TRPG General Chat

Main chat room for tabletop role-playing games. Anyone can ask for a conversation to be moved to Here There Be Dragons (or another room) at any time:
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Dec 30, 2021 03:26
@doppelgreener And for that to be meaningful, "other games" can't just be D&D-likes such as Pathfinder, 13th Age, Dungeon World. We need diversity of experience and perspective. won't change if its users only think of "other games" in terms of deviation from D&D, and have never heard of design spaces like SWORDDREAM, No Dice No Masters, Forged in the Dark, Belonging Outside Belonging, or Rooted in Trophy.
Feb 19, 2020 01:56
@MarkWells "Et tu?" is just a corrupt record? It was actually "A two!?" Because Caesar rolled a 2 on his DEX save.
Jun 6, 2023 23:38
The bulletin's back!
Jan 24, 2024 17:10
Q: 2023: a year in moderation

JNat It’s that time of the year again! As we wave goodbye to last year and welcome the new one, we have a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the preceding calendar year. As most of you here might be aware, sites on the Stack Exchange network are moderated somewhat differently to other sites on...

Nov 23, 2022 22:54
@ThomasMarkov I still have no idea where my manners are. Where are people looking for theirs?
Jun 5, 2023 08:45
Q: Moderation strike: Stack Overflow, Inc. cannot consistently ignore, mistreat, and malign its volunteers

Mithical Introduction As of today, June 5th, 2023, a large number of moderators, curators, contributors, and users from around Stack Overflow and the Stack Exchange network are initiating a general moderation strike. This strike is in protest of recent and upcoming changes to policy and the platform that...

Nov 21, 2022 20:27
As is ever the case, scheduling RL games has a DC of 30+ ... sometimes.
May 27, 2022 04:05
"The GM can fix it" still means it was broken.
Jun 1, 2023 12:28
For other readers coming along: the SE Code of Conduct was invoked and has been changed a few times in recent years--if you haven't taken a look since you first joined, it may be worth two minutes to skim. I will point out that nothing in that document or the voting-meta that it links to mentions an expectation of commenting on downvotes, as was asserted above.
May 23, 2022 01:23
Update: grandma liked the pesto
Nov 13, 2022 20:16
I thought some here would appreciate this: I ran some RFS recently and both players failed rolls to calm down some bystanders. Both then took some variation of Cause Panic, and those skills were used to panic the evil minions into abandoning post :D
Dec 9, 2021 02:44
Don't beat yourself up about having stayed within the boundaries drawn for you; you were never supposed to notice they existed.
Jan 17, 2020 18:08
y'all are the best
May 10, 2022 03:14
How to test for "unconscious": hit with axe. If they don't wake up, it's not sleep
Nov 25, 2021 17:33
Happy Thanksgiving, givers of thanks!!!
Nov 21, 2021 03:11
The Strix wrote a twitter thread about "a concept of player agency that every GM needs to know: VOLITIONAL CHOICE."
Jun 18, 2021 18:14
@GcL "This is true because shows work" is great for all stacks.
May 14, 2023 19:35
posted on May 14, 2023 by bankuei

This is a superlong video but it covers so MANY good points; “sedimentation” or what game mechanics/expectations people already come to the table with, cultural capital – whose ideas are wide spread and assumed knowledge, emotional footprint – how much of a potential emotionally fraught experience will the game be. It feels like this presentation […]

