system gave me all the warnings for doing a second answer
@Tester101 That I can do
anyone got a map of the whole site? I'm a bit confused by all the different areas.
It is a little strange. We have the main site (Q&A), Meta (discussions about the site), Chat (anything extra) and the Blog.
haven't had much time this summer to explore it
And blog chat.
Now featured
what is the blog chat?
Thanks @ChrisF
discussion about blog topics
@shirlockhomes It's another room just like this, but focused on the blog.
I'll get there when I get some time
@shirlockhomes Great! We need more writers!
@shirlockhomes if you are around on Tuesdays, you'll see a Blog link near the top of the main page. It appears for 24 hrs. after a new blog post is published.
Check it out anytime at diy.blogoverflow.com
I like to write, just been a real busy season. Wanna do a Q&A in local paper, editor thinks it's a great Idea, jut gotta find time soon to start it. My have to send some of the questions out for you guys to handle
hmm, getting DIY published in a local paper Q&A, there's some good PR
Which reminds me I must put my blog post about the walk in shower together. Not this weekend though as we're off to see the eldest at University. Seeing how he's settled in and taking a food parcel.
don't need the PR, wanna retire and just do inspections soon
@shirlockhomes I think he meant for the site
that's ok, we'll be happy to take all the PR you don't want :)
LOL OK I'll credit all contributors
Note to @AarthiDevanathan, look into getting a Q&A column in a local newspaper
@shirlockhomes if you retire, you'll have too much time to spend on the site. Then none of us will ever get a chance to answer questions!
I am having my boat hauled out tomorrow, so won't be running to the maria every spare minute, so no excuse not to write a bit
@BMitch Oh really?
Hey there, @shirlockhomes :D I'd been hoping to run into you eventually.
Wow! We have a lot of people in here.
There goes the secret identity theory....
@SteveJackson right out the window
see you guys we are different people!!!
I swear we are! I'm not on an incognito window....
@SteveJackson or one person with 2 computers!
I think I saw Superman pull this off once
Aarthi, are you Greek by any chance?
@shirlockhomes I am not -- my parents are from India, but I grew up in Texas. :)
OK, thought if you were we could continue the conspiracy theory.
Ah ha! Alas, I am not greek. Just overworked! ;)
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Didn't look like that this afternoon (or morning your time) :)
congrats on getting a job at SE. the guys seem like good co-workers
@shirlockhomes The place is great! And I'm really happy here. I'm so glad to work for such a cool place. :D
you in NY or Calf?
@ChrisF Shhh, quiet you! I saw those pictures. You are all crazypants.
@shirlockhomes New York City.
come visit Maine next summer
When the boat goes back in! lol
Bring the boys with ya
do the podcast from the fantail deck
ahahaha i will def bring them all.
i will tell Alex your awesomesauce idea
maybe my son will be home, they speak the same language
it would be a blast and lots of fun
@shirlockhomes Ah ha. Is that how you found this site?
yes. he encouraged me to join
@shirlockhomes - have you ventured onto any of the other sites in the network? I know you'd have no interest in the programming ones.
you know, I tried to get into the gardening one, can't figure out how to log in. keeps sending me in circles
That's odd. If you use the same id as for DIY it should let you right in.
tried it a few times, doing something wrong.
My mentor had the same problem with gardening. Hmm.
BTW, how are things in jolly ole England, see we have quite a few followers there.
@shirlockhomes indeed. ugh, i need to do moar with that, but there's just never enough time.
Getting cold (but probably not as cold as NE America), but with our poorly insulated houses it feels worse than it should.
i'm no puter guy, just figured I was doing something wrong, and wait til my son comes home for the holidays to help me out
our leaves are peak here, so winter is not far behind
We could always ask the developers to take a look - you might have an account but it's got into some strange state.
maybe.... or I opened too many accounts by mistake
I'll have to go look at it again.
good thing garden season is done here
guys i just spelled the same sentence wrong four times. i either need to stop drinking or drink more. I'm out, I love y'all, @SteveJackson or @BMitch close up shop for me?
@AarthiDevanathan, you got it
I just asked one of of the Gardening mods and they couldn't see an account so it looks like it didn't work at all.
bye bye Aarthi, nice to chat you
@shirlockhomes it was awesome getting to meet you -- I'm just sorry I couldn't be around much this week! But, this event happens weekly. Hopefully I'll get to meet you some other time -- maybe even next week! :D
There's also a site for home brewing if that takes your fancy - homebrew.stackexchange.com
/waves at everyone.
used to do a fair amout of that
damn, I'll never get any work done!!!
Welcome to the club :)
@shirlockhomes I really think that's the insidious plot. Jeff and Joel want to capture all the productive people in the world.
well, they goon steal our MoJO? hehe
@SteveJackson And either stop them being productive or hire them
when I first started, my productivity shot up since I wasn't banging my head against the wall
then I started answering other's questions, and it was all downhill from there
I get a bit frustrated, sometimes can't spend the time to answer well or completely.
Don't forget even a partial answer can help - DIY is a bit like programming in that respect. Often all you need is a hint or even to know that your problem can be solved.
You can then go back and edit the answer to make it complete later.
there are a few great foks on here now that do a good job and give very detailed and accurate answers.
so it is not just left to half a dozen guys to try to shoulder the world!
the community is certainly growing, happy to see new regulars popup all the time
I have passed out a bunch of SE cards to other contractors. hoping to see a few of them get on here. Most contractors aren't writers or computer types
I need to get some pencils to restock the bucket at the local Habitat chapter, their current ones all say Habitat on them, but I don't think they'd mind a donation
darn, never thought of leaving some at the habitate store. great idea!
well, it looks like we ran over our schedule, good things happen when @shirlockhomes stops by
That reminds me. Aarthi sent me a few - I really must get down to the local DIY stores to see if they'll take some.
lololol sorry
nice chatting with you guys and girl.
great stories, would love to hear more from you, and I'm not kicking anyone out
I am going to put up the bookmark unless someone beat me to it already
my fingers are sore. lol. i'll prepare for next time with some funny stuff
Flying visit for me - see you lot later
like chasing rats!
@shirlockhomes Looking forward to it.
chat with you all again. I'll try to remember thursday cahat time

Project Update Thursday - 20th Oct 2011

2 hours ago, 2 hours 9 minutes total – 266 messages, 9 users, 1 star

Bookmarked 30 secs ago by BMitch

We might have to come up with a new name :) Tester was the only one with a project.
@shirlockhomes, you can register for the event and it will remind you before the event starts:
@SteveJackson how about Weekly Update, we can turn it into an SNL skit :)
alright, that's enough chatting for me, gotta focus on work again, great seeing everyone!
/turns off the lights

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