Aug 13, 2018 19:46
@ColinGross The DC of scheduling a regular D&D game for 4 adults is "Impossible", +5 per additional adult
Aug 2, 2019 14:17
@vicky_molokh All right, I see my 5e RPG proposition was met with some people roping me into TTRPG writing, and the kickstarter has gathered the required 5 stars and almost reached the 10-star stretch goal. So now it's finally published for the star-backers.
Oct 19, 2022 21:12
We had a recent meta tag disc., should the die as well?
May 8, 2023 06:41
@Someone_Evil It’s that community check-in time of year.
May 7, 2023 13:47
Sunrise & Sunset by BESW. A tool for calibration and reflection: questions to ask before we begin and before we part ways
May 19, 2021 14:44
Please remember that we accept a plethora of playstyles here and we all enjoy different games differently. We can all talk about the things we love, but focusing on what's wrong with a system and denigrating a system someone may really like isn't necessary. We can have discussions about problems within a system, but crossing over into badwrongfun is a blurry line. Just please be aware that your statements about another system you dislike may impact someone's enjoyment of it.
Jan 2, 2024 22:02
@NobodytheHobgoblin And also with you.
May 18, 2021 15:54
Please only use flags to indicate that a message is spam or is something an average person would consider to have malicious intent, be offensive, or be harmful. Disagreements will happen and if you want to stop discussing/debating/arguing with another user, withdrawing from the conversation is the best action. I've noticed a high amount of invalid flags here. Not going to call out any users.
Apr 7, 2022 17:36
From MSE: How might the Staging Ground & the new Ask Wizard work on the Stack Exchange network? Check out the linked posts and share your feedback.
Jul 25, 2020 00:29
Looking for playtests over the next week: Walkies with Grim by BESW. Please give feedback in doc comments, here in chat, or on Discord if you know me there.
Apr 30, 2023 02:12
The Guides of Mechafauna Valley (early access) by BESW. A roleplaying game about co-existing with a prehistoric technofuture
May 10, 2021 17:10
Yes, your fonts did change, the changes are detailed here! This meta post offers a user script to revert these font changes.
Dec 3, 2020 19:11
I haven't dropped the news yet here btw, but I'm now officially FINALLY a Master of Science
Feb 25, 2020 11:45
@doppelgreener that sounds like a... Bag of Schröding
Jul 7, 2020 07:09
"Wizards of the Coast Freelancer Quits Due to Hostile Work Environment," article by Stubby the Rocket. Also references the statements by Lawrence Harmon and Zaiem Beg.
Sep 26, 2022 20:17
I locked it because you were reapplying an edit you'd been told not make, and we're not interested in edit wars
Feb 19, 2020 17:10
user image
Jul 6, 2020 12:44
Yeah, it's okay to like flawed stuff; otherwise we wouldn't be allowed to like anything because humans are all exceedingly messy. It's what we do with the liking, how our expression of it can improve the world or fail to do so, that's the big reflection.
Apr 27, 2021 02:48
Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator A free open source web application for generating interactive and customizable maps.
Dec 27, 2023 02:49
Because middle of the dungeon level ups where the warlock says “oh I’m also a Paladin now” make zero sense when the character has done no engagement with the divine before hand.
Oct 3, 2021 00:48
"The TTRPG Charity Bundle for Afghan Support is live! Until the end of October, you can get 73 RPG products in a whole swathe of genres and systems for a mere $20 and support vulnerable people in Afghanistan!" (From Twitter)
Sep 23, 2022 05:49
That's about 13.6 punches.
Mar 18, 2022 15:46
I think there's a cart and horse problem here. D&D classes are generally packages of mechanics relevant to combat and exploration. Fluff and narrative stuff is mostly interchangeable. It may be more useful to consider what you want the character to do, or maybe browse existing options and see what seems fun to play. Then add the fluff afterward.
Apr 17, 2023 12:17
But back when FaceBook was still just a creepy stalking site for university students, I already couldn't find any D&D forum that wasn't okay with regular displays of intolerance, bigotry, and general hostility so long as it masqueraded as "jokes" and "room culture" and avoided specific words (and that would harass users who spoke up about it).
Mar 13, 2022 05:08
Apr 13, 2023 16:43
As for how to run it, I've been letting players decide how much control they think they have and letting their choices dictate with Dominate
Apr 13, 2023 11:54
Project Bezoar by BESW. A solo game about helping people in the wake of Unusual Tragedies
Mar 8, 2022 13:14
I just bought two itch bundles - Bundle for Ukraine is HUGE and has video & tabletop: TTRPG bundle has less, but more focused. Some overlap, but good cause.
Sep 15, 2021 00:13
And I'm going to follow that up with a polite request. Please don't make a habit of double checking and following up on mod actions. We take action where necessary to the best of our judgement. Please trust that if I do something I had a good reason. I'll try to be as transparent as I can, but having to explain or justify everything I do doubles the workload of mod activities.
Jun 8, 2020 05:43
This list of TTRPGs in the Racial Justice & Equality bundle HAS PAGE NUMBERS.
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